And Then There Were Three Rated PG

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And Then There Were Three Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

This is another story that I did before on Moonlight fans. I'm trying to remember as much as I can.

And Then There Were Three
By Ella713 Rated PG

Chapter I
Mick woke up suddenly noticing that Beth wasn’t lying next to him. He found her huddled over the toilet…throwing up! Mick immediately kneeled by her side.
“Beth! Honey, what’s wrong?” he asked. Beth looked up at him between convulsions.
“Mick I think something’s wrong” she croaked out and held her head back down.
Something was wrong. Very wrong. Vampires never got sick and they certainly never threw up. He ran to get his phone. Maybe Josef would know. Punching in Josef number he waited.
“Kostan” he said
“Josef, is there any reason why a vampire would begin to throw up?”
“Sure. If Superman did that time reversal thing and they were human again” he joked.
“Josef, Beth is throwing up. She’s throwing up blood”. Mick said anxiously.
“Call the Specialist” he said firmly.

The Specialist was an ancient vampire who was a doctor in mediaeval times before he was turned. He was who you called when something could not be explained and a vampire throwing up is definitely something that could not be explained.
Mick made the call and then made Beth lie down while he waited. There was a knock at the door and Mick was glad to see that it was Josef and Sarah.
“How is she?” Sarah asked with concern.
“She’s lying down right now. She seems to be a bit better, but I’ve never seen anything like that. Well maybe in college, but definitely not lately”. Josef came up behind him and placed his hand on his shoulder.
“Come on man, sit down. The Specialist will know what to do”. They all sat down and waited impatiently.

The Specialist (no one knew his given name) arrived. Other than the members of Counsel, he was oldest vampire on the West Coast. He stood a little under 7feet tall with long gray hair that was pulled back into a ponytail that hung down his back. Even in the blistering heat of L.A. he was dressed in a long black coat and a black fedora.
“Where is the patient?” he asked in a slightly foreign tongue. Mick stood up and led him upstairs to the bedroom. “You will need to wait for me downstairs” he said and gently shut the door behind him.

Mick paced for what seemed like hours with Josef and Sarah trying to calm him down.
“Mick, The Specialist is the best we’ve got. I’ve seen him work before. He will find out what’s wrong with her” Josef said trying to reassure his friend. They all turned when they heard The Specialist climb down the stairs.
“Mr. St. John. Your wife is pregnant” he said. Mick opened his eyes wide in surprise.
“What?! But she’s a vampire…….I’m a vampire! We can’t procreate!” Mick said in shock.
“Under normal circumstances that would be correct. But your wife is newly turned and there is no decomposition upon her as of yet. I believe that for all intents and purposes she is still in between the transformation phase. But rest assured this has happened before. A vampire female from the Ukraine gave birth in the early 1700’s. Although rare it has happened.” He pulled some herbs out of his medicine bag and placed them in a small pouch. “Vampire children grow at an alarming rate. If my memory serves, the woman from the Ukraine delivered full term in about 8 weeks”

Josef and Sarah stood next to Mick unable to believe what they were hearing.
“Well it looks like you and Beth did re-write the laws of vampire love” Josef said.
The Specialist handed the herbs to Mick.
“You must administer these herbs to her twice a day. It will stop her nausea. And she will have to be kept in a medical facility until the birth of the child.” Mick looked up sharply.
“Wait! What for? Why would that be necessary?” Mick asked in surprise. The Specialist looked carefully at Mick.
“The child must be taken at birth and housed away from humans Mr. St. John. The Counsel will contact you shortly” he said and slowly vanished before Mick could ask anymore questions.
“What the hell does that mean? He’s not taking our child!” Mick shouted. Josef stepped in front of Mick.
“Mick. They have to. You know what newbies are like. Unparalleled strength and unparalleled thirst. And all of that in the form of a baby! The Counsel will not take a chance like that. Secrecy is the only thing saving us. I remember the story of the woman from the Ukraine. Her child was returned to her after it was taught how to adapt.” Josef explained.
“A father? Josef, I’m going to be a father!” Mick said as Josef and Sarah hugged him tightly.
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Re: And Then There Were Three Rated PG

Post by francis »

A vampire baby - that's exciting! Beth and Mick didn't use birth control huh, they didn't think they would need it. :snicker:
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Re: And Then There Were Three Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

After Josef and Sarah left Mick walked upstairs to check on Beth. He imagined them together holding their little baby, taking him or her to the park, throwing their first birthday party. Then he realized that could never happen. Who knows when they would see their child? When it was 5 years old? 10 years old? What was Beth going to say?

Beth finally woke up sometime after 8pm. She went downstairs to look for Mick. When she couldn’t find him, she decided that he was probably hard at work on some case. She opened the fridge to take out some blood and found she had no appetite for it! How could that be? She thought to herself. Usually upon waking was when she had the most incredible thirst. Well Mick did say that vampires require less blood the older they became. And although she was only 3 weeks young, she was older than before. She could wait. Pulling out her laptop she answered emails and returned a few calls to her contacts and to her boss. After a while she decided to watch television. Bruce Springsteen was right, “57 channels and nothing on”.
Mick walked in carrying a bunch of packages. He dropped everything when he saw Beth sitting on the sofa.
“Hey babe, how do you feel?” he asked sitting down next to her.
“I feel fine. I would say it was a 24 hour bug or something but I know that can’t be true”.
“Beth. We need to talk”. Mick said seriously. “I don’t know if you remember this morning, but you were pretty sick. Throwing up”
Beth stared at Mick. She really didn’t know what he talking about, but he looked so serious in what he was saying that she knew it was true.
“You were throwing up large amounts of blood. I had to call The Specialist. He’s a very ancient vampire doctor……Beth, he said you’re pregnant” Beth looked up at Mick with anger in her eyes.
“Mick that’s not funny! Don’t even joke about something like that! Why would say that?” Mick grabbed her by the shoulders to make her listen to what he was saying.
“Honey! It’s true. It’s rare but it’s happened before. The Specialist was present for the other birth”. Beth stopped squirming and simply went limp in Mick’s arms.
“I’m pregnant? With child?” she asked incredulously.
“Well a vampire child, but yes” he said with wide grim. Slowly Beth began to smile. Then laugh. Then scream!
“I’m going to have a baby! Our baby! Oh my God!!” she screamed and hugged Mick as hard as he could. She began to kiss him all over his face. Mick smoothed back her silky hair and looked into her eyes.
“Beth, there’s one more thing. After the baby is born, it has to be taken away for a while…”
“What?! Why?”
“Beth, remember what you did to Ellis? Now think about a newborn infant dong that exact same thing. It has to done. Babies can’t be reason with. A baby won’t understand. It will act purely on instinct. The Counsel won’t take that chance?” Mick said
“But it will be returned to us right?” she asked anxiously.
“Yes. Our baby will be returned to us. But let’s cross that bridge when we come to it. Is there anything I can get for you? Anything at all?’
“A bacon double cheeseburger with the works sound great right now!”
“Excuse me?” Mick said
“With large onion rings and coffee milkshake” Beth said while absently rubbing her stomach which already show a small baby bump.
“Beth, you do know you don’t eat. Food I mean”
“Mick believe me blood just doesn’t sound as appetizing as it did two days ago.” Mick continued to stare at his wife, but decided to go on and get the food items she wanted even if just to see if she could eat. On his way he called Josef.
“Mick! How’s it going papa?”
“Beth is craving cheeseburgers. That’s how it going. You know there’s a part of me that wants to believe that we are just a normal married couple who’s going to have a baby, but the other part, the realistic part is worried.”
“Well, I’ll tell you what. I’ll call Balthazar. He’s worked with Counsel for a number of years. I’ll see what he can find out about the Ukrainian woman’s symptoms and birth. But in the meantime, get Beth what she wants. She knows what her body wants more than you. Oh and Sarah wants me to invite you both to dinner tomorrow”

“Well, Beth says she’s feeling better so yeah we’ll be there” Mick said and hung up. And for the 100th time today he thought about being a dad.

The Specialist started to make plans. He had waited over 300 years for this. Another vampire pregnancy! His experiments had been delayed the first time because Oxanna had actually given birth to a human baby which served no purpose whatsoever. But a vampire baby! The blood of a vampire baby would give him and Counsel unlimited power! They would hold the vampire world in one hand and the human world in the other! No matter what it took, he would have this baby.

Mick walked though the door and Beth shouted with glee. She grabbed the bags and immediately dove right in.
“Oh my God Mick!” she said wiping her mouth with a napkin. “This is so just what I needed!” Mick simply watched in astonishment.

Balthazar Artoli was one of the Ancients. Over 900 years old he had worked for The Counsel for most of his life. His was a prominent family and had intended for him to become a monk, but that all of that changed one fateful night. He knew that he could never go back to his family and risk their lives and reputation. So he disappeared only to return to his home in Italy after every member of his family had passed on. From that moment on he had devoted himself to the church in spite of what he was. He became well-known throughout Europe. No one ever knew what he was, taking his word for his absence during the daylight as time for silent meditation and prayer. While traveling to Rome to meet with the Pope himself was when he met Bromfield. A creature like himself who had been turned during the time of Cleopatra. Having met so very few of his kind, Balthazar had placed himself in the service of The Counsel and here he had been every since.
After Josef’s phone call, Balthazar had traced the information he had requested and so much more. But he could not leave to deliver the information. Bromfield would most certainly notice. He’d send someone else in his place.

Mick could not believe his eyes. Beth looked even bigger today. She was wearing one of his shirts and a pair of his jeans rolled up at the ankles. She looked positively adorable.
“Why don’t you say we go out and get you some proper maternity clothes? Surely you don’t want to spend your whole pregnancy in my clothes?”
“Don’t you like me in your clothes?” she asked teasingly.
“Babe, I like you out of my clothes!” Mick said and engulfed her in a huge hug. “Come on let’s get you something nice. You know Sarah will be appalled if you show up for dinner wearing that”.
“Okay. Let’s go, but you know how I feel about shopping?”
“That’s why I love you!”

Mick and Beth spent a large part of day gong from store to store by things for the baby. And when all was said and done by the end of their shopping spree that had purchased maternity clothes for Beth, a crib, bottles, blankets, and an assortment of toys. Hauling their treasures away, they were unaware of The Specialist watching their every move.

They showed up at Josef place at 7pm. Sarah looking like some ethereal movie star from the silent era, glided towards them with arms open wide.
“Oh! There you are! Beth you are positively glowing! Sit down both of you! Beth I made you some hors• d'oeuvres! Its been so long since I’ve cooked anything but I used to be really good at it. But of course, if it’s horrible you must ell me!” Sarah said as she laid a platter of what looked like crabmeat with little mushroom caps on top and an assortment of cheeses,
Beth sampled everything with gusto! She never thought she would eat food ever again and as she knew this just temporary, she decided she was going to enjoy it while she could.
“Where’s Josef?” Mick said noticing that Josef wasn’t around.
“He is in his office with an old friend. He will be out in a moment” Sarah said. After a few more minutes Josef came out with a young man of perhaps 20 years or so.
“Thank you for coming Julian and thank you for the information” Josef said shaking the man’s hand. The young man bowed slightly and turned to leave.
“Beth! Wow! You really are pregnant!” Josef said and leaned down to give her kiss on the cheek. “I have to talk to Mick for a moment. We’ll be right back” he said leading Mick into his office and shutting the door.
“Mick we have a serious situation.” Josef said.
“What is it?”
“That was Julian Corsovo. He works for Balthazar who works for Counsel. The Specialist wasn’t exactly honest about the Ukrainian woman. The Counsel ordered The Specialist to hold the woman captive until the baby was born”
“Why would they do?’ Mick asked becoming frightened for the first time.
“Apparently the blood of a newborn vampire baby holds some kind of miracle properties for vampires. Makes them even more powerful. In any case her baby was born human. So the counsel had them both killed. Balthazar fears the same fate will come to Beth” Josef said with his head down.
“Son a bitch! Can they do that?” Mick asked
“Mick. Its Counsel. They can and will do whatever they please. I have to get you and Beth out of here pronto. I’m going to fly you two out of the country for a while” Josef said.
“Wait, Josef we can’t just up and leave like this, we’re not packed?...” Mick was saying.
“Don’t worry. Isabelle is at your place right now packing for you both. Mick, you need to let me handle this” Josef said.

Josef was going through his desk drawers. He pulled out an envelope.
“You and Beth are going to Vienna. You will be staying with Helmut
Bolckei. He’s a friend of mine and an Ancient. Do what he tells you to do and whatever you do don’t leave his estate! Make sure you give this to him when you get there. Now you might want to go tell Beth.” Mick nodded his head and left Josef’s office. Josef received a text message which he knew was from Isabelle. They were ready. He stepped out the office and saw both Beth and Sarah in tears hugging each other.
“Isabelle is here. She’s going to fly with you to Vienna and make sure you arrive safely” Mick walked up to Josef.
“Thanks brother” he managed to get out. Josef nodded.
“Wait for my call” Josef said and gave them both a hug. Isabelle came into the apartment with three men from her team.
“We are ready Josef. There is no trail” she said. “But we must leave now” she said urgently.
After they had left Sarah grabbed Josef’s hand.
“Tell me they will be alright?” she demanded. Josef turned to face his wife.
“I swear to you they will be alright” he said

The Specialist sniffed the air. He could no longer follow St. John’s trail. Their apartment had been neat as a pin but clothing was missing. They had left but where? If someone had tipped them off then they were on the run. He would have to speak with Counsel. St. John and his wife must be found!

Beth was asleep on Mick shoulders as they flew on Josef’s private plane. Mick studied the cleaner. She sat erect in her seat and her eyes straight ahead. With out turning to face him she said
“You wish to ask me something?” Mick was flustered. It was as if she could read his mind.
“Yeah. Why are helping us?” he asked.
“Because Josef asked me. It is that simple. You are very important to him which means you are very important to me” She turned to face him.
“You wish to know why it is that way?”
“Yes” Mick said.
“I love him. I have loved him since I first happened upon him near my parent’s home outside Vienna. In those days killing vampires was an everyday occurrence. Not like today. Josef had been on the run for many days and was growing weak. I led the hunters astray so that he could be saved” she explained.
“But he turned you”. Mick said
“He had not fed in many days” she said simply.
“And you have been near him all this time? Isabelle, you could have done anything, gone anywhere?”
“My place will always be with him” she said and turned away from him.
Mick could tell that conversation was over.

Josef was in his office the next day getting everything prepared for his departure. He knew an elder was approaching. He turned in time to see The Specialist make his way through his office door. Josef made a slight bow to show respect.
“How can I help you” Josef said. The Specialist took off his sunglasses and looked at Josef.
“It seems that your friends are missing. I was hoping you would know where they are”. He said.
“I’m sorry, I had no idea they were gone. I saw them last night and they said nothing to me about leaving.” Josef said.
“Do you have any information at all Mr. Kostan. I fear that Mrs. St. John may be in trouble. I took a sample of her blood and ran some tests on it. There is something abnormal in her blood. I fear that this abnormality may cause harm to her child” he lied. Josef paced around his office.
“I gave them a cabin in Yosemite as a wedding gift. Maybe they went there”
The Specialist bowed his head.
“Thank you so much Mr. Kostan. Trust me your friends will be safe with me” he said before vanishing out of site. Josef rolled his eyes.
“Lying old bastard” Josef mumbled.

Mick and Beth landed in Vienna. Isabelle loaded them into a very swank Mercedes and they sped off along the countryside.
“What can you tell me about this Helmut?” Mick asked
“There are two fractions of Counsel. There was a time when Vienna held the only Counsel ruled by Ansgar. Bromfield and he often clashed. Bromfield left for the new world to rule on his own. However a truce was made. Neither Counsel could come into the territory of the other. Helmut is the Messenger for The Counsel of Vienna and a very good friend of Josef’s. You both will be very safe.” She said over her shoulder.

Mick was amazed. Very much like Beth he was a newbie vampire as well. There was so much about vampire politics he simply did not know. And now he was getting a crash course.
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Re: And Then There Were Three Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Isabelle pulled onto a road that led to a magnificent estate surrounded by lush gardens and trees. They were met by a large portly man perhaps 50-60 years old.
“Welcome! Welcome!” he said in a cheerful voice as he came towards them all. “Isabelle! Darling! You are looking as beautiful as ever” he said giving her a kiss on both cheeks. Isabelle stiffened under his touch. Helmut looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes.
“This one” he said pointing at Isabelle. “She is not fond of the touching!” he said and laughed out loud. “You must be Mick and Beth. Josef has told me of your situation. Come, come inside. You must be tired after your flight” he said ushering them indoors. He turned towards Isabelle.
“No Helmut. I must return to Los Angeles. But Josef will call you with further instructions.” She said and quickly turned around and got into the car.
“She is strange that one. She will never stray far from Kostan’s side for very long” He said with a knowing smile.

Helmut led them into a spacious living room and had a servant bring them drinks. Looking at Beth he asked.
“How are you feeling my dear?” his eyes full of fatherly concern
“I fell fine. In fact I’ve never felt better” she said. Mick sat forward
“What can you tell us about Bromfield and why he wants out child? Josef told us a little but it just sounds so unbelievable”
Helmut sat back in his chair.
“Christov Bromfield. Never have I seen anyone more cunning and Machiavellian in all my years. In the days of the one true Counsel, Bromfield pitted vampire against vampire with deceit and treachery to get his own way. In the end he was banished to the New World but not before a truce was composed that he would never step foot in Europe again”
“You say he pitted vampires against each other. What did he do?”
“Christov is an ancient from the bloodline of Cleopatra. That bloodline is obsessed with magic and potions and blood. They believed that if a vampire baby could be born then that child would hold the power to destroy all the ancients. Leaving only Bromfield to conquer. Not just the New World, but all worlds. Your baby is the key that he seeks to condemn all that do not agree with his rule”
Mick shook his head sadly as Beth sat in a state of disbelief. What should have been the happiest time in their lives had now turned into a nightmare.

The next day Josef felt a little better. He had sent Sarah away to stay with friends until this whole situation was taken care of. He did want to take the chance that The Specialist would harm her in exchange for Josef’s compliance. He could hardly focus on his work so he decided to call it an evening. He was on his way out the office door when Isabelle appeared.
Josef always admired Isabelle straight forward demeanor and natural calm.
“Would you like to come to my place to talk?” she asked.
“Sure Isabelle” Josef said and they made their way to the elevators. Josef dared not speak he knew that Isabelle inviting him to her place meant that it was dangerous for them to speak freely. Something had been compromised in this office.

Cleaners were all part of the Nosferatu bloodlines. They were highly secretive of their lairs and no one ever knew where they took their rest. Not even those they trusted most.
Josef left his car and rode with Isabelle. They drove for sometime until reaching Laurel Canyon. Isabelle’s lair was hidden behind a side of the mountain bank most likely first inhabited by the Tongva tribe. She parked her car and after cursory sweep she led Josef inside. Josef sat down and she brought him a glass of blood.
“Mick and Beth are safe. Helmut is awaiting your instructions” she said.
“What about their trail?”
“I had my men plant their trail at the cabin then on further towards Baja. The Specialist will be unable to track anything in the desert. However, he has assembled a team of cleaners to track them. And I was requested to head that team” she said.
“Do you think he suspects anything?” Josef asked.
“No. My men are very good. But The Counsel will not be able to spare me”
“Why not?” Josef asked.
“You will see Josef” Josef sat his glass down and walked towards the cleaner.
“Isabelle again, you have been more helpful than I could’ve ever imagined. I know that you don’t have a close relationship with Mick..but..”
“Shh. Josef. He is a friend to you. That is all I need know.” She said. Things were always so simple for Isabelle. There was never a gray area or any conflict. Something either was or was not. But here Josef stood conflicted as he stared into her cool blue eyes, wanting desperately to kiss her.
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Re: And Then There Were Three Rated PG

Post by Lucy »

Ahh.....I realize RL looms. You've tantalized us ...and I await more!
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Re: And Then There Were Three Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Feeling like a magnet was pulling him towards her, Josef took her into his arms and kissed her deeply. Isabelle returned Josef’s kiss with all the love that was flowing through her body. She had loved Josef for over 300 years and finally he was kissing her. Her hands found their way to his tie and begin to slowly take it off, followed by his jacket and then his shirt. Feeling the cold marble hardness of his chest Isabelle lost control and pulled her own black dress over her head in one swift move. There she stood in front of him naked apart from a pair of black high heeled leather boots.
Josef could not stop staring at the beautiful woman who stood before him as if seeing her for the very first time. He discarded the remainder of his clothing and took her in his arms once again and together they fell onto the sofa.

Beth was sleeping again and Mick was getting very worried. Helmut came up behind him.
“Do not worry my friend. This is normal. I was present for most of Oxanna’s pregnancy before Counsel had her removed. I believe she slept close to 16 hours a day. Your wife will be fine” he said reassuringly. Mick wanted nothing more than to believe him.

Josef and Isabelle lay next to one another each with their own thoughts when her phone began to ring. Isabelle sat up quickly.
“Location” she said. After a few moments she hung up and began to get dressed.
“Am I not to know what that was about?” he said as he watched her put back on her clothing and thinking it was saddest sight her had ever seen.
“Someone has created half dozen rogues and they are now on the loose in Carmel. Quite careless wouldn’t you say?” She tossed Josef her keys.
“Take my car. I have another. Lock up.” And after kissing him passionately on the lips she was gone.
Josef chuckled to himself. Isabelle was amazing. She purposely created the rogues so that Counsel couldn’t use her in their efforts to find Mick and Beth.
“Well played Isabelle” he said as he began to get dressed.

The Specialist was losing his patience. The St. Johns had been missing for two weeks and he and cleaners had found nothing. In spite of employing the talents of every cleaner in L.A. with exception of Isabelle they were no closer to finding the St. Johns than they were before. Something was remiss.
He wondered if Josef Kostan had told him the truth. Perhaps it was time to investigate Kostan. He was after all the best friend of Mick St. John. Maybe as always the correct answer was also the easiest answer.

Mick stared at Beth as she sat in the sun eating what appeared to be bacon, eggs, potatoes, fruit and muffins. Helmut joined him at window.
“Amazing is it not? And look how large she has become in such a short time.” He said.
“The Specialist said that the Ukrainian woman and given birth at 8 weeks. Beth is only 4 weeks.”
“These things happen when they are meant to” Helmut said and walked away. Mick heard the phone ring somewhere in the house. Helmut’s butler came over to him.
“Mr. Kostan’s on the line for you” Mick rushed to take the call
“Josef!” Mick said.
“Mick, how are you and Beth doing?”
“We’re fine. Beth is getting really big and going to little stir crazy”
“Don’t worry. Isabelle and I are handling things here. Trust me, be glad you’re in Europe. Things are about to get hairy.”
“Listen Josef, don’t try and be a hero okay” Mick said with brotherly concern.
“Come on Mick, I told you I’m a lover not a fighter”
“Okay lover boy. Get here as soon as you can” Mick said and hung up. He put on a pair of sunglasses and went to join his wife on the veranda.

Isabelle had spent the rest of the week killing the rogues she had created, but she managed to destroy them all. She thought about her time with Josef and felt her desire flame within her. As she pulled up to her lair she knew immediately that someone was there. And she knew exactly who it was. She slowly opened the door and closed it behind her.
“What do you want?” she asked. The Specialist appeared before her.
“Isabelle, you must excuse me for coming to your home, but it is of the utmost importance that we speak. We can still not find St. John or his wife. You are the best that we have. Please help us.” He begged.
“I don’t know what help you think I can give”
“Where do you think we should look?” he asked. Isabelle looked at The Specialist for a long while.
“I do not believe that they escaped by plane. That would be too easy to verify. Most likely they went by some untraceable means. His car or a stolen car. Perhaps even by taxi. Mick St. John is not without means. That is where I would start.” The Specialist gave Isabelle a broad grin.
“Of course! That never occurred to me. Thank you Isabelle!” he said as he walked out of with a slight bow. Isabelle pulled out her emergency mobile and punched in a number. She could be completely relocated within the hour.

Josef tried calling Isabelle but there was no answer. He was starting to become worried. He had no doubts about the cleaner’s ability to defend herself but The Counsel had power they could never even hope to possess.
After the fifth time trying to call her and getting no answer, in anger he threw the cell phone against the wall.
“You go through too many cell phones as it is Josef” he heard a voice say behind him. Relief washed over Josef as he walked towards Isabelle.
“I’m sorry, I was worried.” He said with a shrug.
“Don’t be. But we must leave Josef. The Specialist grows weary and suspicious. We’ve not much time.” She said. Josef got up and grabbed his bags, locked up his penthouse and went out with Isabelle. As Josef walked towards his car Isabelle pulled him away.
“No Josef. That will be not safe. We have a driver” she said as she pointed across the street. Before they got into the car Josef gave her one long hard kiss. They got into the car quickly. Josef had the feeling that they were being watched.

The Specialist knew they were being led on a wild goose chase. Isabelle has deceived him he thought in anger. But of course! Josef Kostan was her sire. She would never do anything against him or his friends! How could he have forgotten? There was nothing to do now but alert Bromfield of the situation.

Balthazar was very nervous as he approached the door. But it opened before he could knock. A tall fair haired vampire stared at him.
“Balthazar. Please follow me” Balthazar followed the other vamp down a long corridor until they reached a door at the end.
“Please go in. Ansgar awaits you” the vamp said and turned away.
He walked through the door and was meet by the Vienna Counsel. These were the true Ancients. Born since the beginning of time itself. There were five of them total. They all rose to greet him.
“Welcome Balthazar. We are told that you come with news?” Ansgar asked in a quiet voice.
“Yes. These are the documents that Josef wished you to see” he said nervously as he placed the documents in his hands. Ansgar read quietly and the others nodded their heads as if they knew and understood although he told them nothing. Balthazar then realized that they were all linked telepathically.
“Were did you find these papers?” Ansgar asked.
“They were in the laboratory of The Specialist” The Ancients all nodded in
“You have done well Balthazar. Please have a seat and excuse us for a moment. The Ancients vanished before his eyes. Balthazar closed his eyes and kissed his rosary beads. He knew that he had pleased God.

Mick and Beth sat in front of the fireplace in each other’s arms. Mick was silently rubbing her stomach and day dreaming about the birth of their child.
Beth looked up at him.
“I think I like the name Gabriel” she said.
“Gabriel Josef St. John” Mick said.
Beth smiled
“I like it a lot” she said falling back into his arms.

The Specialist stood in front of The Counsel.
“It appears that Mick St. John and his wife have fled with the help of Josef Kostan and the cleaner Isabelle. Kostan’s private plane was missing for three nights and the flight manifest from customs reads that it flew to and from Vienna”. He said.
Salina another member of Counsel turned to Bromfield
“They have involved Ansgar! We must do something!” she shouted.
“We will do nothing!” Bromfield shouted back. “They will not dare break the truce. But Specialist, I give you leave to kill Kostan and the cleaner for their betrayal” The Specialist bowed his head and left with a smile.
Kostan would die first. Then he would fly to Vienna and kill St. John. For The Specialist knew that he was not a member of Counsel so he could fly where ever he damn well pleased!

Josef tried to relax on the flight to Vienna but could not. He had tried his friends in Sweden where he had sent Sarah to stay but was told that she had left after a week and had flown back to L.A! Why did she just not stay put until he sent for her? Isabelle sensed his anger.
“What is it Josef?” she asked. Josef took a deep breath.
“Isabelle we need to talk” he said. Isabelle remained still and braced herself for bad news that was to come. She knew in her heart that Josef loved Sarah. So she would have no hard feelings.
“Isabelle I want to explain something…” Isabelle stopped him.
“Josef, do not worry. I know. You love Sarah. You have loved her for a very long time. For many years you hoped and prayed that she would awaken. I would not rob you of that. Ever.”
“Isabelle, you don’t understand. I was a different man when I fell in love with Sarah. It had been 50 years since I lost her. I changed over all that time, she didn’t. Never once did I think about that. But the man that I am now wants you Isabelle. And only you. Isabelle looked deeply into Josef’s eyes and for the first time in her whole life, she cried.

The Specialist creped around Josef’s building. He spied his car in the garage and the lights in his penthouse were on. He spied Isabelle’s car across the street as well. Well this was too perfect. He carefully placed the bombs first on Josef’s car and then on Isabelle’s. Either way he would get them both. Then he would catch his flight to Vienna. He heard the elevator start to move. He sped to his own vehicle a block away then he waited. The explosion ripped through the garage and damaging most of the upper floor.
The Specialist slowly began to drive away.
“Got you Kostan!” he said to himself.

Ansgar and the other Ancients landed in Los Angeles. To mortals they looked pretty much like any other group of European tourists, but to the small number of vamps working at the airport in various lines of work, from the ticket agent to the woman who ran the newspaper stand, they knew exactly who and what they were. It was Rutgar who noticed the smell of The Specialist as he made his way through security. He summoned a ticket agent to his side.
“Detain him” Rutgar whispered. The ticket agent took two airport security men with him and escorted The Specialist to a waiting room.

These idiots were going to make him miss his flight The Specialist thought to himself as he paced inside the room. Suddenly the door opened and he immediately knew that his fate had been sealed. And then he was no more.

Bromfield grew weary of waiting to hear back from The Specialist. He would have to send one of his own men to Vienna to retrieve the woman.
He was just about to assemble the others when he felt them! All of them!
No! This could not be! They had broken the truce! The door burst open and all five of the Ancients stood before him. Bromfield looked around for Salina and Antonio.
“They are no more” Ansgar said softly. “Bromfield you stand guilty of treason against the Ancients. Treason punishable by death. So say yee?” he asked of the others.
“Guilty” they all replied. Bromfield knew that it was over.
“Come and kneel” Ansgar commanded. Bromfield did as he was told. And with one swift motion Bromfield’s head was gone.

Josef and Isabelle arrived at Helmut’s estate. Mick came rushing out followed by a waddling Beth.
“You don’t know how glad I am to see you” Mick said hugging his friend.
Josef looked over at Beth.
“Okay, you’re bigger than I expected!” he said in surprise as he leaned over to try and hug her but settled for a kiss on the cheek. “Josef please tell us we can come home” she said.
“I don’t know yet. We were told to wait her for word” he said as they all made their way into the house. Helmut came out.
“Josef. It is done. Bromfield and his Counsel are no more. As is The Specialist”. Josef looked at him in surprise
“Helmut that is good news if I’m not mistaken” he joked.
“I have some bad news. It is about Sarah. I’m afraid she has been destroyed.”

Josef looked up in shock!
“How did it happen?!” he screamed. “Damn it! Tell me!” Helmut held his head down.
“She came back early from Sweden for some reason. You had left your car in the garage. She was going drive your car to airport and fly here to meet you. Bromfield had both your car and Isabelle’s rigged to blow. I am sorry my friend. The Ancients said there is nothing left.”
Josef tried to hold back the tears but was unable to. He knew now that the eyes he felt watching him as they left L.A. were Sarah’s. She saw him and Isabelle together! He turned away from them and walked towards the gardens. Mick went to follow him but Helmut stopped him.
“You must let him grieve” he said as they all made their way into the house.
“So Helmut, what will happen now that Counsel is out of the way?”
“Who knows. I am sure that Ansgar will elect someone to be in charge as time goes on” Beth sat down slowly.
“Well I hope you don’t think that I haven’t liked being here Helmut, but I ……”
Beth stopped in mid sentence and then screamed out in pain. Mick ran to her side.
“Babe! What is it?!!” Helmut placed his hands on her stomach.
“I’m afraid that it is time Mr. St. John” Isabelle ran out into the gardens to get Josef. He was sitting in the rose garden with his head held down.
Isabelle slowly approached him.
“Do not do this to yourself Josef Kostan! The Specialist alone is responsible for the death of Sarah.” Josef nodded his head.
“I know. But I feel like I am responsible. I brought her over and into this life only to betray her and now she is dead”
“So this is your tribute to her? To live a miserable existence? You gain nothing by that.” She said firmly. Josef looked up at Isabelle. Again amazed at her view of the world. “Oh I forgot. You must come quickly. Beth is having the baby” she said with a rare smile.
“What? Now?” Josef asked as he jumped up and ran to the house.
Beth was on the sofa with Mick at her side and Helmut playing obstetrician.
“Helmut! Do you know what your doing?” Josef asked.
“Josef, I am over 75o years old. I have delivered more than a few babies in my time” he smiled “Beth darling. Now! You must push!” he said.
Beth let out a one long grunt and then they all heard that familiar cry. Mick looked at Beth then at Helmut.
“Mick and Beth you have a very healthy baby boy” Helmut said as he wrapped the baby in a blanket that was brought to him. He placed the baby into Beth’s arms.
“Oh Mick” She cried as she held him in her arms. “We have a son!” Mick kissed Beth’s face and then laid a light kiss on the top of his son’s head.

“I wonder if the child is human or vampire.” Helmut inquired. Mick turned to Josef.
“Josef. Come meet my son. Gabriel Josef St. John.” Mick said proudly. Josef came walking over.
“I like that name Mick” he said rubbing a finger on the baby’s cheek smiling. All of sudden with speed of rattle snake Gabriel latched on to Josef’s finger! Josef pulled his finger away.
“What the hell!” he exclaimed.
Helmut laughed out loud
“Ha!” he said. “100% vampire! Well done baby Gabriel! Well done!”

The End
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Re: And Then There Were Three Rated PG

Post by jen »

This was excellent!

You probably posted this in chapters but by the time I read it, everything was up. Fabulous!!! You have created a wonderfully involved plot with some serious villains that could easily be around to cause trouble for our vampires in future stories.

Great job!!!!!

Thank you!
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: And Then There Were Three Rated PG

Post by Kara »

This was great. Glad that Mick & Beth made it safely out of the country. Thanks to bff Josef. :hearts: and now Josef has a nephew. :woohoo: And vampire baby bit his uncle. :yahoo:

Sad what happened to Sarah, but I'm liking Isabelle so I guess that worked out for me. :snicker:

Happy ending. Loved it. Thank you. :flowers:
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Re: And Then There Were Three Rated PG

Post by francis »

Great ending! So the Ancients took care of the traitor and now Mick and Beth are free. Poor Sarah, though.
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Re: And Then There Were Three Rated PG

Post by jen »

Great story *again* but I'm a bit suprised that the boy isn't Elliott Michael Josef St. John.
Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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Re: And Then There Were Three Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

You know I forgot about Elliot!
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