The Disappearance Rated PG

A place for Ella713's G to PG-13 stories
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The Disappearance Rated PG

Post by Ella713 »

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

This is another story of mine from the old website.

The Disappearance
Author: Ella713
Rating PG

The sun was setting in Los Angeles and Mick was up and about and ready to take on the day (or night as it was becoming) Josef was concerned over the disappearance of a vampire by the name of Claude Brewster. Claude was a century year old vampire of respectable standing, who was very well liked by both mortals and other vampires. He led a very clean exemplary existence. Ran his company by the book and followed all vampire protocol. So Mick had to admit that his disappearance was suspicious. It’s wasn’t like vampires never took off without a trace before, but usually it was due to some business transaction that went awry or to escape the law or just plain boredom. But this was a bit different. Claude had good standing, not just in Los Angeles but in the United States and abroad. There was even a time when his business associates were edging him to throw his hat into the ring of politics. Mick found it hard to believe that this man would just abandon everything he had created and take off without a word to anyone.

Beth came rushing through the door with her cheeks bright pink and her eyes wide with excitement.
“Good morning honey” she said teasingly
“Hey” Mick said walking towards her still only wearing a towel “How was your first day at work?”
“Hectic. They wasted no time in throwing me right into the loop. You’ve heard of Claude Brewster? Well, apparently he’s missing. All of Wall Street is up in arms about this. The LAPD have called in the FBI”. She said.
Mick thought for a bit. The inclusion of the FBI proved how important this man really was.
“Does anyone have any theories on what could have happened to him?” he asked.
“Not yet. The police are still waiting for a ransom call”
“It’s been over 3 days. If this was about money, they would have heard something by now” Mick said.
“I agree. This is about something more than just money. But everyone I spoke with said this guy was like Jesus Christ or something. Good, honest, and respectable.”
“That’s what I heard too. Josef wants me to do some investigating on this as well”
“Why? Did Josef do business with him?” she asked becoming very curious.
“Beth, Claude Brewster is a vampire”
Beth stood staring with disbelief in her eyes.
“Are you serious? That guy was going to run for Senate”
“Yeah, and he probably would’ve won. Honey, I hate to break this to you but there are already a good number of vampires in politics, including the Senate”
“You’re kidding!?” she exclaimed “Who?”
“You know I can’t tell you that” he said smiling.
“Alright, fine. Keep your secrets. But let me know what you find out about Claude. Maybe I can help”
“Don’t I always?” he said kissing her passionately

Josef was sitting in his office watching the local news coverage on Claude, when Mick came by.
“Glad you could join me” he said while motioning to nearby chair.
“So, what’s the word so far” Mick asked
“Nothing. You know how the media works. They’re talking about his charity work and all the lives he saved. Claude was a bastard, but he always had excellent PR”.
“What do you mean he was a bastard? People are saying the guy practically walked on water”
“That would be the PR Mick. Look, you don’t get anywhere in the finance world without being a bastard, and Claude was no different. He was just able to cover it up better” Josef said smugly
“Well, I’m going to find out how much of a bastard this guy was” Mick said getting up and taking his leave.
“Mick” Josef called out “be careful. I’m sure Claude had some pretty powerful enemies”
“Great” Mick mumbled as he walked away.

Mick’s first stop was Brewster Capitol Inc. If there was going to be anything worth finding out about Claude, it would be at the company’s headquarters.

The BCI Building was a shining example of what a little ingenuity, and a lot of money could get you. The building itself hosted 67 luxurious floors, including a fitness center, and a helicopter pad on the roof. In addition to finance, Claude also contributed to cancer research and the research of blood borne pathogens. He was also responsible for working with hospitals to ensure there was enough of the swine flu vaccine for the entire West Coast.

Mick could see why the world was so mystified by his disappearance.

The BCI building was not going to be an easy place to get into, vamp skills or not. The building had 24 hour surveillance and a nighttime security staff of at least 100 able bodied men. Not the overweight security guys you see on television, but young and healthy, most with military training. Mick would have to find another way to get inside. This is where having a wife like Beth definitely came in handy he thought. Mick decided he would go to Claude’s residence which was right off Mulholland Drive. While driving he thought he should contact Beth before she went to bed for the evening.
“Hello” she said
“Hey babe, it’s me. Listen, do you think you can get me into the BCI building?”
“Sure. No problem. What’s up?”
“Let’s just say that security there is a little too tight. Even for a vampire” he chuckled.
“Wow! Makes you wonder what they have to hide” she said
“That’s what I need to find out”
“Let me make some calls but you’ll have to be up in the morning”
“You got it” he said and parked about a half a mile away from Claude’s home. The house itself was spectacular. A large statuesque home that looked every bit of old money. A ten foot high wrought iron fence surrounded the entire property and Mick could see a security guard right at the gate. He crept along the side of the fence and easily jumped over. He made his way to the back of the home looking for an entrance. He spied an easy entrance through what he supposed to be a wine cellar in the basement.

The basement was dark and somewhat damp, but he silently continued until he came to the stairs. He could hear voices above so he crept closer so he could hear.
“He’s not coming back” Mick heard a female voice proclaim obviously upset.
“Of course he’ll be back. He probably just had to leave in a hurry that’s all” a male voice replied
“Its not like Claude to do anything like this! Call him what you will but he’s a man of strict routine. And this is not routine!” she screamed
“Meredith, calm down. We will hear from Claude soon enough and all of this will soon be forgotten” the man said soothingly.
At that moment Mick grabbled hold of the wall and a chunk of it broke off and fell to the ground with loud thump. Mick tensed to hear if they were coming down to investigate.
“What was that?” he heard the woman say
“I’ll go take a look” the man said. Mick immediately turned to leave and was back in his car before the man headed down the basement stairs.

Mick didn’t really like for Beth to see him asleep in the freezer. Somehow he was ashamed. As her husband, he should be sleeping next to her in their bed holding her all night. And even though Beth said she didn’t mind, he thought there was a small part of her that minded very much. So he was surprised when she lifted the lid and shook him so he would wake up.
“I know you don’t like me coming here, but I had to wake you up” she said smiling brightly.
“What’s up?” he asked still kind of groggy “What time is it?”
“Eight o’clock. In the morning”. She laughed. “How would you like to go on a job interview?”
“Beth dear, I have a job” he said chuckling
“I managed to get you a job interview at BCI for a security position” she said proudly. Mick immediately sat up, surprised.
“How did you do that?” he asked
“Well, turns out that some security head from BCI contacted Carl at LAPD wanting to recruit some off duty policeman for extra work so I asked Carl to recommend you. They were impressed with what Carl said and they want to meet you. But you have to be there by 10am sharp, so don’t be late. Here’s the info” she handed him a slip of paper with the contact name and info. Mick stood up and grabbed a towel.
“Beth you’re a miracle worker” he said as he pulled her in for a kiss.
“Yeah, and don’t you forget it” she teased as she grabbed her purse and headed out the door. “See you tonight” she called out over her shoulder.
Mick proceeded to get up and get ready for his job interview. He wanted to project the right image. He opted for dark rinse jeans, a form fitting black t-shirt shirt that showed off his muscles and black sunglasses. After approving his image in the mirror he set off for BCI. He made it easily through the security entrance and after sitting in the waiting room for 10 minutes was met by Anthony Marshall head of security.
“Mr. St. John” he said offering his hand “It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Anthony Marshall, head of security”
“Hello” Mick said
“Well, you come highly recommended by Lt. Davis. He’s quite impressed with your work. He said you’ve helped him on many homicide cases”
“Yeah, I’ve leant a hand on occasion” Mick evasively.
“Of course, confidentiality and all of that. I understand. Listen, I just have a few questions.
So, I understand that you also work as a PI?”
“Licensed to carry a firearm?”
“Yes, but I don’t find it necessary” Mick replied
“I see. Combat training?” he asked
“You could say that”
Mr. Marshall smiled seemingly very pleased with Mick’s answers.
“Well, Mr. St. John let’s take you round back to meet with Don Hauser. He’s in charge of training”
They descended to the lower level where the security staff was housed. There was also a full gym as well as sleeping quarters.
Don Hauser was a large man, probably larger when he was younger. But now at 55 years old, he had a bit of flab over his muscles, but still looked mean enough kick your ass. He looked Mick over and glanced at Mr. Marshall as if he were not impressed.
“So, Marshall tells me you’re a PI”? He said in a deep voice
“And you help out the LAPD?”
“Yeah” was all Mick said
“Tough cases?” Don inquired
“Too tough for the police” Mick said with cocky attitude
“But not for you tough guy?”
“Apparently not”
“Well, let’s just see how tough you are. Hey Carter, get over here” he yelled.
The young man he called Carter looked at the oldest 22 years old, but he had the physique of a linebacker. He was at least 4 inches taller than Mick and more than 60 pounds heavier. And it was all solid muscle. Carter walked towards Mick with all swagger that someone in his position should have. Mick knew that Carter was going to hit him. And he would have to take it…..somewhat. Carter threw a solid punch at Mick which landed square on his jaw. Mick snapped his head as if he had been hurt. Carter then punched Mick in the gut to which Mick doubled over as if in pain. Don stood back smiling a sadistic smile as the rest of the security staff stood by watching. Mick slowly stood up straight and looked Carter directly in the eye and said with a smile.
“Really Carter. Is that all you got?” Carter stood looking a bit confused as to why this shrimp of a man was not lying on the ground, and decided to give him one last hard final punch to shut him up. As Carter came towards Mick and threw his final punch with all his might, Mick very quickly moved out of the way and landed a punch of his own right across Carl’s nose which broke as if made of fine china. Blood began to spray out of his nose and onto his clothing. He held his hand to his nose and screamed in pain.
“That son of bitch broke my nose!” he yelled out loud
The security staff looked on in awe. Never had they seen anyone take Carter out. Mick stood his ground and glanced over at Don.
“How’s that for tough?” he asked
“That’ll work just fine” Don said with a big smile on his face. “Phillips, take Carter upstairs to the Doc” Don snapped “St. John, come with me” Mick followed Don out of the room and took the elevator to the 8th floor which was where the security administrative offices were.
“Your hours are 9pm to 5am Monday through Saturday. Got it? Be here on time and in uniform. You get a half hour for lunch. No more no less. Payday is every other Friday and your pay rate is $13.50 an hour with time and half for overtime. You interested?” he said looking Mick in the eye and lighting a cigarette.
“Yeah” Mick said.
“Okay. Take this card to the 11th floor and they’ll give you a uniform. Be here tomorrow at 9pm”. He said holding out his hand to Mick. “Welcome to BCI”
“Thanks” Mick said shaking his hand and walking out the door. That went well, Mick thought as he headed for Josef’s office.

“A job?” Josef asked
“Yeah. Beth set it up. I got a job as a nighttime security guard”
“How degrading” Josef joked
“Degrading or not, this gives me the perfect opportunity to find out what happened to Claude, which was the whole purpose of you having me look into his disappearance. Right?”
“Of course. But Mick….security guard?”
Mick rolled his eyes and got up to leave.
“I’ll call you when I learn something” he said on his way out.

Beth was home working when Mick got back to the apartment. When she saw Mick she immediately looked up. He was in a security uniform. Dark blue pants, dark blue long sleeved shirt. A low slung belt that held a billy club and a stun gun. A hat that resembled a policeman’s hat had the BCI logo on the front.

“I take it you got the job” she said smiling.
“You’re looking at the newest security guard for Brewster Capitol Inc.” he said smiling. “I start tomorrow night” Beth stood up and walked towards him.
“I have to say Mr. St. John, you look devastatingly attractive as a security guard!” she said sighing softly. “Well, while you are out, I found out some interesting information. Did you know that Claude was not only into cancer research but also research that has something to do with the military? He hired Dr. Klaus Von Schmidt of the Science Institute in Vienna to head things here in LA”
“You think he was experimenting with nuclear weapons?” Mick asked
“I don’t think so. Dr. Von Schmidt specializes in molecular research. Maybe something as exotic as cloning, but nothing in the weapons field” Beth explained.

“Well, if the military is involved we definitely have to let Josef know” he said. “Come on let’s head out now while we can catch him”

They arrived at Josef’s house in 20 minutes and he appeared to be having a party of some sort. Mick and Beth walked in and were greeted by a tall leggy blonde.
“Are you on the guest list?” she asked in a Betty Boop type voice
“No. But if you let Mr. Kostan know that Mick St. John is here to see him, I promise he won’t fire you” Mick said becoming very tired.
The blonde looked nervously around not quite sure what she should do. Mick grew tired of waiting for her to make up her mind and simply moved quickly past her to where Josef was standing with two very beautiful women on each arm.
“Mick. I didn’t know you were coming” Josef said laughing when he saw Mick’s uniform. “This isn’t a costume party you know?”
“Ladies we need a minute” Mick said sternly. Josef knew something was going on and it required his immediate attention.
“Please ladies. Have a seat. I’ll return shortly” he said smoothly as Mick led him to where Beth was patiently waiting.
“Oh, Mr. Kostan, I’m very sorry but they weren’t on the list” the blonde stammered nervously.
“Courtney, your fired” Josef said simply. “Harold will gather your things and see you on your way” he turned with Mick and Beth in tow and walked towards his private office.
“Ok. What’s going on?” he asked.
“Beth found out something about Claude and you’re not going to like it. Apparently he’s been working with the military. He hired some hotshot in the science world to work on it”
“Do we know what his little project is?” Josef asked.
“Not quite. I need some more time to find that out. But the military definitely has shown interest. If your friend was branching out in deadly weapons or biological agents then that’s cause for alarm” Beth said seriously.
“The Counsel would have never allowed something like this” Josef said.

“Something tells me Josef, that The Counsel knows nothing about this” Mick said.
“How did you find all this out?” Josef asked
“I started looking into all of Claude’s financial endeavors. Everything was basically accounted for except for one. A huge chunk of his income was going towards a private funding group for “scientific research. A search of that group showed some pretty important people in the military. Anyway, once I tracked down that Dr. von Schmidt was here in LA working for the same group, I took the information to a friend of mine who found out that the military had recently bid on some kind of experimental drug”. Beth said handing the paperwork to Josef.
“What the hell was Claude doing?” Josef wondered out loud.
“I don’t know Josef, but we have to find out. We can’t take any chances. What if the military knows about us?” Mick said.

Klaus von Schmidt had lived his whole life for the purpose of science. From a very early age he was always fascinated with the mysteries of the world. And found out that nothing was ever really a mystery. Everything could be explained with science. And now what lay before him was something that science could not explain. Something that should only exist in the imagination of man. Sure he had heard stories from his grandmother about these creatures that stalked through the night preying on unsuspecting people. But he took none of it seriously. These were just bedtime stories. Or things you told children to keep them in line. They didn’t really exist. So how could this be he asked himself. A vampire. Perhaps science could not explain everything. He had gone through every scientific book he could find and there were no references for vampires. Well psychiatry books were filled with references but that wasn’t real science in his opinion. He looked down at his friend Claude strapped down to a gurney table held in place by silver braces. This was the find of a lifetime. His name would be written into the history books! He smiled at the thought of it all and started to prepare his next series of tests.

The Daily Grind
Mick arrived at work at 9pm on the dot and was shown the ropes by a younger man named Scott. Scott had served 6 years in the Army as an Airborne Ranger which was the most elite division of the corp. A back injury ended his dream of a career in the military.
“Look Mick, all you have to remember is that no one and I mean no one gets to the upper levels. Not even the janitorial staff is allowed up there”.
“What the hell is up there?” Mick asked casually knowing that he wouldn’t be told.
“I don’t know man. And I don’t want to know. Neither should you. Just make sure that it stays protected” he said obviously getting nervous. “I gotta say man, I was impressed by the way you took out Carter” he said staring in awe at Mick. “That guy’s a monster”
Mick smiled. “Yeah, he’s pretty big, but even the biggest guy has a weak spot”
‘I guess so. But you’re gonna win a lot of points with the guys for taking Carter down. He’s kind of a major deal round here. Well, maybe not so much anymore” he laughed. “Ok, so you think you can handle this level?”
“Yeah Scott, I got it” Mick said confidently.
“Great. I’ll call you when it’s time to break for lunch” he took the elevator to his level where he could finish out his rounds.
Mick walked around checking every nook and crevice just to give the impression that he was actually doing his job. He had a feeling that he was being watched. He walked around some more before finding what it was he was looking for. He would wait until he had clocked out and then he would see what was up there.

Beth was feeling that this case that Mick was working on was more dangerous than either of them had thought. This was not just simply a missing vampire. This had all the makings of a government conspiracy. She was starting to feel jumpy. She decided to call Josef.
“Josef. This is Beth. I was wondering if you could come over” she asked.
“Sure. Is everything alright” He asked sharply.
“I don’t know….I feel like I’m being watched. Weird I know but I’d feel better if someone was here with me” she said suddenly frightened.
“Be there in ten minutes” Josef said and abruptly hung up. Beth could see Josef driving over 100 miles an hour just to get there to make sure she was okay. True to his word Josef arrived at Mick’s ten minutes later. Beth let him in and he quickly sniffed the air and walked all through the apartment. Someone had been trying to get in. Josef could smell it. Someone tried to get in through the bedroom window upstairs. He came slowly down the staircase.
“Beth, I’m going to ask you to come and stay with Sarah and I until Mick gets back. Okay?”
“Why” she asked
“Something tells me the people at BCI might suspect Mick. You need to be someplace where you can be protected. So grab some clothes and I’ll call Mick and let him know” he demanded not taking no for an answer. Beth sighed and knew that Josef was only trying to protect her. She packed an overnight bag and waited for Josef to take one last look around before locking up. He took Beth’s bag and led her to his car. Josef took off quickly not noticing the figure on the roof that was watched them leave.

Mick stayed alert through his shift actually catching two reporters who hid in the bathrooms until closing and tried to make their way to the various levels of the building. Mick spied them pretty quickly and secured them until back up came to escort them off the property.
“Good job” Scott said when they took a break for lunch.
“Yeah, well they weren’t being exactly covert” Mick said trying to make light of the situation. He joked and shared stories with the guys for half an hour and then they all returned to work. The rest of the day went by slowly and at 5am as soon as Mick clocked out, he sped to the upper level before anyone could see him leave.
He checked all around but saw that every door required an access car for entry inside. He sighed and slipped out the back way and drove away.

He arrived at Josef’s house a little while later. Rosa his housekeeper let him in.
“Mr. Mick, everyone is asleep but Miss Beth said for you to wake her when you arrived” she said. Mick went to the guest room and saw Beth lying peacefully in bed. He sat down next to her slowly so he would not wake her and took in how beautiful she looked when she slept. He touched her arm and her eyes slowly parted open.
“Hey you” she said softly
“Hey yourself” he said bending down so he could kiss her. “Heard you had a scare”
“A little bit. I had an uneasy feeling like someone was watching me, so I called Josef and he came to the apartment. He said someone had been trying to get into the bedroom. So he made me pack a bag and brought me here”. Mick smiled. No matter how many times he complained about Josef, he knew that he could always count on him when it mattered.
“Well, you stay here. I’m going to go check out the apartment and I’ll be right back. Okay”
“Sure thing” she said with sleepy eyes that were already closing shut again.

Josef was right. Mick thought. Someone had been trying to get into the apartment. But he was on the top floor and unless they came by helicopter there is no way they could have reached his balcony. Unless…..they had training. Mick remembered that a large majority of the security staff had served previously in some branch of the military. It would have been a piece of cake for someone to repel the side of the building. If the military were involved they would have to contact The Counsel. He made his way back to Josef’s so they could set things in motion.

“You’re sure this is our only option?” Josef asked.
“Josef, this situation has gotten out of control. This is the military or even the Pentagon for Christ’s sake! There’s nothing that we can do. Claude got himself mixed up with the government and more than likely he’s already revealed himself, which means we’re all at risk” Mick said showing signs of nervousness. Josef had to admit that the situation had escalated to the point where they might be exposed. Drastic measures had to be taken. He went into his office and called The Counsel. Mick was nervous. Getting The Counsel involved was a very serious matter. This option was only used when all other options had been exhausted. What if they wanted them to wait? Mick didn’t think there was time. Josef came out of his office with a somber look on his face.
“They are on their way over” he said. Beth stood up suddenly. She was sure that a human would not be allowed to be here. And while she was curious, she was terrified.
“I shouldn’t be here” she stammered looking at Mick
“It’s too late for that. They’ve already arrived” Josef said as he walked towards the door. Josef opened the door and let the vampires in. They walked so slow they appeared to be floating. Beth could not make out their ages, but knew from Mick that they were thousands of years old. The oldest of their kind.
The Counsel was made up of thee men and one woman.
“Josef” one of the men said in a soft voice “You say that matters are serious?” he asked
“Yes Bromfield” Josef said. “Quite serious. You remember Mick St. John?” The vampire looked over at Mick.
“Yes I do” he nodded and then looked over at Sarah with curiosity.
“Yes, Bromfield, this is my fiancé’ Sarah” Josef said motioning towards her. The elder woman looked sharply at Beth.
“And who is this?” she snapped. Mick walked towards Beth and held her hand.
“This is my wife Beth” Mick said nervously. The elder woman looked Beth over.
“I trust that arrangements are being made regarding this” she said looking both to Mick and Josef
“Of course Salina” Josef said staring at Mick with a look that read “play along” Bromfield stepped forward.
“What news do you have for us?” he asked. Josef handed him the paper work that Beth had uncovered and told them what they knew thus far. Bromfield read the papers and then passed them on to the others.
“Claude has put us all at risk” he said harshly “This must be handled immediately. Do you know where Claude is located?”
“Well, I don’t think he’s missing at all. I think he is in the BCI building on the upper levels continuing his research. But it’s like a fortress up there. They have lots of trained ex military men on hand. And if they do know of our existence, then we have to assume that Claude has also told them of our weaknesses” Mick explained.
“Very well” Bromfield said finally “We will handle this. Contact Isabella, we will need the building cleaned as soon as possible”
“Yes Bromfield” Josef replied. As The Counsel took their leave, Salina glanced back at Mick and Beth.
“We will need to speak with you Mr. St. John regarding your marriage” she said sternly and was quickly out of sight. Josef placed a hand on Mick shoulder and started to speak but Mick interrupted him.
“No!” he said harshly. “I don’t care what they say!”
“Mick, you knew that this would come up eventually” Josef said
“I don’t care! My marriage has nothing whatsoever to do with anything!”
“I know that and you know that, but Mick..” Mick held up his hand.
“This discussion is over!” Mick said and walked away. Beth who was shaking in fright meekly said
“Josef, what’s going on? What did they mean?” she asked although deep down she knew what they were referring to.
“Beth, I’m sorry” Josef said “But you have to understand that by Mick marrying a mortal, The Counsel is worried about word leaking out about our existence. By law you must either be turned or killed”
Beth stood still in shock, staring at Josef.
“But Josef, I would never breathe a word about anything I know. I’ve even helped as much as I could” she said desperately with tears in her eyes.
“Beth, I know” Josef said sadly. “You’ve been invaluable and if it were up to me I would say to hell with the law! But it’s not up to me”
“There’s nothing that can be done?” she pleaded
“You can appeal to The Counsel in our court, but the chances of them changing their mind is not good. Mick really should have told you this” he said shaking his head. But he knew why Mick kept it secret. To let Beth know what they were up against would have resulted in possibly losing her. And even then there was no guarantee that The Counsel wouldn’t have found out. He had to marry her, to protect her. Beth sat down on the sofa and placed her head in her hands. Sarah sat next to her and placed her arm around her shoulders.
“Beth, don’t worry. Josef will think of something” she said reassuringly. “We will not let anything happen to you” Mick walked slowly back in and kneeled in front of Beth.
“I know I should have told you” he said sadly
“It’s okay Mick. I know why you didn’t. It really wouldn’t have mattered anyway. They would have found out sooner or later marriage or no marriage” she said wiping tears from her eyes. Mick stood up.
“Josef we have to go the BCS building. I think I know where Claude is” he said suddenly.
“I think we should let the Counsel handle this” Josef said warily
“I need to handle this. Come on I’ll tell you on the way. Sarah, stay with Beth and don’t go anywhere until we get back” he said. Sarah nodded and walked towards Josef.
“Be safe my love” she said and kissed his lips. As they turned to leave, Mick looked back at Beth.
“I’ll be back Beth. And everything will be okay. I love you more than anything. You know that don’t you?” Beth slowly nodded her head.
“I love you too Mick” she said.

Josef and Mick made their way to the BCI building. Josef driving easily well over 100 miles an hour.
“Hey Speed Racer, do you think you can slow down?” Mick said holding on tightly. Josef laughed.
“Do you honestly think you’ve lived almost century just to bite the dust in a car accident?’ They pulled up to high rise.
“Okay Mick, how do you want to do this?” Josef asked when he turned off the engine.
“Like our lives depended on it” Mick said barring his fangs
“Now that’s the Mick I know and love!” Josef said grinning. With great speed they made their way into the building overtaking the security guards on the first level.
“This way” said Mick as they made their way to the freight elevator. Mick pressed the lower level button.
“Wait, I thought you said it was higher level that was secured?” Josef asked
“That’s a smoke screen. The lower level houses the security team. All of the security team. That’s where Claude is” Mick said. When the doors opened, the sleeping quarters were empty but both Mick and Josef knew they were about to face an ambush. Josef heard the first shot before Mick did and grabbed his shoulder as he pulled him up to the rafters. Six security guards came running out all armed with semi automatic weapons. Josef sniffed the air.
“No silver” he said. “So Claude didn’t tell them that” he said. They could hear the guards talking below.
“Where the hell did they go?” one guard said. “It’s like they disappeared” They all started to look around failing to look above them.
“Now!” Josef said. Mick and Josef swooped down biting and snapping the necks of the security guards. Some fired their weapons but stopped and stared when they saw that the bullets were having no effect. Josef held one guard in his strong grip.
“Mick” he called “Smell anything?” Mick came forward.
“You were the one trying to break into my apartment!” Mick yelled. The guard stared at Mick and started to shake.
“What are you?” he asked. Mick barred his fangs at the guard.
“Pissed off!” Mick said
“What do you want to do?” Josef asked. Mick thought for a second and said
“Kill him”
“With pleasure” Josef said easily snapping the guard’s neck
“Now put on his clothes” Mick said. Josef looked down at the uniform and looked at Mick.
“Josef” Mick said rolling his eyes. “You’re going to give me grief now?”
“Okay. Okay. I’ll put on the uniform” Josef said with distaste.
“And the helmet. We’re going undercover” Mick said
Mick found a guard his size and began to put on his uniform.
“Now, this way” Mick said picking up a nearby firearm. They made their way to the next level and saw at least 20 guards. Mick came towards them.
“I don’t know what the hell those things are but they took out everybody with their bare hands!” he screamed. The other guards grabbed their weapons.
“What the hell! Blue team protect the barrier!” one sergeant yelled out. “You two come with me” he said pointing at Mick and Josef. “What are we dealing with here?” he asked
“One was Mick St. John that new security guard” Josef said “But they took out every one in the sector. With their bare hands”
“They must have been wearing vest” the sergeant said. “Okay, Monroe, Phillips, Mason; I want you to protect the entrance. Blow any bastard away that tries to get in. You got that?! He yelled. “Everyone else with me. Line formation!” The guards started to take position. Mick whispered to Josef.
“They’re all wearing body armor so shoot them all below the waist. NOW!” Mick screamed. He and Josef began to spray bullets at every guard hitting most in the leg or the groin. All the guards fell to the floor screaming in pain.
“Wow!” exclaimed Josef. “Guns have come a long way since the Civil War. Now let’s see what’s behind door number three” Josef said taking his helmet off. They surveyed the door.
“Great” Josef said “It’s an electronic door. We need a key card” Mick looked at the access panel and then punched his fist through the consol and pulled the wiring out.
“Or, we could do that” Josef said as the door quickly opened.

Dr. Von Schmidt looked up immediately.
“What the hell are you doing in here? You have strict instructions that no one be allowed in here!” he yelled. Mick looked around and said
“We’ve had a breach in the lower levels. You’re work will have to be moved”
“I can’t possibly move this man in his condition.” He said. “I’m calling your supervisor!” He said walking towards the phone. Josef came up behind him and grabbed his arms.
“Looks like Claude wasn’t working with the government after all” Mick said. They suddenly heard alarms going off, which meant they were about to come face to face with 70 or more security guards. Josef ran out the door to the freight elevator and started to rip out all the wiring.
“They’ll have to take the stairs” he said. “That gives us a little bit more time”
“Josef, his arms and legs are in silver braces” Mick said. “We have to figure a way to get him out of here.
“We will take care of that” they heard from behind them. Bromfield and the others from Counsel had arrived. “Salina, remove the braces” he said. Salina placed her hands around the braces. Mick and Josef expected her to immediately feel the effects of the silver but she simply broke the braces into pieces.
“He is very weak” she said “He will not be able to walk” she said.
“Then carry him” Bromfield said. “You two, leave immediately. We have much to do here” he said to Mick and Josef
Mick and Josef started their retreat. When they made their way outside they saw that the SWAT teams were already assembled and prepared to enter the building. Mick and Josef were about to head in another direction when Mick spotted Beth in the crowd. Damn it! He thought. What was she doing here?
“This is Beth Turner from KCAL Channel 9 Action News. I’m here in front of the Brewster Capital Incorporated building downtown where it turns out that CEO Claude Brewster was being held prisoner for almost 5 days by Dr. Klaus Von Schmidt the head of his scientific research team. Here with me is Lt. Carl Davis from the LAPD who has the full story. Lt. Davis, what can you tell us about the motive behind this kidnapping?”
“Well Beth, from what we can ascertain, Dr. Von Schmidt was working on some kind of personal cell research that Mr. Brewster didn’t agree with. Mr. Brewster threatened to cut off the funding so Dr. Von Schmidt held him prisoner so he could continue to collect the funds for the project” Carl said
“Where is Dr. Von Schmidt now?”
“I’m afraid we don’t know. He must have found out that the police and the Feds were onto him. That’s all I can say right now” Carl said and walked away
“There you have it. KCAL will bring you updated reports as we receive them. I’m Beth Turner Channel 9 Action News” Beth wiped her brow. “You got all that?” she said to her cameraman.
“Beth! What are doing here?” Mick said as he walked over to her.
“Just doing my part to keep the status quo” she said smiling
“Beth you really shouldn’t be here” Mick said
“Look Mick, my life is on the line here. I decided I wasn’t just going to stay put and let someone else decide my fate. Sarah and I decided to stall The Counsel for while. We arrived shortly after you did. We told them that we had an airtight plan where their involvement wouldn’t be needed. They heard our plan and decided that it was sound” she explained. Josef looked at her extremely amused.
“Can you tell us what this sound plan was?” he asked.
“Sure” said Beth. “But not here. Let’s go back to Josef’s. The Counsel is waiting for us”

They made their way back to Josef’s house and Mick sat impatiently waiting to hear from their lips what they intended to do.
“Well Beth” Josef said “Let’s hear it”
“Okay, after you two left, I told Sarah that I had a great idea. I called Carl and told him that if he arranged to have his men at the BCI building in half an hour, I could give him the kidnapper. I kind of figured that Claude had nothing whatsoever to with this breech. I mean it went against everything we already knew about him. So who had the most to gain? That would be Dr. Von Schmidt. The military knew nothing about his project. If they did, they would have had active military forces. Not just men who had served in the military. And the facility where the research was held would have been top secret and not in an office building in downtown Los Angeles! That told me this was a personal project. I don’t know how the doctor came to discover Claude’s secret but it was definitely an accident and one he decided to make the most of. So I came up with the cell research theory and that’s what I told Carl. After The Counsel showed up asking you to leave, they took care of the Doctor. Of course I really didn’t count on you and Josef going all Rambo on the security guards. That might take some explaining. But on the whole, a lot less explaining than what was planned” she said finally.
Josef looked at Beth in amazement. “Mick, what did I tell you? The woman is a pistol” he laughed. Mick was amazed too. He looked at The Counsel finally.
“What is your decision?” he asked. Bromfield stood up and walked towards Beth.
“The Counsel has decided that your wife is indeed a valuable resource. She has proven herself to be not only loyal to you, but to our kind as well. And while it is the law that such a union not be allowed to continue, we see so valid reason why this one should not. But know this Mr. St. John, The Counsel will be watching” he said. He then put a hand on Beth’s shoulder and said
“Remarkable. Absolutely remarkable” and they all turned only to vanish once again.
“I don’t know what to say” Mick said shaking his head.
“I do” said Josef. “Who needs a drink?”
“Whatever it is make mine a double” Beth said.
“This truly calls for a celebration. In all of my 400 years I cannot think of one human who The Counsel let live. I hope you can live up their expectations?” Josef said casually.
“Who knows” said Beth looking straight at Mick “Maybe in a year they won’t have anything to worry about anymore” she hinted.
Mick turned his head sharply to look at Beth. She looked serious. Very serious.
“It’s about time!” Josef muttered and poured the drinks.
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Re: The Disappearance Rated PG

Post by jen »

This is wonderful!

You have created a wonderful plot here, intriguing, involved and filled with questions. This would have been a fabulous episode (or several episodes) of Moonlight. Really love that you show the romance and magic between Beth and Mick continuing during their marrage.

Looking forward to more!

Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
Beautiful banner by the Fabulous Phoenix
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Re: The Disappearance Rated PG

Post by francis »

I totally enjoyed this. Thank you! :hearts:
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