Decisions Decisions PG-13

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Decisions Decisions PG-13

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable Moonlight characters no copyright infringement is intended.

Beth was celebrating her thirtieth birthday at the spa with her friends Plum and Solita.

Beth sighed as her back was massaged. “Girls, this is the best birthday present ever.”

“Mick might disagree.” Plum said.

Beth’s reporter instincts kicked in. “Did he buy something from your husband’s jewelry store?”

Plum smiled. “Charles never tells me the good gossip but he has been locked in his workshop all week.”

Beth was hoping for an engagement ring. She and Mick had been coupled for three years, living together for two. It seemed like it was time. He was just so concerned about the vampire/human thing.

The ladies had a delicious lunch after their treatments and headed for their limo.

“Solita, do you travel like this all the time?” Beth asked.

Solita looked a little sad. “Josef does like to be driven unless it’s a sports car. I imagine soon these days will be behind me.”

“What are you talking about?” Plum said. “Josef is crazy about you.”

“Yeah, but I turned thirty-four last week. I have almost a decade on him. Soon it won’t be Demi/Ashton he’ll be calling me Mommy and not in the sexy way.

Beth disagreed. “Solita you are gorgeous and you don’t look a day over….”

“30? That’s still too old.”

The driver opened the door and Beth slid in surprised to see Josef sitting across from her. “What are you doing here?”

He leaned forward. “Solita, Plum there is another limo waiting for you. I need to talk to the Birthday Girl.” He closed the door and the driver took off.

“How rude!” Plum snapped.

“That’s just Josef.” Solita said quietly.

“Would you like some champagne Beth?” He asked politely.

“No. I want to know why I’ve been summoned.”

“You always get right to the point Beth. That’s one of your best features. You’re turning 30 today. Mick is 30, he’s going to propose tonight.”

Beth gasped. “Why did you ruin the surprise?”

Josef laughed. “The surprise is that he took so long. You need to tell him what kind of marriage you want.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Do you want till death do us part; or from here to eternity?”

“I don’t understand….”

“Beth now you’re playing dumb. If you want to be a vampire you have to woman up and tell him. He won’t put it on the table himself.”

“I’m not sure. I’ve thought about it the last four years but I haven’t made up my mind.”

Josef’s eyes turned silver he was so annoyed. “Don’t give me that crap. You haven’t thought about it for four years. You’ve thought about it since you were four years old.”

“Josef, I didn’t know the truth when I was a little girl.”

“You didn’t know the facts. You knew the truth. You recognized power. Coraline had it. You didn’t. She made you feel weak, helpless. Mick came in on his white horse and used the same power for good instead of evil. You’ve been craving it ever since.”

“That’s not true.” Beth stammered.

“Really? You became a reporter and you had power over other people. What stories were told, exposing killers. You ruined and created reputations. Now at the DA’s office you think you’re protecting the innocent. You’re gaining human power Beth, it’s a poor substitute for the real thing.

“Josef I need time to think.”

“You have until tomorrow. If you don’t tell Mick right away what you want he’ll never believe it’s what in your heart. You’ll either leave him devastated fifty years from now when we’re burying you or he’ll feel eternal guilt for being your murderer. Either way he is your killer.”

“That’s a horrible thing to say.”

“It's the truth. If he takes your physical life and makes you a vampire or he stands by and does nothing while nature takes it’s course. Your blood will always be on his hands.

“How would you feel if I said the same thing about Solita?”

“You’d be telling me the truth. Josef said calmly. I’m ending it with Solita tonight so she has a chance at what humans call a life. You decide if you want a long or short life.”

The limo stopped at Mick’s building. “Here you go Ms. Turner. Happy Birthday”

Beth leaped out of the car but as she stormed upstairs she realized Josef was right. She needed to make a decision and fast.

Twelve hours later

Beth looked at her ring and snuggled next to Mick before he went to his freezer. “Mick, I want to live forever.”

“You don’t have to decide that now.” He said gently.

“Yes, I do. Before I’m thirty-one I want to be like you.”

Josef and Solita were speeding on a deserted road. They had just made love on the beach and she begged him to let her drive the Ferrari. He was going to tell her when they got back to her apartment that it was over. That was until a drunk driver left the Ferrari in ruins.

Every instinct told him to flee the car before it exploded but he had to see if she was alive. The faintest heart beat but she wouldn’t make it to the hospital. He made a decision that would change his life forever.

He dragged her out of the car and bit savagely into her throat and then opened his wrist. “Drink Solita. Dirnk.”

Solita responded like she always did to his orders. She obeyed.

He fished out his cell phone from his jacket pocket and called Guillermo.

“I need two bodies, Caucasian female, early thirties, about 5’8, Caucasian male, late twenties 5’10 burned beyond recognition

“When do you need them?” Guillermo asked.

“Immediately. Josef Kostan and Solita Sommers are dead.

“Understood. I’m sorry about Solita.”

Josef checked on Solita. “I also need a hundred pints of your best. I have a new baby. It’s a girl.”

Guillermo laughed. “Congratulations Papi.
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Re: Decisions Decisions PG-13

Post by francis »

Beth and Josef both had to make a decision, Josef just didn't know which kind of decision he would need to make. It wasn't to let Solita go and be human, it was to save her from eternal death.
Love this!
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Re: Decisions Decisions PG-13

Post by jen »


Really love this!!

Josef is pushing Beth, but sometimes we all need to be pushed a little, even when we don't like it.

Thing is, Josef only thinks he has things figured out. Life has a way of handing us the unexpected.

I hate to see Josef Kostan leaving, but maybe he can show up again in the form of a twin brother or cousin to take over Kostan Enterprises and Solita can get a makeover and change her appearance. Could work. However it happens, they aren't really dead.

Great job!

Thank you!
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Re: Decisions Decisions PG-13

Post by cassysj »

francis - Josef thought he was telling Beth to get her ducks in order and his flew all over the place. :laugh: I'm glad he saved Solita.

jen - Josef doesn't pull any punches. He told Beth being a reporter was not a good plan and he's telling her now to figure out what she wants ASAP. :snicker: Josef has restarted his life many times but I'll miss JK myself. :heart:
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Re: Decisions Decisions PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Oh, Cassy, I love this! :yahoo: I think you absolutely nailed Josef and Beth. And I love your description of Josef's ducks flying all over the place. :snicker: Even a vampire, used to sublime power, can't control the Universe. Josef felt so smug, telling Beth those important truths. (And they were true!) But then he had to improvise... thank goodness he's good at thinking fast on his feet. And he made the right decision. :hearts:
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Re: Decisions Decisions PG-13

Post by Lucy »

Thanks for putting the question on the plate for Mick and Beth..... Beth always has Josef in her corner....and this is a GREAT end for Solita!
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Re: Decisions Decisions PG-13

Post by cassysj »

Alle - Thanks, I always worry with Beth she's not easy for me to write. Josef was feeling very superior when he woke up that morning. The day ended very differently for him but I think he's pleased with the results

Lucy - Josef is a strong ally for Beth. I'm glad Josef didn't get to end it with Solita before the crash, if they had broken up she would have thought he turned her out of pity.
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