Camino del Monte Sol, Ch. 11 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

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Camino del Monte Sol, Ch. 11 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

Author’s Note: This story is a collaboration between OnceBitTwiceShy and myself for Champagne Challenge #128: Reader/Writer II. OBTS provided the idea of Josef visiting Santa Fe in the 1920’s, and running into…well, you’ll have to read the story. The settings are as accurate as I can make them, having been in Santa Fe myself many times, and also using various resources on the City Different, as they call it, and its inhabitants back in the ‘20s. While I could find no record of a hotel located in Sena Plaza, such a place does exist, and who knows? It could have housed a small hotel at one time. The artists’ colony, and their compound on Camino del Monte Sol, are documented. There will be a thread with a set of pictures and links to places, costumes, cars, posted after most chapters. My thanks to OBTS, not only for the idea, but for her encouragement and input as the story progressed. I don’t own Josef, or any of the historical locations and personages mentioned in the story. Any errors or misrepresentations of fact are mine.

Camino del Monte Sol

Chapter 11

La Fonda

“Heads up, ladies,” Stephen murmured as they prepared to walk into the lounge at La Fonda that evening. He could feel Dorothea’s hand tighten on his arm, and smell the nervousness radiating off Patrice. Even Louise, behind him, was walking more quietly than her wont.

Los Cinco Pintores, as he’d expected, were holding court at their usual table. He spotted Reza instantly, sitting next to Nash. Not on his lap, this time, but beside him, looking distracted as she fidgeted with her cigarette holder. Mruk rose and beckoned to them. “Kostan,” he called out, “join us. And your three Graces, as well.”

There was a clatter of chaos as chairs shifted to make room at the table. Stephen snagged two empty chairs from a nearby table and seated Thea and Patrice before taking a third between them, leaving Louise standing, looking confused.


He smirked at her. “As if you didn’t know I saved the best seat for you, kitten.” He patted his knee, and she swarmed into his lap, making contented noises as she settled onto his long thigh.

Reza was carefully watching/not watching all this, and Stephen did a quick check around him out of habit. Any other vampires in the bar would have been apparent to him at once, and he was glad to know he was alone of his kind here tonight. He’d thought once or twice he’d caught a faint trace of vampire, since coming to Santa Fe, but nothing he could quite put a finger on. Not tonight, however. Everyone in this room was undoubtedly quite human. Meanwhile, he thought it was a wonder even so, that the thunder of Reza’s heartbeat speeding when he walked in wasn’t evident to all, or the sharp scent of desire that rolled off her, stronger than the smoke from her cigarette.

The conversation continued around the table. Art, gossip, city politics, more art. They were all still pleased with the reactions to the recent opening at the Museum of New Mexico; the Albuquerque critic had given them a very favorable review, and the opening had been noted in the Denver papers, as well.

The atmosphere was quieter than some nights, though. No one offered to dance, and Reza seemed subdued. She spent time chatting with the woman at her other side, while largely ignoring both Nash and Stephen.

For his part, Stephen fell into an extended conversation with Mruk regarding arrangements for the projected Chicago exhibit. He found himself agreeing to pay for one or more of the artists to travel to Chicago to oversee installation of the paintings, and providing a generous stipend to boot. He shrugged to himself. His accountants would tear out a few more patches of hair, but he considered it an investment in the artworks he was planning to purchase from each of the Cinco Pintores. And the economy was booming, anyway. He had money to spare.

Patrice, he noticed, was not finding much to talk about with Ellis or Shuster. She’d retreated behind a pleasant mask, and Stephen knew she was a thousand miles away. He’d thought the artists might interest her, as they did Thea, who was earnestly discussing—something—with Bakos, but he could tell they were not sufficiently cosmopolitan to hold her interest. Patrice was perfection itself at an embassy soiree, but not so much at home in this company. It was not a problem. As long as she smiled and nodded, the men would take care of the conversation.

Reza, too, was bored, and it puzzled her. A week ago, two, and she’d have been very much a part of the conversation, fascinated by Nash’s hands, deft and clever in their every movement, whether lighting a cigarette or holding a brush.

Now, the only hands of interest were those of Stephen Kostan, and she was longing to feel the touch of her vampire lover. Vampire.

The word had a strange flavor, even spoken silently in her mind. She looked at Stephen, taking a long, shaky drag on the cigarette she was smoking. As she expected, he was absently caressing that little cat, Lou Lou, but he sent a sharp glance in her direction, a reminder that they were not going to reveal themselves to Nash and the others, yet. She’d agreed, for various reasons, but damn, it was hard watching those other women crawl all over him.

She thought about lunch that day, sitting with those women, Stephen’s women, listening to them smile and chatter. It was funny, she thought, but she was more disturbed by the easy sharing of Stephen’s attention, than by his vampirism. Listening to them, burbling on about bite care, and diet, and all the facets of what they called being a “willing freshie,” had been bizarre. Reza looked at Patrice, recalling the blonde’s stories about her mother and sister, also vampire—feeders. How could this all exist, hidden so close to the surface of what she’d assumed was the normal world?

She needed air. She stood, and announced brightly, “I’m off.” She leaned over and kissed Nash on the mouth, then said, “And I feel generous tonight.” She turned to Mruk, and brushed his cheeks with her lips, so lightly that none of her carmine lipstick transferred to his cheek. “Kisses for everyone.”

Reza travelled around the table, giving each of the artists a smile and a kiss. Nash was looking perplexed, but not unhappy, even when Shuster put arms around her waist, and tried to make his kiss deepen into something more lasting. “You taste too much like whiskey, Will,” she laughed to him, pushing away.

When she paused behind Stephen’s chair, glancing at Nash, the artist, misunderstanding her reasons, nodded as though giving permission.

Reza lost her footing, or seemed to, as she leaned over, and Stephen slipped an arm around her slender hips to steady her. Lou Lou, on his lap, glared and pointedly looked away from Reza’s smirk. Patrice and Thea appeared vaguely pained, but Reza didn’t care. She smacked Stephen’s hand away, and exclaimed, “Hey, Kostan, don’t get fresh,” even as she bent to kiss his cheek, and he breathed in her ear, scarcely loud enough to be heard.

“Sena Plaza. Wait in your car.”

She gave no indication that she’d heard, nor did she respond as Nash made an infuriating remark to Kostan while she walked away.

“Funny little girl, that. Some nights she’d as soon bite you as kiss you.”

Almost at the door, she didn’t hear Stephen’s response of “Some men like that,” although she did hear the burst of laughter that followed his sally. And of course, she couldn’t see the speculative gleam in his eye. Thea and Patrice noticed, however, and exchanged knowing, concerned glances.

Reza told herself, as she found her Packard roadster parked a short distance down Old Santa Fe Trail, that she was going on home. As she turned in front of La Fonda, toward the cathedral, where the great rose window, even in the late evening, was softly lit by the glow of candles burning within the chapels off the nave, she repeated to herself that she was going home. And tomorrow, she would come light a candle to celebrate her resistance of temptation.

She turned left, of course, on Palace Avenue, heading back towards the square, and stopped just before she reached Sena Plaza, pulling over and killing her lights. She would wait as long as it took to smoke a cigarette, no more. After all, she had her pride.

The night was quiet, only the sound of cicadas breaking the stillness with a low, drowsy hum. Footsteps in the street sounded loud, intrusive, and the muffled laughter and conversation were an unwelcome addition to the night.

She saw Stephen come into view, his women with him. Even in the dim light, Reza could distinguish Louise and Dorothea at his sides, with haughty Patrice taking her turn at trailing behind.

Reza stubbed out her cigarette—her fourth cigarette, she was dismayed to realize—and watched as the little group stopped under the colonnaded walkway in front of the girls’ hotel. Stephen carefully, and thoroughly, kissed first Dorothea and then Louise. Given their goodnight salute, they vanished inside, but Patrice lingered in the shadows.

Reza could see that Stephen made a gesture of some sort, although she was unsure of its exact nature. Then it hit her. He was holding out a hand to Patrice, as though inviting her to dance. But what he wanted from the blonde was a movement to an older rhythm.

Patrice moved in front of him, her back to his chest, and lifted a wrist, her head turned away and bowed, offering her blood. Reza watched, fascinated, unsure whether to feel she was intruding on an intimate moment, or witnessing an act of practiced grace.

Stephen’s arm curled around the blonde, his hand splayed across her belly, bracing her and holding her close. His other hand ran down the inside of her offered limb, from armpit to wrist, with great delicacy. Reza leaned forward, her lips parted. Watching them, she could almost feel the cool skim of his fingers on her skin, even as she felt the quickening of her breath, her pulse. Stephen caressed Patrice’s forearm again, then spread his fingers to hold it, as he scented down the skin, preparing to strike. Perhaps Reza only imagined that she saw a gleam of fangs in the moonlight.

Reza, in the darkness so close and so far away, could only guess at the thrill, the shudder of anticipation, that the freshie was experiencing. She pressed her thighs together, as though to trap the sensations that watching the pair unfolded within her.

When he bit, Reza saw Patrice throw her head back, but she knew the soft gasp she heard had come from her own mouth. And he heard her too. He shifted his mouth on Patrice’s arm, and she saw the silver flash of his eyes, looking at her as he drank.

Soon, he raised his head, the blood on his lips black in the shadows, and ran his tongue carefully around his mouth to gather the last of Patrice there. He enfolded her briefly in his embrace, then bent his head to lay a tender kiss on her throat. They turned, together, and Stephen supported her to the door of the small hotel.

The spell was broken, as Stephen vanished from sight. Reza shook her head and blinked, as if waking from a dream. She reached for the ignition, to start her roadster once again. She wasn’t sure why he had wanted her to see this, but she was done. She was going home.

A hand closed over hers, startling her. “Slide over.”

“I—I didn’t see you.”

“I didn’t intend that you should.”

Stephen settled himself behind the wheel, and ran his hands over the controls, familiarizing himself with them. He started the car, and pulled smoothly away into the street.

Reza didn’t speak, thinking about what she’d seen, what she’d heard that day. And besides, she was enjoying watching him drive. If she were honest, she had to admit that she was physically mesmerized by him. She paid little attention to their route, and although he never looked at her, she suspected he was aware of her scrutiny. Even staring at him, her mind wandered, and she hardly noticed as he pulled the Packard over near a stand of trees. The outskirts of town had fallen behind them, and the hills were illuminated by clear moonlight.

Stephen didn’t speak, but snaked an arm around Reza’s shoulders, pulling her over into a kiss. For the split second before their lips met, Reza wondered if his mouth would taste of blood, of Patrice. Before she could hesitate, though, his tongue was stroking into her, and she tasted nothing but Stephen, the clean male flavor of him. And then she was floating away on the cloud of sensation.

“So,” Stephen said, bringing her back to earth a few minutes later, as he released her, and they shifted apart on the seat, “did you get a good visit with my pets?”

“Oh yes,” Reza said, “they were full of information.” Putas, she muttered to herself. Whores.

Until then, Stephen had never moved in a way that betrayed his difference from normal mortals. Almost twenty generations of mingling with humans had taught him to slow every movement, to gauge it according to the perceptions of those around him, unless he wanted to make a point. And right now he really wanted to make a point. He was across the seat in an instant, and his arms tightened around her, inexorable as death. “Do not,” he said in deceptively gentle tones, “ever say that again.”

Startled, she began to struggle against his arms, but there was no breaking free.

“Reza. Reza,” he said, his voice growing sharper, “apparently they didn’t mention—they probably didn’t think it was necessary—that what you’re dealing with is a predator. Have you ever heard the phrase ‘prey drive’?”


“It means, if you struggle, if you run, my natural instinct is to chase, and to subdue. I would advise you not to trigger my instincts, unless you’re prepared to take the consequences.” He smiled to take the sting away from his words, but it only served to chill her.

She went still, but her breathing was ragged, and he could tell she was turning fear into rage. “What if I tell them?” she spat out. “What if I tell them everything I know?”

“Tell who?” he said with an amused rumble, “Nash? He won’t believe you. Your father? Oh, yes, Reza, I’m sure you’re going to go to him and say, ‘Papa, my latest lover is supernatural creature who abuses me.’ You forget, Reza, I saw his reaction to Nash’s painting. I saw the marks he left on your back with that strap. I don’t think your credibility is too high right now. Do you think there’s anything here I can’t talk or buy my way out of? Do you think I can’t vanish like smoke, if the necessity arises? Trust me, Reza, you can tell anyone you want. I can almost guarantee you’ll live to regret it.”

Something changed, subtly, in the nature of his embrace. He didn’t loosen his arms, exactly, but while still holding her close, he began to caress, to soothe, instead of punish. She heard him take in a deep breath, smelling the skin of her neck. “And besides,” he said in tones grown seductive, “besides, isn’t this what you wanted? Someone with a strong hand, to keep you in line?”

She moved again, but this time, it was turn, to face him. “Stephen,” she said, “I want you.”

He barked out a short laugh. “You have me, darling. You have me now. But you have to understand, you have to understand that life isn’t always what you thought. My game, my rules. And respect for anyone associated with me, is one of the rules.”

Reza laughed, and even though he could tell it was forced, he admired her for it. “I don’t do rules very well, Stephen. You know that.”

“This one you will, Razorblade.” He bent his head, taking her mouth with his. “We both know you will.”
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Re: Camino del Monte Sol, Ch. 11 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Post by francis »

Oh, Josef is showing Reza her place, playing out her and the freshies' jealousy and enjoying it, I guess. He's giving her a glimpse of his life, showing her what a predator it is. I think he's already chasing her and subdueing her, even when it's not to kill and maim but the seduction is there. The atmosphere in this chapter is again so well done, adding to the emotions. I can't wait to read more of this great tale. :hug:
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Re: Camino del Monte Sol, Ch. 11 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Post by eris »

Very nice, Lucky. So many layers to scenes that seem simple on the outside, but are anything but once you change your perspective.
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Re: Camino del Monte Sol, Ch. 11 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Post by allegrita »

Ooh, I love your comment, eris. That's just what I was thinking. There are so many facades in this chapter, so many layers, so many ways of interpreting everything... depending on who's doing the observing.

Josef Stephen is being pretty blunt about showing Reza what it's like to be his freshie. Anybody's freshie. And he's definitely showing her what it means to be in the grasp of a hunter. I got chills when you described Reza watching Stephen feed from Patrice... I could see it, and because it was her observation rather than an omnicient one, it was even more powerful to read.

Reza's always been used to having the power in her relationships with men. (Well, every man but her father.) :madface: But with Stephen, she's outgunned on every front... and it has her way off balance.
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Re: Camino del Monte Sol, Ch. 11 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Post by jen »

Delighted to see a new chapter of this rich and very different fic.

I must go back and reread Chapter 10 now as I think I need a refresher on some things.

I may be wrong, but I think Stephen's interest in Reza is different than his interest in the Graces. She is getting acquainted with a world she did not know existed previously, and it is impressive how quickly she accepts and adapts to the new and old rules governing it. Her reaction at this point is rather like Beth's response to freshies, interpreting it as being based in sexual attraction rather than food.

She continues to be a fascinating character--insanely brave, stubbornly rebellious and yet beneath the surface, I sense that she is also quite emotionally needy, though she conceals this carefully beneath a brittle exterior. That hardness is a well worn survival tool.

Stephen sees that, as well.

I look forward to more!

Thank you!

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Re: Camino del Monte Sol, Ch. 11 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Post by darkstarrising »

If there is one word to describe this chapter it's sensual. Stephen's interactions with the women in his life, his three graces and Reza are to one degree or another. From the moment Stephen and his freshies enter the lounge, there's tension in the air. Some of the freshies find themselves out of their 'comfort zone' while the Reza's tension is more of a sexual nature. Reza knows she's to keep her 'encounter' with Stephen to herself, but her eyes can't disguise her jealousy at seeing how Stephen interacts with his freshies. He's teasing her and she counters by planting a kiss on each of the men at the table, but it does nothing but amuse Stephen.

Ah, but the scene where he drinks from Patrice in full view of Reza.....that was masterfully done!! Reza tells herself that she won't bend to Stephen's request, but finds herself a reluctant voyeur, gasping at the intimacy and sensuality of the vampire's feed, feeling her own desire build. You can almost see her hands shaking on the wheel and her heart pounding as she tries to drive away....but Stephen isn't done with her quite yet.

Later, when she and Stephen are alone, Reza makes a fatal mistake, two actually, ones Stephen quickly corrects. Even that is done in a sensual manner. If Reza doesn't know by now that Stephen is the master, I fear she soon will.

Wonderful chapter, Lucky :rose:
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Re: Camino del Monte Sol, Ch. 11 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Post by cassysj »

Amazing. I was heady this whole chapter. When Reza said Putas I thought "Oh honey, you have no idea what you just started." He is so seductive here and so dangerous. Reza is in over her head.
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Re: Camino del Monte Sol, Ch. 11 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Post by NightAir »

When Reza met Josef and learned his secret her horizons expanded far beyond Santa Fe. Tonight, Reza met the vampire and the world and her place in it have a new clarity.
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Re: Camino del Monte Sol, Ch. 11 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Post by OnceBitTwiceShy »

I love Reza's thoughts at the beginning of the chapter, how she was bothered by the sharing of Josef with his Graces, but she wasn't bothered by his vampirism. At the end of the chapter she may realize that she really doesn't know all the ramifications of having a vampire lover. She may not truly understand the vampire yet and she has so much to learn about her lover that goes way beyond sharing him with other women.
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Re: Camino del Monte Sol, Ch. 11 (with OBTS) -- PG-13

Post by RangerCM »

Ah, yes. It takes a certain personality to learn to play within the freshie rules. Not really sure Reza is cut out for it.
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