The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

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The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

Episode: Loosely based after Episode The Mortal Cure
Pairing: The whole gang
Rating: PG13 Occasional language
Spoilers: I wish it had a spoiler, this is pure fiction!!!
Beta Thank You: Morbius
Summary: Nothing happens by chance, our decisions direct everything around us

CBS & Paramount owns Moonlight, No copyright infringement is intended.

The Chemist
By Moonshadow

Chapter 13

Mick grabbed Beth’s hand as she moved to brush away the dirt and herbs. “Be careful. Whatever that is it has a hallucinogenic element to it. Josef, we’ll need masks and gloves.” Mick turned looking about, “Lab coats would be good too.”

Beth smiled at the touch of Mick’s hand as it still held hers. The act was unconscious, embracing and comfortable in its honesty.

Josef’s annoyance was obvious as he slammed the drawers open and shut, “Do I look like a lab rat to you?” the acerbic voice came from a closet. Mick smiled at the venom in Josef’s voice.

“Josef’s got a lot riding on the success of this,” Mick said softly to Beth.

She began to put the pieces together, Sarah, The Chemist, Black Crystal and the Mortal Cure. A small intake of breath and the jerk of her shoulders told Mick that she had put all the pieces together. This was about saving Sarah. Looking at Mick she whispered, “Is it possible?”

Mick shrugged his shoulders and gave her hand a quick squeeze.

There really is no way to know, at this point we can only hope. Together they set about to organize the chaos that lay before them. Beth took the notebooks, Mick bagged the herbs and Josef worked on the loose sheets of notes that were scattered through it all. It didn’t take them long.

Worried, Beth looked at Josef, “There’s an awful lot missing.”

“It’ll have to do,” he snapped “There’s no way we can go back now.” Glancing at his watch, “It’s seven o’clock; we might as well take a break. Anyone hungry?”. Standing up he headed for the door peeling gloves and coat, tossed both in his wake and didn’t look back.

Mick looked at Beth and nodded towards the door, “We might as well.” As they stripped off their lab gear he added, “You’re right Josef’s nervous. He doesn’t like it when the stakes change on him.” Mick helped Beth our of her lab coat. “When he plays poker he uses diversions to slow the game down.” Mick added thinking back to the last game of poker they they’d played. “What he didn’t count on was Ryder.” He added as they walked through the door bumping into each other. Mick took her hand falling into step with her stride.

“Mick, Mo thinks I’m in Tahoe,” she blushed, “I’m due back Monday with a story ready to publish. I haven’t got a thing done and I really need to get some work done.”

Well, I don’t know how much more we can do in the lab. Would you like some help getting started on you story?” Mick paused in mid step. “Beth wait a minute you can’t go home right now. It’s not safe.” He looked somber, “Josef’s security is better than mine. Id’ feel better if you stayed here over the weekend.”

Beth stopped him as he pushed the door open, “Is it really that bad?”

Mick hesitated only as second, “Yeah Beth, it’s that bad.” She stared at him as he ushered her into the room.

“Oh, this just keeps getting better and better,” she snapped. “I just lost Josh to one drug lord. Now you’re telling me that I could lose you too?” Beth whirled about, “How dare you!”

Beth snapped back around as Josef entered the room. Mick watched in silent amazement as Beth launched into Josef.

“How dare you!” Beth repeated, heading for Josef finger raised and tears flowing. “You’ve put Mick on a hit list for some vamp family drug ring!?!” Josef stepped back in surprise at her attack. “Did you even once think about anyone besides yourself?” She continued at full blast, “What am I going to do? Hide here for the rest of my life? If anything happens to Mick, so help me…”

“Beth calm down.” Mick headed for her, secretly amused at Josef’s retreat. “Nothing is going to happen that I can’t handle.”

“Don’t!” she retorted throwing up a hand, wiping away the angry tears with the other, “just don’t.” Beth threw one last angry glare at Josef before walking across the room and out the door; away from both of them.

“Well, that was fun.” Josef adjusted the collar of his jacket, “We certainly know how she feels about that don’t we.

Mick cocked his head as he leveled a look at Josef, “Don’t” he replied echoing Beth’s parting salvo.

Tugging on his jacket again Josef looked at Mick and sighed. “Dinner’s in the other room. I’ll join you later.” He added as he turned on his heel and headed back out the same door he’d entered.

Mick walked down the hall hoping Beth had gone to the office that had been assigned for her use and not out some door heading for home without him. The muffled sounds within gave her away. Mick tapped on the door as he opened it slowly, watching as Beth continued to wipe away the tears.

“Beth?” he called softly. Watching as her back tightened, he sighed again. Beth’s grief was still fresh, making her as fragile as spun glass. Beth, no one did this on purpose.” He continued, “You know that Josh died fighting to make the world a better place.” He added stepping closer, “We make our plans and fight our battles as best we can, he shrugged his shoulders, “Life happens Beth, it’s messy and it doesn’t always end up where we planned.” Mick stopped, his hands outstretched, “Come here.” He whispered.

She turned into his arms, buried her face into his chest and wept. It’s still so hard She knew it was raw emotion that had caused the overflow but the thought of going through such loss again was too much to even consider. I don’t think I could do it again. Beth drew strength from his nearness and Mick felt rather than heard Beth’s sigh.

“Can you do this?”

“Yes,” Beth voice sounded with resolve, “with you. I can do this.”

“Then let’s get started on your story.” Mick offered nodding towards the desk, “what are you going to focus on?” stepping back he held her by her shoulders.

Beth’s laugh was more of a bark than a laugh. “I haven’t any idea. I just know that I don’t want to turn it into a pity piece. It needs to focus on Josh; in a positive way. I wand to acknowledge the sacrifice he made for what he believed in.”

Mick led her to the desk, “Okay, let’s list the points you want to cover,” he looked at the screen, “it’s a place to start.”

“Mick? When will we talk?”

Mick looked down at the fragile hand clasped in his, “What we need to talk about will wait.” With a subtle grin he added, “I’m not avoiding it.” He lifted her hand and tenderly kissed her open palm, “Trust me.”

Beth’s answering smile was sad. With one last wipe of her hand she added, “I really should go apologize to Josef.”

It was Mick’s turn to bark out a short laugh. “It’s not often anyone gets the best of Josef Kosten.” Beth’s embarrassed smile warmed his heart, “Let’s get these notes done first and see what happens.

Together they sat at the desk working in companionable silence; occasionally punctuating the quiet with comments about what to add to the piece that formed on the screen between them. Shoulder to shoulder, elbow to elbow and let to leg the closeness strengthening them both.

Chapter 14

Mariel tapped on the door a short time later and stepped inside, “Mr. Kosten would like to know if you will join him for dinner or if you would like to dine here?”

Beth flushed and answered first, “We’ll join him,” she said as she stood and moved to the door.

Beth entered with an apology on her lips, walked to Josef and looked him in the eye. His storm grey eyes were sharp as the stared back at her. Beth knew that she had crossed over a line with Josef. Extending a hand, “Please, Josef” “I had no right to speak to you like that.” He softened, “Remind me never to get in your way when you really get mad.” He took her hand and looked at the fragile reminder of the human element that no longer belonged to him. “Forget it Beth,” he added quietly. Looking up with a toss of his head towards the table, “You eat and let’s talk. We need to be clear about the next step.

Beth sat at the table and ate, listening to the two men formulate a plan, after all she thought, “handling a pissed off vamp was completely out of her league.” She quickly realized that this was about more than The Chemist; it was about dealing with the repercussions of their actions. “Funny,” she thought, “politics are still politics, regardless.”

“Alright, let’s get started,” Josef said abruptly heading for the door.

Mick looked over at Beth, “You’ll be okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll finish my story; I’ve got a good start.” Brushing her hair from her face Beth continued, “I’ve got hours of work ahead of me and I’m sure Mariel knows how to make coffee.”

On the way to the silver cell Mick thought about Coraline and Lance, wondering just where it was that they’d taken her and, if Josef had any idea. The memory of her staked, hanging lifeless, in Lance’s grasp, brought a shudder.

Josef glanced over at the movement “What?” “You don’t want to play with the big boys now?”

Mick ignored the jab, “How is this vamp tied to Lance?”

Josef looked troubled at the question, “Listen Mick, don’t go down that road.”
“The last thing you need is Coraline’s family hunting down her rouges.” “The fact that you’re still alive means that they are feeling generous.”

“Right now, we need to focus on getting what I need out of The Chemist.” “Lola screwed up. She eliminated a couple of pretty influential vamps. People started asking questions and word got out as to what she was up to. Lola’s sire got backed into a corner by her little stunt, but that won’t last long.” Josef looked at Mick, “Word is that they’re looking for the Chemist and they want him. Vengeance.” Josef muttered with a shake of his head. “What they forget is he’s,” he motioned to the door with a jerk of his thumb, “he’s to valuable to the old ones, so they can’t hill him. But they sure as hell have no intention of letting him walk away from this or continue to work on his own.”

Mick hefted the solid wooden shaft in his grip as he took in everything that Josef had said. “So you fully intend on letting them have him?”

Josef’s look was impossible to read, “Mick, sometimes you bluff to raise the stakes, and sometimes you fold. The key is knowing when to do what.”

The door stood between them and the vamp held captive there. Josef’s face taunt as they stepped inside, “Close the door Mick,” glancing over he added, “Be ready”. The dull thud of the door had barely died when the wet ripping sound of flesh told Mick that Josef had pulled the stake.

The Chemist groaned and writhed in pain. “Sorry bout that, stakes hurt like hell don’t they?” Josef cooed into the vamps ear, flipping the implement end for end. As the Chemist lunged into a crouch, Josef brought the gory end of the stake down with a slam, “Don’t!” his snarl reverberated off the deadly walls. “Try anything and I’ll hand you over to the others. And I don’t think they’ll bother with a stake.” Josef’s feral eyes glinted; his icy rage was barely contained.

The vamp scrabbled off the gurney and screamed in agony as his bare hands touched the silvered floor. He jerked up right hissing his frustration and pain.

Josef continued ignoring the vamps panic, “You have two choices. One; work for me or two; I have you over.” The whirling stake spun end for end like a compass needle seeking north.

“Just what do you want me to do? The Chemist asked hesitantly.

“Not much, run some tests. I repeat you’re free to go at anytime. While you’re working for me, it will be your choice.”

The Chemist stood calmly glancing at Mick then back to Josef. “What about him? Is he your insurance that I behave?”

“No, he was here merely to ensure that you remembered your manners. I’ll be sure and have a new shirt sent to the lab for you.” Josef spun the stake again; its implied threat was noted.

The Chemist wiped his hands over his hair smoothing the waves into place, “I presume you have adequate facilities for me to work in?”

“Oh, I think you’ll find it sufficient,” Josef replied nodding to Mick “Open the door, I think our guest would like to get some work done,” he added striding through it with the Chemist trailing in his wake.

Josef rolled a vial of blood back and forth between his fingers, “I want this tested with both compounds. I want to know if you see any reaction al all.”

The chemist eyed Josef suspiciously, “What compounds are you referring to? I’ve worked with thousands.”

Harsh light sparkled off the glass surface rolling between the pale fingers, “Don’t play stupid with me? I know that you were working on the French compound and Lola’s little episode is the reason you happen to be on L.A.’s ten most wanted vamps hit list. Can I make this any clearer for you?” he added tossing the vial at the Chemist. “Your notes. Your supplies.” Josef nodded to each items as he spoke, “I’ll be back in two hours.” Josef whirled about and swept out the door.

Mick stood in the hallway,” How are you going to know if any of this works>”

Josef jerked his head in the direction of the hall way, “Pride, human nature. This is a challenge and that vamp thrives on a challenge.” Josef looked over at Mick, “You know the type, perfectionist, driven, classic type A.”

Mick smiled at the implied insult, “nice to know that I’m so reliable.”

“I only hope he can find something,” Josef added somberly scrubbing a hand through his hair bristling it upright.

“Listen Josef,” Mick grabbed Josef’s shoulder, “whatever happens, time is still on your side. We’ve got a couple hours to kill, Beth’s working and you’ll drive me crazy pacing. Let’s take a break; you got anything to drink around here?

Josef’s answering snort confirmed Mick’s assessment of his tension.

The light from the screen lit Beth’s face as she typed, sipping the hot coffee she smiled at the taste set the cup down and continued to type. The words flowed catharsistic from her heart and memory to her fingertips and on to the screen. Beth knew with calm assurance that this would be the final release. When this was done she would be ready to let Josh go without regret, to move forward into whatever the future held. Beth felt a blush creep into her cheeks at the leap her mind made at the word held.

Josef held up a glass toasted Mick and paused as Mick held up his own glass, “to possibilities.”

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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by kpyle »

Great update~~ Well woth the wait as always, Kelly
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

Thank you for the patience. I learned a very valuable lesson... Backup!
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by francis »

So now Josef has the Chemist working on a cure to heal Sarah. But it ends here! Will he find something? Will Lola's sire come to get the man? Will Mick and Beth be safe?

Great story, great possibilities, as Josef stated. :hearts:
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

I am so tickled that you stopped by my bookshelf to read a bit. :heart:
I'm also delighted that you enjoyed the story. It's wonderful to hear people's opinions and insights.
thank you so much for taking the time to comment.
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by diane31 »

I am really enjoying your story! :flowers: I love the way you keep the tension going between Mick and Beth, very much like in the show. It really struck me how you have Beth realize that even after they thought they talked, in fact they only had half a talk, her half, and the way you show both their perspective after that, both wanting the same thing but thinking the other does not... still dancing around each other, as always. :cloud9:
And you show so fell what she is going through, having to process Josh's death at the same time as all the fears that surround her relationship with Mick. :twothumbs: I love the way you weave them in with their current quest for the chemist. Seeing Josef's dream to find a way to save Sarah is something I think we've all always routed for for Josef's sake, and at the same time it plays so well with Beth's hopes and fears.
Question: I see that Recoil happens after Sonata, so I take it that it does not quite follow "The Chemist"? And when would you advise one to start reading "Recoil Parallel"? After the whole of "Recoil" or just parts of it?
Thanks for offering us this great story! :heart:
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

First thank you so much for the comments and questions. The Recoil Parallel was written to be read in conjunction with Recoil. Ideally you would read one chapter of Recoil and the one chapter of the parallel. They were written as two opposite perspectives of the same events.

I am glad you've enjoyed the "tension" in my stories. I sincerely believe that is what keeps a good story moving forward. Everyone in Moonlight has something to hide, something to lose, and something to give. For me the question has always been how and when.

Again, thank you for the comments. I always appreciate them!
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by allegrita »

Oh, I love the way you ended this story--you tied up a few loose ends but left so many questions lurking. I'm dying to know whether the Chemist finds a cure for Sarah... whether Ryder was the ghost... whether Beth can go home now :snicker: and whether or not she and Mick will EVER have the second half of that conversation! Tell her you love her, you big lunkheaded vamp!!! :getclue: Sheesh, men! :eyeroll:

Thank you so much for this story--it was a fascinating look into some of the things that were only hinted at on the show.
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by MoonShadow »

Oh Allegrita and Jen,
Thank you so much for your kind words.
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by jen »

wow Are you good or what? I just finished this fabulous chapter today. There is so much territory here. I really like that Beth needed to process, to work through her loss before being able to move on. It was hinted at in the show, but we didn't have time to see that process played out. It was just to abruptly...over. :hankie:

I really think that Beth is someone who would need to take things apart and examine them before being able to move on. She loves Mick. That is not in question, but before she can take the next step, there are processes that must occur for her.

The Chemist is a fascinating character and just how he will work with Josef is going to be intresting. His importance could potentially be enormous. If he were ever to become a genuine ally...but I wonder if that is even possible. He is used to being a tool, for all of his expertise, and is he capable to thinking in other terms?

Another fabulous story. Moonshadow, you are a truly extraordinary writer!

Thank you!
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by maggatha3 »

Awesome storytelling! Beth and Mick are ready to move on..Josef is still fighting for Sarah.. This story got to a great end, but there is so much still to look forward to!
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Re: The Chemist--Chapter 13-End PG13

Post by BlueEyedMonster »

Wonderful story telling. Thank you for sharing your Moonlight with us.
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