1965 Wedding Day Forgiveness Series PG

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1965 Wedding Day Forgiveness Series PG

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended. If you want to see what I imagine Sarah's and Anne's dresses look like follow this link viewtopic.php?f=317&t=3892

Sarah woke up very early the day of the wedding 9AM. The ceremony was scheduled for sunset but there were a million things to check on.

Mother was already up calling florists, caterers, the hair stylist, makeup artist. Mother and I had spent the night in a hotel suite so the bride wouldn’t see the groom before the wedding.

"Sarah I’m surprised to see you up so early. Anne said. You could sleep a couple of more hours."

"I know Mother. It’s silly but I’m nervous and excited."

"That’s not silly.

"It is when you’ve been married for ten years. Even if you don’t count when I was asleep it’s been almost five years."

"But you didn’t have a wedding. This is important."

"I know. It feels like Charles has invited almost every vampire in the world."

"Well your father and I would have had half of New York at your wedding so it makes sense.

Ring! Ring!

"I wonder who’s calling me. Anne said. Hello? Oh, hello Charles. You can’t see Sarah!"

"I don’t want to see Sarah, I want to see you. Charles said. I’m in Suite 417."

"All right but I’m not telling her where you are.

"Good! I can see her forever."

"So where’s Charles?" Sarah asked.

"In the lobby. Anne lied smoothly. He wants to see me. Don’t you dare leave this room young lady."

"But Mother….

"Sarah, I mean it! I’m still your Mother."

All right. Sarah grumbled.

Anne took the elevator to the fourth floor and went to suite 417.

"Hi Anne. I’m not going to break tradition, I just had a present for you."

"Charles you don’t have to give me a present.

"I think you’ll like it.

Anne unwrapped the package and it was a portrait of Sarah. Sarah in a beautiful Emerald Green dress.

"Charles, how? When?"

"Well since we were posing for our wedding portrait I told the artist I wanted one just of my wife in this dress." he handed Anne a photo.

"I remember when I bought her that dress." Anne’s eyes were misting. " She was twenty years old and she never looked more beautiful.

"Anne I know you wanted us to have a wedding portrait but it was more for you to remember your daughter on her wedding day. You can’t hang our portrait in your house but you can hang this one of Sarah."

"Charles it’s beautiful but people will wonder why the never saw it before."

"No they won’t. You can say you had it painted right after she turned twenty-one then she ran away and you couldn’t stand to look at it. But enough time has passed."

"I could do that couldn’t I? A new picture of Sarah. Thank you Charles you couldn’t have given me a better gift." Anne hugged him.

"Anne you gave me the best gift for eternity.

"I better go upstairs or she’ll sneak out.

"She is sneaky. Charles said. You have to watch her every minute."

"I’ll see you later Charles.

Anne opened the door to her suite and heard Hope and Sarah talking.

"Hope you’re so early! I thought you vampires would sleep in. " Anne said.

"Not when there’s hair, makeup and complicated dresses. It’s so hard being a girl!"

Hope and the Whitley women were almost completely ready when Coraline showed up at three.

"I thought you said three o’clock." Coraline said. "I know I didn’t oversleep.

"You’re right on time Coraline. Anne said. Everyone else is early.

"Mother what is that painting over there? Charles said we couldn’t see the portrait until it was unveiled tonight. Is that it?"

"No dear. It’s my present.

"Well I figured Charles would have the artist do a duplicate for you. Please let me peek." Sarah begged

"It’s not your wedding portrait."

"Then you won’t mind if I look. " Sarah ran over and started removing the paper.

"Could I stop you?

"You could try.

Sarah looked at the painting in surprise.

"It’s beautiful Sarah. Coraline said.

"I remember that dress. Hope said.

"That was the last dress I bought for you. Anne said.

"Charles proposed to me in that dress. Tears filled her eyes. Then he took my picture."

"He wanted me to have something I could hang in my house. Anne said.

All four women were crying and were going to need to have makeup redone.

Before they knew it the limo arrived with Riley to take them to the church.

Anne was so happy. The ceremony went off without a hitch. There was never a more beautiful bride than her Sarah

Riley was a wonderful escort. When they arrived at the reception and Anne saw the caterers had only brought five feeding benches instead of the fifteen she had requested he saw to it that it was resolved before the bride and groom arrived. She was convinced Charles would have eaten somebody if he dealt with it

Both humans and vampires seemed content with their meals. The big surprise was when the cake was brought out with dozens of tiny blood vials flavored with sugar. The vampires loved it! Riley had four of them himself. He has quite a sweet tooth for a vampire.

At the end of the evening Charles unveiled their wedding portrait. The artist had captured Charles and Sarah perfectly looking at each other lovingly, for all eternity. Anne knew they thought she was silly but they would be glad one day long after she was gone that they had this memory.

Anne went back to her hotel room that night with the beautiful memory of her daughter’s wedding even if it was ten years too late.
Last edited by cassysj on Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1965 Wedding Day Forgiveness Series PG

Post by francis »

This was beautiful. :flowers:
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Re: 1965 Wedding Day Forgiveness Series PG

Post by cassysj »

I wanted them to have a beautiful wedding. Even if it's ten years late.
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Re: 1965 Wedding Day Forgiveness Series PG

Post by mitzie »

Lovely wedding!!!! :hankie: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :heart: :flowers: :rose:

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Re: 1965 Wedding Day Forgiveness Series PG

Post by jen »

How lovely!!!

Thank you!
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Re: 1965 Wedding Day Forgiveness Series PG

Post by cassysj »

I'm very proud of my Forgiveness Josef & Sarah (Charles & Sarah) series. I'm so happy to see it pop up again.
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