Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Final

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Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Final

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Disclaimer: I do not own Moonlight or any of its characters.
Rating: PG
Characters: Josef, Mick, Beth and my OCs Kylie Jenkins and Savannah.
A/N: This is a sequel to Fresh from the Farm and Follow That Freshie. I recommend reading at least "Fresh from the Farm" (a one-shot) before "Jealousy." It will make a lot more sense that way!
Thank you dear Lorig for the support and boost of confidence. And of course for being my idea bouncer.

Special thanks to darkstarrising for the plot bunny. In a comment to "Fresh from the Farm" she asked if the other girls were jealous. Hmm...


Chapter 8 - Final

Savannah stared at the closed door, then ran to Beth and broke down in sobs on her shoulder. “I didn’t mean for anything like this to happen, honest!” she cried.

Beth led her over to the bed. “Come and sit down a minute, Savannah.”

Savannah sat but continued to cry. “When I found out that Josef picked Kylie to be one of his privates when she’d only been a freshie for month, I…I just got so jealous. It seemed so unfair, you know?” She looked at Beth and sniffed. “I mean, I was the one who got Kylie the freshie job in the first place.” Beth nodded, hoping she would continue. “Pretty soon it was all I could think about. I thought that it should have been me who was picked. So I…” she gulped for air. “So the next time Josef came to the club, I tried to get him to notice me. And ended up getting fired. I blamed that on Kylie, too.”

“But she didn’t have anything to do with it!” Beth exclaimed.

Savannah sniffed some more. “I know. But at the time, all I wanted to do was get Kylie fired, too.” She looked at Beth with earnest. “You have to believe me! I just wanted her to lose her job like I lost mine!” She looked down and started wringing her hands. “I followed her to that homeless shelter. I threatened to tell Josef that she hung out down there, but she said he already knew. Everything just bubbled up inside me and I just totally lost it. I slapped her - really hard. She…she hit the car door and then hit her head on the pavement.” She looked up at Beth again. “It was an accident! That’s the truth!”

“What happened then?” Beth asked gently.

Savannah wiped her eyes on her sleeve. “I panicked. I put her in her car and drove away. I didn’t know what to do! I couldn’t just leave her there, she might have died! So I brought her here until I could figure out what to do next.” She looked at Beth and there was fear in her eyes. “What’s going to happen to me now?” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Beth let out a deep breath. “I honestly don’t know, Savannah. It’s up to Josef.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes. “C’mon, let’s go upstairs and make some tea,” Beth said as she stood up. Savannah nodded and got up. Beth picked up the two plates of sandwiches, and carefully stepping over the splintered pieces of the door, they went upstairs.


Drat. I still have a headache. But it’s different somehow. There are different smells, too. Not like before. Medicinal smells and… something else. Something pleasant; familiar; safe.

“Josef?” Kylie said weakly, opening her eyes. He was sitting there next to her bed.

“Hey doll,” Josef smiled at her. “Nice to see you awake. Even better that you remember me!”

“Where am I?” Her voice was hoarse.

“Shh… don’t try to ask questions right now. You’re at Sacred Angels Hospital and you’re getting the best of care. I’m making sure of it.”

“My head hurts.”

“I know sweetheart, but you’re going to be fine. Try and get some rest now and we’ll talk more next time you wake up. Okay?”

Kylie tried to nod but it hurt too much so she gave him a small smile instead and closed her eyes.


A different smell. Familiar, but not Josef. It smells like, like leather. Ah…

Kylie opened her eyes and returned the warm smile she saw. “Hey, Mick.”

“Good to see you, Kylie. You gave us quite a scare! How do you feel?”

“My head doesn’t hurt quite as much.” She lifted a hand to her head and her eyes grew wide. “What are all these bandages? What happened?”

“You had a concussion and were bleeding inside your brain. It built up pressure and caused a seizure. They had to operate to relieve it, but you’ll be fine.”

Just thinking about made her head hurt more. “Where is Josef?”

“I made him get something to eat. He hadn’t left your bedside for hours. That reminds me, I promised to call him if you woke up.” Mick reached for his phone.

“Wait,” Kylie pleaded. Mick paused and looked at her questioningly.

“Where’s Savannah? Did he do something to her?”

“Not yet I haven’t.” Mick and Kylie both looked up to see Josef standing in the doorway. “But I have talked to Beth, who is currently babysitting her. Apparently Savannah is suddenly full of remorse,” he said disdainfully. “That is, now that the tar pits are a very real possibility.”

Kylie gasped and struggled to sit up. “Josef! No! You can’t…you can’t just kill her like that!”

“Hold on there Kylie,” Mick said gently as he put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her back down on her bed. “Don’t get yourself all worked up. Josef didn’t mean that.” He glared at Josef.

“I most certainly did,” Josef sniffed. “She’s a liability to the community.”

Kylie started to cry. “Please Josef, don’t kill her. Please!”

“Kylie, what she did almost killed you! Don’t you see that?”

“But she didn’t intend to hurt me, I’m sure of that. And she didn’t leave me to die, either. She tried to take care of me.” Josef pursed his lips together, since that was exactly what Beth had told him. “If it hadn’t been for Savannah, I would never have met you, or have been able to get a house for my mother. I’d probably have had to go back home broke.” Her eyes never left Josef’s, and he finally had to turn away.

“She can’t go unpunished. We have rules for a reason.”

“There must be something else you can do that’s not so drastic,” she pleaded, looking between Mick and Josef. But before either of them could say anything, a nurse came bustling through the door.

“Now Mr. Kostan, you are upsetting my patient and she needs her rest. You and your friend need to leave for awhile,” she said as she helped get Kylie settled back down. Josef looked like he was about to say something, but Mick quickly stood and took his arm, guiding him out of the room, giving a last reassuring smile to Kylie.


“Thanks for coming to my welcome home party,” Kylie said as she walked Janelle and Lizette, the last of her guests, to the front door of Josef’s mansion. “It was great to see you!”

“We’re glad you’re going to be okay,” Janelle said. She leaned in and whispered, “Besides, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see Josef Kostan’s mansion!” The girls giggled as they stepped out onto the porch, and Kylie glanced back to see if Josef was out of hearing range.

“By the way, have either of you two heard anything about Savannah?” she whispered.

Janelle and Lizette looked at each other and then back at Kylie. “No we haven’t, Kylie. Not a word.”

“We went by her house,” added Lizette. “But it was empty and has a ‘For Rent’ sign out in front.”

“I hate to say it,” Janelle lowered her voice. “But it’s like she just disappeared.” Kylie’s eyes grew wide and she nodded.

“Thanks,” she whispered back. She hugged them both and waved good-bye as they walked to their car. Kylie slowly walked back into the mansion, mulling over what the girls had said about Savannah. She knew very well what Josef was capable of, but she didn’t want to believe that he had killed her after she asked him not to. Well, there’s only one way to find out.

She found Josef pouring a nightcap for himself and Mick, who was sitting on a barstool next to Beth. They were talking and laughing. “Josef?”

“Yeah doll, what is it?” he asked, not giving her his full attention.

“What happened to Savannah?”

“She’s gone,” he said casually as he turned to put the scotch bottle away.

Both Beth and Mick grew silent and turned when Kylie gasped and clapped her hand over her mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes.

“She’s gone? How…how could you?” She started to run out of the room but only made it a few feet before she ran right into Josef. She started crying hysterically, beating on his chest. “Josef, she was only in her twenties! How could you just kill her like that? After I asked you, pleaded with you, not to?”

Josef grabbed her flailing arms before one of her fists made contact with his face. “Kylie, listen to me. Kylie!” he shouted. “I didn’t mean ‘gone’ gone, like tar pits gone.” She stopped fighting and looked at him, tears streaking her face. “I just meant she’s gone from LA.”

“She’s not dead?” she sniffed. “You didn’t kill her?”

Josef let go of her arms and straightened his blazer. “She’s not dead. Not that she didn’t deserve it,” he muttered.

Still not sure, Kylie asked, “Then where is she?”

“I sent her away. She wanted to be a private freshie, so I made some calls. She is now a private freshie for a very reclusive vampire in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.”

“Michigan?!” Mick and Beth said together in astonishment.

“Very small vampire population. Well actually, a very small population, period. A lot of bears I hear, however. And snow. Lots and lots of snow.”

Kylie threw her arms around Josef’s neck and hugged him tight, rumpling his blazer all over again. “Thank you, Josef. Thank you for not killing her.”

“Only for you doll,” he said and kissed her damp cheek.

Kylie released him and starting laughing.

Mick looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “A minute ago you were in tears! What’s so funny now?”

“I just remembered. Savannah can’t stand the cold and she hates snow!”

The End
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you everyone for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and were not disappointed in the ending. :blushing:

For any medical people out there, I hope I did a reasonable job with the signs and symptoms for Kylie's injury. At least I hope you didn't cringe. :snicker:

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by darkstarrising »

Wonderful ending, MLC :hug:

As soon as I read Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I started to laugh. If Savannah enjoyed the warmth of LA, she was in for a rude awakening once she got to her new home.

Josef was being Josef - tough on the outside, threatening tar pits, but once Kylie started to plead for Savannah's life, you could feel him start to melt. Personally, I like his punishment; not death by tar pits, just a long life of snow and cold. :giggle:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

darkstarrising wrote:Wonderful ending, MLC :hug:

As soon as I read Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I started to laugh. If Savannah enjoyed the warmth of LA, she was in for a rude awakening once she got to her new home.

Josef was being Josef - tough on the outside, threatening tar pits, but once Kylie started to plead for Savannah's life, you could feel him start to melt. Personally, I like his punishment; not death by tar pits, just a long life of snow and cold. :giggle:
:giggle: And probably isolation as well! Definitely not the party atmosphere she's probably used to! :laugh:

Thanks for reading and commenting, dsr! And thanks again for the idea that got this whole story started. :hug:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by librarian_7 »

Josef puts on a good front, but he's a doctor when it comes to his girls.

Well done, MLC!

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by allegrita »

Oh, I love this ending! It's perfect - Savannah couldn't be allowed to get away with what she did, but she didn't deserve to die. Well, not in my human opinion, anyway. :laugh: Being banished to the cold, lonely wilds of Michigan is plenty bad, but she gets to keep her head, and hey--she's probably going to save her whole paycheck, because there's nowhere for her to spend it! :rolling:

And maybe she'll take up snowshoeing out of total boredom. :snicker:

Fabulous job, MLC! :clapping:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you! :flowers: As much as Josef would have liked to dispense with Savannah permanently, he knew Kylie would be devastated and he couldn't hurt Kylie like that. And the image of Savannah snowshoeing - what a hoot! :coffee: Who knows? Maybe she'll like bonding with Mother Nature.

Thank you for reading and especially for leaving comments! Comments feed the muse! (Along with a good helping of M&Ms. :snicker: )

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by OnceBitTwiceShy »

What a wonderful story! I'm so glad that Kylie was okay in the end. I'm no doctor, but I know that when someone has a concussion you shouldn't let them sleep and you should seek medical attention. I don't think Savannah really took care of her at all.

I've been to the UP of Michigan and there is a whole lot of nothing up there. Lots of mosquitoes and biting flies in the summer and lots of cold and snow in the winter. And the winter is probably September through May. Not really my idea of a great place to hang out.

So what happens to Kylie next?
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

OnceBitTwiceShy wrote: I've been to the UP of Michigan and there is a whole lot of nothing up there. Lots of mosquitoes and biting flies in the summer and lots of cold and snow in the winter. And the winter is probably September through May. Not really my idea of a great place to hang out.
Maybe she'll really embrace her new home and buy a cap that says "Yooper" on it! :laugh:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by francis »

That's the perfect solution! Savannah is punished in a way that certainly hurts her, without really doing her any harm. And Kylie is okay! This was a great freshie story. :hearts:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Francis! Thank you so much for finding this story and leaving comments after every chapter! :flowers: I'm glad you enjoyed it and liked the ending. And it gave me a reason to reread the whole thing this afternoon. :reading:

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by jen »

That's a relief!

Savannah may be able to finally learn to make the best of a situation that is less than desirable. She may even learn to enjoy it!

Thank you!

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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Jenna, thank you so much for reading this all the way through and leaving such wonderful comments after each chapter! :flowers: I'm so glad you enjoyed it. (And I love having a reason to reread my own stories. :snicker: )
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by Marigold »

What a perfect ending! Josef made sure Savannah got exactly what she wanted. Next time, she should be more specific. :laugh:

Thanks for the great story, MLC! I enjoyed it! :rose: :hug:

Here are some M&Ms for your muse: :corn: :eat:
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Re: Jealousy - A Kylie Jenkins Freshie Story (PG) Ch. 8-Fina

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Thank you Marigold! I was afraid I lost you along the way so I was very happy to see you finished the story and enjoyed the ending. You even did the poll! I appreciate your leaving such wonderful comments all along the way. :flowers:

Yep, Savannah wanted to be a private freshie, and that's what she got. Be careful what you wish for, eh? :laugh:

(And my muse loves M&Ms! :eat: )

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