FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

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FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own ‘Moonlight’, or any of its wonderful characters. I’m just taking them out for a run! No copyright infringement is intended.

SUMMARY: A multi-chapter action-adventure featuring Mick, Beth, Josef, Logan, Talbot, Guillermo, Simone, and a few really big werewolves, among others. Rated PG-13 for mild language and violence.

SPOILERS: Follows on from all 16 episodes of ‘Moonlight’, as aired on CBS. Follows on from Allegrita’s FanFic, ‘Presto Agitato’, Ch 1 & 2. (Mick and Beth ‘seal the deal’, and become lovers.) Follows on from Desdemona’s FanFic, ‘Silver’, Ch 1 thru 7 only. (Talbot finds out about vampires in general, and Mick in particular, the hard way! He also shares The List with Josef and Mick.) Borrows the Original Character of ‘Karl’ from Eris’ many fine FanFics, with her kind permission.

OK? Ready? Hold on! Here we go again!


Beth, still in her lupine form, and still damp from the pool, stopped dead in front of the familiar stainless swinging doors into the main kitchen as she followed Mick through Josef’s vast house.

Hearing her stop, Mick turned and looked back at her, one eyebrow quirked up in silent question. He was soaking wet and needed some dry clothes. And Beth…..well, she just needed clothes, period. Mick wanted to get her back into her human form, and dressed, before they encountered Phelan again. He didn’t want another wolf fight on his hands. Despite what Josef had said, Mick was worried the larger werewolf might hurt Beth.

“What is it, Beth?”, Mick asked softly.

Beth’s large sapphire eyes slid from the kitchen doors to Mick’s face. She had felt increasingly ravenous since her unplanned shift to lupine form, and the subsequent fight with Phelan. As soon as Phelan had submitted to her, surrendering by rolling onto his back in front of her, Beth’s thoughts had moved rapidly to her appetite. The transformation, and the brief battle, had burned energy. Her body demanded to be fed. Her belly rumbled.

Beth was tremendously thankful for her ever increasing self-control. Of all those assembled at pool-side, the vampires had been, as always, the most tempting to her………. each one a walking bundle of tremendous energy…… in descending order of age. Josef, the oldest vamp, and therefore the most powerful, was the most alluring target. Followed by Karl…… then her beloved Mick…… and finally Logan. After the vampires, the most appealing targets were the assorted humans. Ben first…..he smelled delicious! Then her best girlfriend, Simone, and finally the one freshie who had not fled the battleground…..What was her name?....April?......The petite little redhead with big blue eyes. She had helped Beth figure out how to use the intercom system during her confinement to the Newbie Suite. After the fight with Phelan, however, it hadn’t helped that April was acting like prey…..huddled in a corner of the patio like a trapped rabbit.

Beth felt certain that, among the oh-so-appetizing, only Josef was really aware of the draw their scents had on her……the pull. April was obviously scared….. but Beth knew only Josef really understood just how dangerous she was to all of them in those first few moments, right after the fight…… while she composed herself. She was confident that it hadn’t shown in her behavior towards them. She had dealt with it by focusing her thoughts on how much she loved Mick, that she had successfully defended him from Phelan’s threatening behaviors….. and on the close availability of the main kitchen’s meat locker.

“Beth?”, Mick repeated, still waiting for an answer, “What’s wrong?”

She smiled softly, “I’m just really hungry.” She returned her gaze to the kitchen doors, and then a glint of mischief sparkled in her large, deep blue eyes.

“Cover me!”, a canine grin spread across her face, “I’m going in!”

Her creamy-white claws skittered on the tile floor as she lunged at the kitchen doors, bursting through them and sending them swinging wildly on their hinges. Mick rolled his eyes and followed her, his wet clothing dripping on the floor.

The golden she-wolf trotted towards the meat locker on the other side of the expansive kitchen.

“Can I help?” Mick asked from just inside the doors.

“No…..thanks…..I can manage.”, Beth replied happily. Venison, venison, venison…… Her half-tail waved back and forth. The playful lupine grin decorated her graceful muzzle, as her tongue lolled out one side of her mouth.

As she had before, Beth used one wickedly curved talon to pull the handle on the meat locker’s door. She frowned, wolfy smile vanishing..……it was locked! That rotten little French chef again, no doubt! She growled softly and pulled harder. The locking mechanism shattered with ease, the door swinging open. She stepped partially in and eyed the assortment of cleaned hanging carcasses. Eeeny, meeny, miney…….Mo…….. The canine grin returned as she panted happily, making her selection. Yes, indeed……while venison didn’t have the same pull on her that the scent of vampires, or humans, had…….it had become her comfort food……..just like Josef said it would. Her confidence in her own ability to control herself was increasing steadily.

The French chef came around a corner and froze when he saw Mick standing there, dripping pool water on his spotless floor. Mick grinned at him. The little chef’s bugged-out eyes then swept to the meat locker, and he was not surprised to see the hindquarters of a giant golden wolf protruding from it…… AGAIN!....... the fluffy half-tail waving to and fro. His lips became tight and thin, and his face reddened. His perpetual scowl deepened. He drew in a breath to shout…..

“You’re on a slow learning curve, aren’t you?”, Mick asked pleasantly, interrupting the gathering tirade, “I’d leave her alone, if I were you. She’s just been in a fight, and she’s hungry……not a good combination.” Mick smiled at him.

The little French chef remained silent, glaring at Mick, clearly fuming. His features tense, his face red.

Mick glanced toward Beth’s shaggy, golden posterior, and then back to the little chef, who was nearly trembling in rage. He noted that the chef’s eyes were now riveted on the floor beneath him……watching the pool water drip from his soaked clothing onto the spotless tiles. Drip….drip….drip……. A puddle was rapidly forming. The chef’s eyes widened along with the expanding puddle on his spotless kitchen floor…….swimming pool water! The horror of it all!

“You know,” Mick offered conversationally, “You should really do something about that OCD of yours. Anywhere else…..it wouldn’t be a problem for a chef to be so obsessive about his kitchen……but here? Well…..it could get you eaten by a werewolf, or stuffed into a 50 gallon drum by a pissed off vampire.”

The French chef blinked at the reminder of Josef’s threat…… a 50 gallon drum…..and the Tar Pits, no doubt. His rage dialed down a notch.

“I hear there are several medications that help with OCD symptoms these days.”, Mick continued, trying to distract the chef, as well as advise, “Seriously man…….seek professional help.”

Beth backed out of the meat locker with a skinless deer carcass in her jaws. She eyed the chef as she crossed the room again, her claws clicking quietly on the tiles as she walked. The corners of her lupine mouth turned up slightly, and the corners of her eyes crinkled. She was clearly smiling at him around the carcass filling her jaws.

The chef’s eyes narrowed…… The nerve!

Beth winked one deep sapphire eye playfully at the infuriated little man, and turned to trot out through the swinging doors with her prize.

Mick nodded politely at the little Frenchman once more, before following Beth out of the kitchen. “Sorry about the puddle.” , He said off-handedly over his shoulder.

Phelan followed obediently behind Karl as he led the way through Josef’s vast house. The huge red wolf was hungry, both from the transformation itself, and from the effort expended in fending Beth off……..while she bitch-slapped him from one end of the pool to the other. How humiliating…..but he knew he had no one to blame but himself…..he knew he had behaved rudely, and stupidly. He had had it coming. Unable to stop himself, he whined softly, feeling completely dejected. His tall triangular ears drooped.

Karl, the insanely huge, pale blonde vampire, turned to look back at him, his light blue eyes questioning.

“Sorry….” Phelan murmured, “I’m just hungry.” He was sure that this gigantic vampire had some idea just how tempting he was to a hungry werewolf, but Karl didn’t look worried. Clearly, he expected his employer’s lupine guests to behave themselves……at least in that regard.

Phelan mulled over the young golden female. Her choice of Pack was not that different from his own. He didn’t run with a traditional Pack either, disliking the politics of Pack life, preferring to maintain his own space, and the company of humans instead. It was strange, when he stopped to think about it, preferring the social company of what amounted to a werewolf’s second favorite food. Humans always smelled more appealing than wild game. But, he enjoyed the role of protector to whatever village or town he settled near. He always made friends, and eventually, some of the humans found out what he was…… There was always fear at first, but that quickly gave way to understanding, and eventually trust. Phelan was no man-eater. He hunted wild game, like any responsible werewolf, and befriended the humans around him. They became his Pack.

It appeared to him that the same thing was happening with young Beth. Fostered by a vampire, and Started in a house, the vampires and humans around her had become her surrogate Pack. And this stinking, sprawling, city had become her territory. Having been born and raised in this city……the girl clearly already considered LA her territory. Phelan shook his great shaggy head slowly as he walked. He couldn’t imagine a werewolf being happy in a big city……but, who knew? Anything was possible, he supposed.

Just then, up ahead of them, the golden she-wolf emerged through a pair of swinging steel doors. Mick was following close behind her. Phelan stopped dead in his tracks…….not wanting to come any closer, for fear of sending Beth into another territorial rage. He lowered his head and tail submissively.

He could smell the venison carcass that Beth was carrying……his mouth started to water of its own accord. Still, he did not look up at her. He kept his eyes and head down.

Beth turned her graceful lupine head and glared at the big red wolf standing in the hallway behind Karl. A low growl rumbled in her chest, but she did not put her deer down.

Karl raised one index finger and wagged it slowly back and forth in Beth’s direction, while meeting the golden she-wolf’s gaze calmly. His message was clear…… No, no……behave yourself…..

“Come on, Beth….”, Mick said, tugging with both hands on her thick ruff, “Let’s go to our room……you can eat your deer…..and I want some dry clothes.”

Beth gave in and, after throwing one last menacing glare at Phelan, allowed Mick to tow her to the stairway leading down to the Newbie Suite.

Once they were out of sight, Phelan let out a long sigh of relief. Damn, but this was degrading……submitting to a mere pup that he outweighed by some 200 pounds! He was confident that he could take the she-wolf in a fight if he had to……but he didn’t want to…..he wanted to be friends……and he certainly didn’t want her territory! He hated this city……and was already longing for the deep forests of his Canadian home.

In order to reestablish a friendship with Josef’s volatile Foster-daughter, Phelan knew more submissive groveling would be required. It was the only way to undo the animosity his own bad manners had provoked. He had violated her trust……and it would take time to convince her that he was not a threat to her mate, Mick. He realized that he owed that young vampire an apology too.

The fragrance of fresh venison hung in the air…….Phelan’s belly rumbled. Karl turned and looked back at the towering red wolf.

“I don’t suppose I could have one of those too…….could I?”, Phelan gestured with his nose in the direction of the polished steel doors, where Beth had emerged carrying the venison carcass. “Ya would not leave Josef’s company to starve, now would ya, lad?” With Beth out of sight……he lifted his head so that his bright emerald green eyes met Karl’s pale blue eyes. His ears pricked forward in hopeful interest, and the corners of his muzzle turned up in a friendly smile.

A hint of a smile touched one corner of Karl’s mouth too. He nodded politely and gestured for Phelan to follow him. Phelan cocked his head in confusion…..was that a yes? Could this big vampire even speak? He followed along behind Karl, wondering if the big guy was the world’s only known mute vampire.

Karl quietly entered the freshie kitchen area, near the big swinging steel doors. Turning to look at Phelan again, he indicated the doors with an ‘after-you’ gesture of one hand. Then he folded his massive arms across his broad chest and leaned back against the counter. The cryptic hint of a smile continued to flicker at the corners of his mouth.

Phelan stood for a moment, his eyes flicking from Karl, to the steel doors, and then back to Karl, unsure. But…..he could smell the heady aroma of meat coming from behind those doors.
The huge pale blonde vampire nodded towards the steel doors again. Okay….. Phelan decided that meant he was allowed to go get a deer too.
He turned and nosed the doors open, entering the large main kitchen.

Still leaning against the counter in the freshie kitchen, Karl watched as the horse-sized red wolf disappeared through the swinging steel doors. Unseen by anyone now, that faint hint of a smile finally broke into the real thing for a few seconds. Then Karl covered his mouth with one hand, looking down at the floor in front of him…….waiting……..

The little French chef was crouched down on the floor, wiping up the puddle of pool water with a hand towel. He was muttering obscenities in French under his breath, still flushed with righteous indignation. Damn inconsiderate vampire! Damn inconsiderate wolf!

He was startled when the doors swung open again, and froze at what entered his kitchen now. Another wolf! A red one! Even bigger than the yellow one! It glanced down at him as it passed, curiosity evident in its bright green eyes. The huge creature acknowledged him with a polite nod of its massive, shaggy head……and walked by him…..heading straight for the meat locker……the door of which was still standing open.

The little French chef stood slowly, shaking with rage. This was too much…….


Karl listened, and the faint smile flickered again, as a bellowing diatribe of French profanities began in the main kitchen. This was followed by the sound of pots and pans crashing against walls, and clattering to the floor. He waited…..

The steel doors burst open, swinging wildly. Phelan galloped through the freshie kitchen, wild-eyed, and wheeled around in the family room. A deer carcass hung from his enormous jaws.

Karl stepped forward as the little French chef charged through the doors in pursuit, brandishing a frying pan. Karl simply palmed the irate human’s chest, stopping him cold. Red faced and panting in fury, the pudgy chef glared at Phelan.

The gigantic red wolf glared back, emerald eyes glittering with constrained fury. Plopping down and sitting back onto his haunches, Phelan dropped the venison carcass into his own arms, cradling it against his massive chest, and freeing up his mouth. “The lot of ya are mad as a bunch of hatters!”, he bellowed, his Irish accent made thicker by his outrage, “First…..that fool young vampire body-slams me into the pool! Then blondie tries to rip me a new one! And now?! Now even the human hired-help are attacking me!”

“Stay out of my kitchen, you dem shaggy brute!”, the little chef shouted back. Then, with a glance up into Karl’s amused face, he backed up and turned around, striding back into his kitchen, like a victorious warrior returning to his kingdom.

Phelan sat glaring at the closed doors for a second or two, before turning his huge head to glower at Karl. “Ya set me up…..didn’t ya, lad!?”, he accused, his green eyes narrowing, “Well, I hope I’ve provided sufficient entertainment for ya! Ha Ha…..very funny!”

Karl gazed impassively back at him and shrugged, the faint smile still tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“Completely daft……every one of ya……this whole household!”, Phelan grumbled, shaking his shaggy head in disgust. “Where’s this guest room Josef mentioned? My nerves are shot, and I want to eat this here deer in peace. I’m hoping there’s some tile flooring in this guest room? It wouldn’t do to eat this on a carpeted floor, ya know. Then I’d probably have some chambermaid chasing me with a broom!”

Karl strolled towards a different hallway and gestured for Phelan to follow him.

“Any other crazy people I should look out for around here?”, Phelan growled, “I mean….don’t strain yourself or anything…..but a little head’s up might be nice.”

Karl just kept walking, seemingly ignoring the question, but Phelan was certain he saw the huge vampire’s shoulders shake ever so slightly as he strode away….. Yeah……looked an awful lot like a silent chuckle to him.

Phelan took his venison carcass back into his jaws and dropped onto all fours again, cautiously trailing behind Karl down the hallway. In his 500 years, he’d had many different weapons brandished at him……battle-axes, swords, guns, spears, etc….., but a frying pan?! That was a first.

Josef, Simone, Talbot, and Logan stood in a loose group for several seconds after Phelan had left the pool area, following Karl into the house.

“Well…..I think I’m going to call it a night.”, Ben Talbot said quietly, breaking the silence. “I’ve got to be in Court in the morning, and I’ve had about all the excitement I can stand for one weekend.” He paused and glanced over at Josef. “That is…..if I’m allowed to leave?”

Josef scoffed. “Of course you can leave, Talbot! Definitely…..please do…..drive carefully….and all that stuff.” He waved a hand dismissively at Ben. “You don’t need to actually be here on the grounds to be my hostage against further property damage. If Beth breaks anything else…..”, he grinned at Ben, “I know where you live.”

Ben eyed Josef for a moment……finally deciding that the vampire was kidding. He nodded. “Okay then. Thanks for your……hospitality…..Mr Kostan. This has certainly been the most……interesting….. weekend of my entire life. And that’s counting the weekend Mick almost killed me.”

Josef snorted a brief laugh, and nodded at Talbot. “Glad you had fun. We must do this again sometime soon.”

Ben rolled his eyes.

“I’d better go too.” Simone said. “I also have to be in Court in the morning.” She stood on her tip-toes and gave Josef a peck on the cheek. “Night, Josef. And don’t worry about the media bloodhounds. I’ll handle them, and I’ll set up a carefully controlled interview for you……so the world can see you dismiss the whole…… wolf incident….. as a misunderstanding.” She winked at him, smiling.

Josef beamed down at the slender brunette. “Thanks doll. You’re amazing. Thank you so much for coming over to help out with Beth…….. and with the media.”

Simone smiled up at him. “Anytime.” She reached out and gave his hand a squeeze, before turning and strolling from the room. Ben followed her, as she knew her way around Josef’s enormous house, and he didn’t. After a few steps, he paused and looked back at Josef.

“I’ll take Beth off of the schedule for this coming week.”, Ben said, “That should give her time to…… pull herself together….. after the full moon. But tell her I’ll expect her back at her desk a week from tomorrow…..bright and early.”

Josef smiled and tipped his head towards Ben in a polite nod. “I’ll pass that along. Thank you.”

Ben nodded briskly and left, following Simone out of the room.

Logan sighed as he watched them go. “Guess I’d better get back to what I was doing before the wolf-fight broke out.” He headed back to the computer work- station in the corner of the room and sat back down, returning his attention to his cyber-search for any further traces of Legion activity in LA.

It was then that Josef noticed April, the one freshie who hadn’t left the pool area during the fight. She was still standing in a shadowed corner of the patio, her towel wrapped tightly around herself. She was staring at the pool’s surface, which was littered with shreds of clothing and clumps of fur. The poor girl didn’t appear to actually be looking at anything, and she was trembling, even though the night was warm.

Josef approached her slowly, his expression gentle. “April? Are you alright, my dear?”, he asked softly.

April was normally very fair-skinned, but now she looked sickly pale. Her wet red hair clung to her scalp and face. Her large blue eyes were lost in a thousand-yard stare.

“April? Sweetheart? Can you hear me?”

She blinked, and her gaze shifted up to Josef’s anxious face. “I’m sorry……”, she whispered, “I’ve just never….. never seen something like that before. I was scared……scared Mick would get hurt……scared Beth would get hurt…… I was frozen…..” Her voice trailed off.

“Don’t worry your pretty head about it, dear. That’s just how werewolves are sometimes. They have their own very……canine…..code of conduct. But everyone’s fine…..no one got hurt. All blow and no show.” He stroked the side of April’s face softly, eyeing her with concern.

“Come on….”, Josef said, “You need a hot shower, followed by an early night-night.” He gently scooped the small, slender girl up in his arms and carried her back into the house. “I’ll have a light supper sent to your room.”
Logan looked up from the computer screen as Josef walked through the room carrying April. “She okay?”, he asked, his brow knitting in concern. He liked April. She had fed him recently. He found that she had a bright mind and a sweet, playful nature.

“She’s just shaken up.” Josef replied, “Nothing some rest won’t fix. I’m going to tuck her in.”

“Oh…..”, Logan said, “Okay.” He watched until Josef, with April curled up in his arms, clinging to his neck, disappeared down a hallway. Logan let out a longsuffering sigh, and returned his attention to the computer screen. He had a lot of databases to hack into, and sift through, tonight, searching for any indication of Legion activities in LA.


Monday morning dawned brightly, as always, over LA. Phelan, well-fed, and back in his human form, stood in front of a large picture window in yet another expansive living room, taking in the view. He marveled at the size of his old friend’s home. How many living rooms did one person need? He chuckled, shaking his head. Of course……he had to admit that Josef wasn’t exactly rattling around in this huge place all alone. Being a vampire of means, his friend had a very large Harem of humans to feed him. And then there was his staff, his friends, etc….. No, the expansive estate was a full house.

Phelan sighed, and idly scratched his neatly trimmed beard, as he gazed across the hazy view of the sprawling city in the valley below. It seemed like a desert to his eyes……a desert of concrete, towers, and gleaming glass. What was a werewolf supposed to do here? No trees, no grass, no place to really open up and run……. His musings were interrupted by the sound of light footfalls approaching. He didn’t turn. He waited.

“Good morning.”, a soft female voice said behind him, sounding unsure, hesitant.

Phelan turned toward the voice. A delicate young redheaded woman stood in the doorway of the living room. She had a steaming mug of coffee in each hand. Ah, yes……he remembered her…… She was one of the girls in the pool last night. She had been there when…… He cringed internally, but kept his expression casual.

“Good morning, lass.” He replied, smiling gently.

She smiled shyly back, and stepped towards him, extending one of the mugs of coffee. “I made some coffee…..and I thought you might like a cup too.”

Nodding politely, Phelan accepted the mug from her. “Thank ya, lass! That’s just what I need!” He paused to take a sip before continuing. “What’s your name, dear…..if I may be so bold?”

She smiled. “I’m April…….and you?”

“Phelan.”, he nodded to her in gentlemanly fashion.

“What an interesting name!”

“It’s an old Irish name.”

“I never would have guessed!”, April grinned playfully at him over the rim of her coffee mug. “I just LOVE your accent!”

They both chuckled. Then April gestured towards a small table with chairs near the picture window. “Let’s sit and watch the city wake up.”

Phelan followed her lead, first pulling out a chair for her, and then settling into one across from her. He sipped the hot coffee gratefully. Very nice. He took a moment to admire April……. very discreetly. She had long, wavy red hair, that framed her heart shaped face and hung to the middle of her back. Refined European features with a peaches and cream complexion. Large blue eyes dominated her face and sparked with intelligence. She couldn’t have been more than 5 foot 3 or 4 inches tall, if that, and dressed in gray shorts and a tee shirt, her well proportioned figure and shapely legs were obvious. She had sneakers on, like she had been planning to go for a run.

He also noticed healing twin punctures on her left forearm….. a fairly fresh vampire bite. She was clearly part of Josef’s Harem, and she had fed someone recently……yesterday, or the day before, perhaps.

“So…..”, April began hesitantly, “What happened last night?” She saw him wince. “I’m sorry……I’m just so confused! I mean…… One minute, everyone seems to be getting along……and the next, you and Beth are fighting in the pool! What went wrong?”

Phelan leaned back in his chair and sighed. “I went wrong.”, he answered flatly.

April’s brow knitted in confusion. “But……from where I sat….it looked like Mick just suddenly attacked you. Then you……changed. Then Beth changed…….and then you were fighting with her! Why? What happened? What am I missing?”

“You’re missing the part where I was behaving like a sailor on Shore Leave.” Phelan stared at the table in front of him as he answered, scrutinizing his own powerful hands cradling the mug of coffee. He couldn’t bring himself to meet this young lady’s gaze at that moment. She waited patiently for him to elaborate.

“It’s been a long time since I was in the company of a she-wolf. I…..I guess I was…..flirting. It was stupid……and I knew better……I could sense her strong feelings for the vamp named Mick…..but I……. Oh, I don’t know…… Anyway, I made some…..suggestions….. to Beth, that in retrospect…… I can see how what I said would have provoked such a strong reaction from her vampire.” He hesitated, sighing deeply before continuing. His deep green eyes flicked up to April’s face once, and then back down to the table top.

“Once her Mick knocked me into the pool….. Well, then my foolishness rose to new heights. I let myself shift……not because I intended to hurt the vampire…..but because I………. wanted to show off.” He frowned and shook his head. “Beth…..she’s young…..and she only saw the possible threat to her vampire. In retrospect, that was a very predictable response from her…….. I should have seen that coming. I’m an idiot…..”

April laughed softly, a light musical sound, and reached out to pat Phelan’s huge hand. “So…..what? You’re guilty of being a guy? Looked to me like Mick was being a guy too! Between the two of you, there were gallons of testosterone splashing around on that patio!” She grinned at him disarmingly. “Granted……you made a mistake…..but you’re certainly not an idiot! Just tell them you’re sorry. Start over with them.”

“I did tell Beth I was sorry, both during, and after the beat down she gave me. She accepted my apology, sort of, which is why our fight didn’t come to bloodshed. But she’s still angry with me, and she doesn’t trust me now.” Phelan sighed again heavily. “Can’t say as I blame her……. And I’ve still got to tell Mick that I’m sorry.”

“So……”, April asked, changing the subject alittle, “Are young werewolves crazy strong, or something?”

“No.”, Phelan answered, puzzled, “Why?”

April suddenly looked unsure again, uncomfortable, “Well…..I mean…..it looked like Beth…..won the fight…..like she beat you.”

Phelan chuckled and shook his head. “No, she didn’t beat me. I never fought back…..not really…..other than deflecting as many of her blows as I could. I gave up. I’d made a terrible mistake, and provoked her to violence, when I had intended to……..impress her.” He sighed, “I’m such a stupid old dog. I didn’t want to fight with her! So I surrendered……submitted to her, in order to cool her rage. It’s a wolf thing.”

“Oh….okay.”, April responded, nodding, “That makes sense…..I guess.” She paused. “So, what now? Are you going to be staying with Josef for awhile?” She smiled, seeming hopeful.

Phelan returned her smile briefly, and snorted a soft laugh. “Yeah….. I suppose that’s the plan.” He turned his head slightly to look out the window again, and took another sip of his coffee. “Josef wants me to teach Beth to hunt deer…… so looks like I’ll be around for a few days, at least. We’re taking her out for her first real hunt during the full moon. That’s this Wednesday.……provided she’ll tolerate my presence now without going for my throat.”

“Beth wouldn’t do that!”, April protested, her expression aghast.

“You were there last night……. You saw her, right?”

April was quiet.

“I thought so.”, Phelan said forlornly. He turned and gazed out the window again. Below them….LA was beginning another Monday morning. The early commute was starting to pick up. He watched it all in sullen distraction, missing the green forests of his home more and more.

“Oh no……That’s enough …….You’re not doing this!”, April sounded strong and determined.

“Doing what?”

“Wallowing in self-pity! Moping around the house. Get over yourself! We’ve had more than enough drama around here lately.” She paused, eyeing him speculatively, as though trying to decide something. Then she smiled. “Come on…….I’m taking you out for some fun.”, April stood quickly and chugged the remains of her coffee.

“What!? When?! Where?!”

“Right now!”, April trilled excitedly, “There’s not a moment to lose! There’s so much to see! I’ll go change my clothes and grab my purse. Wait here! I can’t think of a better use for Josef’s credit card than showing his country-boy buddy the big town!” She laughed and started for the door.

“Wait! Where are we going to go?!” Phelan felt excited, and uneasy, at the same time. This was all so spontaneous! But the petite redhead’s enthusiasm was contagious. He found himself grinning.

April laughed, that musical sound again, “We’ll start with DisneyLand! You’ll love it! You can’t visit LA without experiencing DisneyLand!”


Josef led the way down winding hallways to the Heliport Bay as the sun began to dip towards the Western horizon on Wednesday evening. Phelan followed close on his heels. Beth and Mick walked together behind Phelan, holding hands.

Beth was nervous……This was it….. In a little while, the sun would set, and the full moon would rise. Her first full moon. What was that pull going to feel like? Would it endanger her fragile self-control? Even though she was still alittle miffed at Phelan, she was very glad he was here with them tonight. She felt a strong need for the company of an experienced wolf right now.

Her irritation with Phelan had cooled considerably since Sunday. He had apologized to both Mick, and her, Monday night. His scent made it clear he was very sincerely sorry. Phelan and Mick had shaken hands.

It also helped that the little freshie, April, had been keeping Phelan occupied the past few days. She seemed to have appointed herself as tour guide to the Canadian werewolf…… determined to show him the sights of LA while he was here. He was currently sporting an, ‘I heart LA!’, tee shirt. Beth grinned. Josef had been pleased with April’s tour guide activities, and had asked her to remain in the mansion, instead of rotating out to her own home, for the duration of Phelan’s stay. The girl had happily agreed.

“So,” Josef said, glancing at Phelan as they walked, “How was Universal Studios?”

Phelan flashed a grin at Josef. “Well now……I haven’t seen a movie since Gone With The Wind came out, so the……uhm…..plots, behind the different rides were sort of lost on me. But I had fun anyway. That little April is certainly a firecracker! She makes this old hound dog feel like a kid again.”

Josef turned his head and beamed a smile back at his old friend. “Yes……A firecracker is an apt description of her!” He then adopted a sour expression that was obviously put on. “I sure do wish you hadn’t let her show you Rodeo Drive, however…….That cost me a fortune! Never let a woman get within a mile of Rodeo Drive!”

Phelan smirked. “Sorry ‘bout that…… How was I supposed to know it wasn’t a real rodeo? I was expecting bulls and broncos. She sure had a ball, though, it was fun to watch.” He grinned and winked.

Josef rolled his eyes and chuckled softly. “Oh yeah….. A woman with a credit card ALWAYS has fun on Rodeo Drive!”

Following behind them, Mick and Beth exchanged a glance and a grin. Phelan had lost his customary work boots on Rodeo Drive, coming home wearing an expensive pair of Nikes instead. April had tried to get him into a pair of shorts too, suitable for sunny California, but Phelan would have none of that. They finally compromised, and he ended up in a pair of designer jeans instead.

They arrived at the Heliport Bay and headed inside. Josef noted with satisfaction that his helicopter staff had already repaired the bent skid. The Bell 407 had been restored to pristine condition. He smiled.

“Phelan…..you ride shotgun.”, Josef said mildly, “Beth and Mick, second row, please.”

Mick opened the copter’s door for Beth, and gave her a gentlemanly hand up, before climbing in himself. They settled into their seats. Phelan climbed into the co-pilot’s seat in front beside Josef. Josef began flipping switches, and donned his head gear, as the engine whined to life. The rotor blades began to turn slowly, warming up.

“Thank you for flying Vampire Air!”, Josef began with a playful grin, “Please remain seated during take off, and landing. And, for our lupine passengers, please keep your physical forms in the upright and locked position for the duration of the flight.” He rotated his seat to wink at Beth, before turning his attention back to his instrument panel. “Any mid-air transformations would undoubtedly lead to a fiery crash that would leave us all dead.”

Josef nodded towards a waiting staff person beside a console in the hanger. The man nodded back and looked down at a panel in front of him. Then, the whirring of a different engine began. Beth leaned towards her window and looked up, following the sound. Her jaw dropped, and a huge smile of delighted amazement broke across her face.

The ceiling above them was opening! Wide steel blast doors were sliding back smoothly, disappearing into pockets in the ceiling. And behind those rapidly retreating steel doors, a second roof began to move, splitting open along an apparent peak, rising into the air in two sections, like twin draw bridges. Beyond that…..the evening sky awaited.

Beth gasped in astonishment and giggled. “Wow!”, she blurted, her eyes darting to Mick for a moment, and then back to the moving ceiling above them. “This is like something out of a James Bond movie!”

Mick smiled adoringly at Beth……enjoying her enthusiasm. She was so beautiful, and her childlike excitement was so endearing.

Josef’s smile widened. Once the exit was clear, he skillfully nudged the Bell into the air, rising slowly toward the opening above them.
In a few moments, while Beth continued to watch in open-mouthed astonishment, they rose smoothly above the roof of Josef’s enormous mansion. Beneath them, the blast doors began to close again, and the tiled roof panels lowered themselves back into place. Beth starred in amazement…… Once closed, the roof looked like any other stylish red tile roof. If you didn’t know……you wouldn’t know. Wow!

“Alright, Beth.”, Josef said, “Pay attention to our route now. I want you to be able to find Vince’s ranch on your own after tonight.”

Beth nodded, still grinning, and began to watch the terrain slide by beneath them as Josef flew North.

Josef swung wide across the city. “Vince is expecting us.”, he said, “I want to introduce you to him.”

Beth nodded, watching the streets race by below. “Okay.” The sun was starting to set. It was a beautiful evening, colors of pink and gold lighting up the sky over the Pacific. She recognized streets and areas…… She had grown up in LA, after all. This was home.

They passed over her apartment complex first, and then breezed out across downtown LA. Passing over the Pershing Square area, Beth spotted Mick’s building. Josef veered the copter so that they flew directly over the roof of Mick’s loft. Beth gazed fondly down on the rooftop patio area where she had gently confronted Mick with her knowledge….. The knowledge that he was the ‘Guardian Angel’ who had saved her so long ago, and who had always been there in the shadows, watching over her.

The memory brought a soft smile to her lips, and she glanced over at Mick. He reached out and took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, returning her smile.

Josef circled the building once, giving Beth time to take in all the streets she already knew by heart. She knew that Mick owned that entire building, but only occupied the top two floors, and the roof. He rented out the rest of the building. He had always dodged discussions of how he had been able to afford an entire multi-story building in downtown LA, and since it was crass to discuss money, Beth never pried. All he had said was that he had purchased it in the early 1960’s, and that it had been a fixer upper. Beth had let it go at that, but she always suspected the money to purchase, and renovate, that classic old building might have had something to do with his Ex, Coraline.

“Okay….”, Josef said, interrupting Beth’s reverie, “Vince’s ranch is in the foothills above Ventura. Watch the route, Beth.”

“I’m all over it.”, Beth answered, grinning.

“It’ll take only a few minutes in the Bell,” Josef continued, as he banked the copter and headed North again, “But, it’ll take you longer on foot, probably a couple hours, especially if you have to dodge a lot of possible witnesses to your existence.”, He smiled, “Don’t take this the wrong way, my dear, but you stick out like a sore thumb in that pale yellow coat of yours. You’ll have to be very careful coming and going. Thanks to Simone’s finesse with the media, and my innate charm in the TV interview, we’ve achieved a decent amount of damage control, in spite of your Sire’s very public rampage. A genetically engineered government super soldier is the most popular theory now. Something escaped from some secret military lab, ran amok, yada yada……. The conspiracy theorists are having a field day!” Josef snorted, and shook his head. “The government’s denials only fuel the fire. Anyway…..the werewolf theory of events is now on a back burner. The National Pack Council owes me big! And you, my dear Beth, must not screw all that up by letting people see you loping through the streets of LA. Am I clear?”

“Awh……ruin my fun, why don’t ya!”, Beth pouted, “And here I was planning on prancing around the Getty Center in broad daylight…….maybe pose for a few pictures, chase a few cars…..”

“Beth!”, Josef snapped.

“Kidding! Jeepers Josef…..relax already!” She grinned at him, and batted her eyelashes playfully, when he turned in his seat to glare at her.

Josef sighed in exasperation and turned back to stare out the windshield. Phelan and Mick both chortled and chuckled.

Beth concentrated on watching the terrain slip by beneath them. They left LA proper behind and sailed North over Camarillo, quickly leaving it behind as well. They flew over the outskirts of Ventura, banking into the foothills. Rolling hillsides flowed by below, interrupted occasionally by homes and roads.

“Okay.”, Josef announced, “Here we are.” He banked the copter towards a large ranch style home situated on the crest of a low hill, a warehouse-sized matching barn sitting beside it. “Vince has several hundred acres here, and the majority of it is in pasture for his different herds.”

Beth scanned everything, memorizing it as Josef circled to land……… the house, the huge barn, the enormous pastures that stretched up far into the foothills. Sturdy fences, and cross fences, held herds of deer, elk, and bison. There were other grazing animals too, ones she didn’t recognize right away……some different kinds of antelope? She wasn’t sure. Scattered throughout the many sprawling pastures, she could see other smaller barns and shelters. Clearly, this was a big operation.

Josef brought the Bell in gracefully, lightly touching down on the wide driveway in front of the house. He quickly flipped a few switches and removed his headset. The rotors slowed and gradually came to rest.

Phelan opened his door and stepped down to the driveway. Mick did the same, extending a hand to Beth. Beth stepped down and stood beside Mick. Lastly, Josef lithely exited the Bell.

A middle aged man with graying hair stood by the broad doorway of the cavernous barn. He had watched them come in to land, and now, with the rotors stilled, he started towards them. Beth watched him approach. Salt and pepper gray hair and a mustache, with skin that was tanned and weathered. Cowboy boots, blue jeans, and a work shirt. As he drew near, he smiled broadly and extended his calloused hand toward Josef.

“Cutting it alittle close, aren’t you Josef?”, the man said as he and Josef clasped hands and shook. “It’s already getting dark……the moon will be up soon.”

“We’ve got time.”, Josef replied, returning the man’s friendly smile, “I wanted you to meet Beth while she’s on two legs! Beth and Mick, meet my associate, and friend, Vince. And Vince, this is Beth and Mick.”

Both Mick and Beth murmured polite greetings and shook Vince’s hand.

Josef then nodded toward Phelan. “And this big lug is Phelan. He’ll be dining here tonight also……tutoring Beth on the finer points.”

Vince and Phelan shook hands, smiling and nodding to one another.

Vince turned and looked at Beth then. “Please remember my newly established ground rules for werewolf customers, young lady. Animals wearing red collars are off limits. They’re breeding stock. And always bring the remains of your kills to the back of this here barn. Just leave ‘em there. That way, I’ll know how much to charge Josef.” He winked at Beth.

Beth nodded and managed a smile, but her expression had tightened. She was starting to feel…….strange. “Yes sir. Thank you. I’ll remember.”

Phelan had been eyeing Beth discreetly, and now he elbowed Josef. “Ah…. Not to be rude, but…… unless you want her to shift right here in this driveway, we’d probably better get movin’. Moonrise is coming fast. I can feel it……and she can too.”
Last edited by lionsonleashes on Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by mitzie »

Great chapter!! I love Phelan and April together!! I'm so glad that Beth, Mick and Phelan are getting along much better!!! That french chef is driving me crazy with his arrogant rages!!!! :mob: I love this story and can't wait to see what happens when Beth and Phelan transform into wolves with the full moon... :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :woohoo: :fingerscrossed: :eyes: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :rofl2: :grouphug: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :thud: :thud: :notworthy: :worship: :heart: :wave:

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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by coco »

Another excellent installment lions :thumbs:

I can't wait to see where you take us next. :biggrin:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Hi Mitzie and Coco! :ghug:
Thanks so much to both of you! :rose: :thanks:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by mitzie »

I love your avatar and banner!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :heart:

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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Mitzie! :hearts:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Lions, I'm finally catching up on this story, and it's continuing to be a grabber! I love the humor that lightens the mood in the beginning of the chapter. Pooooooor Phelan--he feels so bad, and worst of all, he needs to make amends for his poor behavior. Never an easy thing for an alpha male, is it?! But he's old enough to know when it must be done.

Beth is magnificent in this chapter--so strong and yet so very much in love with Mick. I can't wait to see how she handles her first hunt. *gulp* As a vegetarian, I might find myself getting a little icked out, but I have faith in your wonderful storytelling abilities.

I'm getting very interested in April. I wonder if she and Phelan are gonna start to have a bit of a "thing" together... hmm. :hearts:

I've got to fall into bed now, but I can't wait to read the next chapter tomorrow!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Hi Alle! :hug: Thanks so much for following my story and leaving feedback! :notworthy: Sorry in advance for any icking-out the hunting scenes to come might cause you! :snicker: :rose: A vegetarian vampire fan, huh? Who knew? :snicker: :hug:

I'm glad you like the character of April. :curtesy: She, like Phelan, kind of evolved as the story went along. And yeah..... she and Phelan just might end up together :hearts: :heart: We'll see!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

Last night, I finished what is posted of this great story, but on the first day I accidently opened Chapter 22 while looking for the first chapter, so it was 'greyed out' and looked like a chapter that had been read. Sure enough, I skipped it when reading.

This was fabulous!! The aftermath of the fight, with Mick and a hungry Beth raiding the kitchen and running into the irate French chef again. Mick's comments about his seeking professional help for his OCD was hilarious. Then, there was the repeat of Phelan coming into the kitchen to get food and the little Frenchman running him out with his venison. Phelan proclaimed that everyone in the houe was insane. :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :

Vampires and werewolves and venison. Oh, my! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

Thanks, Lions


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks, Jen! :hug:
I'm so glad you enjoyed! I wrote both the "Housebreaking" Chapters and the "Lessons" Chapters with liberal doses of humor. :snicker: They are Beth's puppyhood. Puppyhood ends when The Legion shows up. :eek2:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by jen »


:bump: :bump: :bump:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Jen! :hug: :flowers:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

My pleasure! :biggrin:

It popped back to Active Topics and I read the chapter again!!!



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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by jen »

Here, in this delightful chapter, we see some evidence of April's character. There is a description of a very petite young woman with red hair and blue eyes. She seems a bit quiet and perhaps a tad shy, but there is more courage there than we have seen so far.

Hope to see more character development here. She is a fascinating original character!



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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT---Ch 22---Lessons, Part 1. (PG-13)

Post by jen »


From Phelan and April's introduction through the aftermath of the pool incident, this continues to be fun, a bit harrowing, entertaining and very complicated.

Looking forward to the next section. Phelan and Beth will get along better here.

Difficult, dangerous and complicated? You bet!

Mick and Beth--two of the lovely faces of Moonlight
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