Half the World is Night - PG-13

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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by PNWgal »

Thanks, susie! I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for stopping by for a read! :hug:

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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by moonlightlover60 »

Wow PNWgal great stuff. We got an indepth look at Lola and just how preceptive and cunning she was. Mick was lucky he was able to get her into that vat of silver later on because she would have wiped the floor with all of them. :clapping: Excellent!
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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by PNWgal »

moonlightlover60 wrote:Wow PNWgal great stuff. We got an indepth look at Lola and just how preceptive and cunning she was. Mick was lucky he was able to get her into that vat of silver later on because she would have wiped the floor with all of them. :clapping: Excellent!

Thanks, hon! I've always been enamored of Lola, and figured she knew more than she was letting on. And I agree - Mick got very lucky to get the best of her!

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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by librarian_7 »

I cannot watch the scene of Mick teasing Josef about how he came to give Lola his password...without thinking of this:
pnwgal wrote:This time, it was a joy to wheedle the information I needed out of him to start my enterprise here in Los Angeles - when he was beneath me and begging me to let him come, I smiled into those wild, silver eyes and whispered my request. He was only too willing to give me the access codes into one of his myriad Swiss bank accounts and I rewarded him like the good boy he'd been.
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

The idea that anyone could do that to Josef...

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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by PNWgal »

LOL...thanks for stopping by for a read, Lucky. :teeth:

Figured if Josef had an on-again, off-again thing with Lola, he had some type of weak spot when it came to her. :snicker:

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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by Albra »

I'm here straight from Coffe House ...
This is fan-ta-stic :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
I must watch BC, especially this particular scene, again - with your story it will be different experience ...

Thank you, PNWgal
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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by Moonlightsonata »

I too saw this mentioned in the Coffeehouse. I hadn't read it before. You captured Lola perfectly and certainly enhanced this scene for us with your delightful writing. Again, thank you.
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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

I'm back for a Coffee House re-read, and let me tell you, I think this is even better the second time around. I think this time I read more slowly, instead of gobbling the Lola goodness I savoured and my, my, my do you write a great Lola. This is not simply good, this is what she must have been thinking that evening. I really loved her conception of Mick as a beast. Being so amoral herself, she simply couldn't conceive of what might override a vampire's natural instincts.
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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by jen »

This is wonderful!!!!!

Saw this recommended in this months' Coffee House and came by for a reread. Lola has such a grasp on things.


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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by Phoenix »

Josef can tell you many tales of vampire persecution; he'll bore you to tears with the story of a torch-bearing mob that chased him two leagues out of Paris before he slipped them in 1745. To listen to him tell it, he single-handedly took on a group of over 50 pitchfork-wielding peasants and destroyed them all. The truth is, he hid like a mole in an underground root cellar until the humans got hungry and gave up looking for him.
Really, Josef? :snicker:
This time, it was a joy to wheedle the information I needed out of him to start my enterprise here in Los Angeles - when he was beneath me and begging me to let him come, I smiled into those wild, silver eyes and whispered my request. He was only too willing to give me the access codes into one of his myriad Swiss bank accounts and I rewarded him like the good boy he'd been.
:rolling: :notworthy:
His innate scent is familiar and regal; I know the sire that Turned him belongs to a bloodline of great importance. For a moment I think it may be Josef, but his bloodline is as familiar to me as my own. When the knowledge comes to me, I smile inwardly--so the rumors were true. Coraline DuVall DID take an inferior lover and Turned him; this would be the reluctant vampire Mick St. John. Stories have flowed thick in the European Community about that unfortunate turn of events; Coraline's family was most displeased at her for bringing what they consider peasant blood into the family - and an AMERICAN, no less.
Poor Mick. :sadface:
If vampires enjoy anything, it's the chase. Once the cat catches the mouse, the fun is gone and the cat usually disposes of the toy by eating it.

To my amazement, Mick lets a police officer manhandle him against a post at the dark-haired man's order. He handles the vampire roughly, apparently looking for weapons Mick might have hidden on his person.
:woohoo: (Sorry, I couldn't help myself. :blushing: )


PNWgal, that was delicious. :notworthy:
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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by redwinter101 »

So lovely to pop back for (another) re-read, courtesy of the Coffee House. Lola leaps off the page here, PNWgal - seriously. She is vibrant and wise and knowing and scornful and just plain funny - all the things we saw on screen, played out here in all their glory.

She has put her many years to good use - she understands, even better than Josef, that knowledge is power and BOY does she have some great insight. She knows all of them better than they know themselves.
PNWgal wrote:he traded a million dollars for an orgasm
Just a great, great line. :notworthy:
PNWgal wrote:Something deep inside her, something even she does not realize exists, wants this vampire to claim her, body and soul.
She really has got Beth's number - we could all see it; I reckon Josef could see it too - and Josh. The only two who seemed totally ignorant at this stage were Mick and Beth.
PNWgal wrote:an AMERICAN
The best two words in ML fanfic, IMO. Laugh? Every. Single. Time. :clapping:
PNWgal wrote:Something deep inside her knows she wants to be like us, but hasn't realized it yet. I almost pity St. John when she does come to that realization, as he sees her more than just a pet to be pampered and adored before being cast aside. Her humanity calls to him, makes him long for his own and he will fight to the death to make her keep what he considers a gift of unimaginable worth.
She senses it, the crux of everything for Mick and Beth and the great unanswered question that keeps all of us wondering.

Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous.


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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by cassysj »

I'm here from the Coffee House. I love this story. Lola gets the whole picture in that one night on Mick, Beth, Josh. She already had Josef's number. I also love that she could tell Mick was from the Duvalls. Lola is so delightfully aggressive here I almost feel badly knowing how she is going to end.
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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by PNWgal »

Accck, I've gotten lazy!

Albra, I'm tickled you liked this! :teeth:

MLSonata, I'm glad you enjoyed it..and thank you.

Luxe, you're making me :blushing: . I'm right tickled you think I've got a good handle on Lola - I just ADORED her.

Awww, thanks, jen!

Phee! :hug: You read it and liked it - thanks, sweets.

Color me totally thrilled how much you like this, Red. :smooch: I think Lola knew more and saw more than anyone realized...and I can just see her disdain at the addition of an American peasant to a powerful bloodline. :teeth:

cassy, thank you for giving this a read! I think Lola had everyone's number, but Josef's most of all.

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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by BlueEyedMonster »

Amazing I love Lola and was kind of sad when Mick killed her and with this story she is back again. I can see her cat like movements when I read your words.

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Re: Half the World is Night - PG-13

Post by Lucy »

ooh...ohh...oh... you penned the bitchy wench so well I could hear her coo. (brought chills to my spine!) :clapping:
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