Let in the Light (In Between 1 and 2, PG)

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Let in the Light (In Between 1 and 2, PG)

Post by Shadow »

Disclaimer: Moonlight is not mine and no copyright infringement is intended.

I've always wanted to do a series of stories about what might have happened in between the episodes, but the project was held up for a long time because the one story I really couldn't work out was the first one. (It figures ....) Anyway, here's the beginning at last.

one and two

Let in the Light

Mick took Beth’s hands in his and helped her up from the couch, and she stared at him so intently, he wondered if she still thought she recognized him. Then she shook her head, ever so slightly, and stepped blindly forward, putting her arms around him and holding him close.

He was paralyzed for an instant, not certain what to do. As she clung to him he stood with his arms held away from her, not daring to touch, but then she tightened her grip on him and he moved as if in a dream, letting his arms close around her and holding her in turn. He felt her relax in his embrace, felt the utter trust she was giving him, and he found himself nearly in tears. He couldn’t help but remember the first time Beth had flung her arms around him, when she was little, trusting him completely when she had no reason at all to do so.

She still had no reason to trust him. She was only holding him like this because she didn’t know about the monster; if she knew what he really was, she would feel nothing but fear and horror. If she knew, she would never touch him again, never trust him again.

She wasn’t going to find out, of course. He would never tell her.

But though he still held her close in his arms, he could feel his secret standing between them, a dark shadow keeping them apart.

I wish she knew. I wish this could be real.

It can never be real.

Beth swayed, stumbling, and he stepped back to catch her arms and steady her. She looked bewildered, as if she didn’t understand what was wrong with her body.

“It’s the drug,” he said. “Some of it’s still in your system.”


“The dizziness will probably come and go for a while.”

“Do I need to see a doctor?”

“I’ll take you if you want.”

“I don’t. I want to go home.”

“Then I’ll take you home. You’ll be fine. It just takes time for the drug to clear your bloodstream.” He could smell it in her blood even now, a strange acrid tang, but it was slowly fading away.

“Blood on your shirt,” Beth mumbled, reaching out again to touch the reddened tear where the knife had gone in. “Are you sure you’re not hurt? I could have sworn he’d killed you.”

“It’s just a scratch.” He should have changed the shirt, or at least left his jacket on to cover it, but he hadn’t. He’d thought of it, but had told himself he shouldn’t leave her to go upstairs, that it might look odd to her if he wore his jacket inside the warm apartment. They were flimsy reasons, and he had a good idea now why he’d come up with them. He grabbed his jacket from the back of a chair, threw it on over the torn shirt, and led Beth out the door.

When Mick stopped the car in front of her apartment and got out to help her, Beth insisted that she could walk to her door by herself. After being powerless in her captor’s hands, she seemed to need to assert herself, to show her strength and dignity in at least this small way.

“If you’re sure you feel okay,” Mick said, stepping back.

“I do.” She was still dizzy, he knew, but she was fighting it fiercely.

“Good night, then,” he said.

“Yes. Good night.” Beth turned and walked carefully up the steps. At the front door she hesitated, her hand on the knob, and looked back at him, her head tilted a little to one side, and he’d seen that exact expression on her face once before.

Beth’s mother threw open the front door and ran out to meet him, laughing and crying, and breathlessly she took her daughter from his arms. The little girl let go of Mick and held on to her mother tightly, and Mick started to turn away. But then Beth pulled back from her mother and swung around to look at him, her head tilted a little to one side, her eyes huge, and it seemed that she could see all the way into his soul.

“Maybe I’ll see you again?” Beth said hesitantly.

“I hope so.”

Beth nodded, opened the front door, and disappeared inside. After a moment Mick got in the car and drove away, but he didn't go far. He parked the Mercedes in the next block and walked slowly back to Beth’s apartment. She needed to walk in on her own . . . but I need to know that she’s safe.

Mick leaped up the fire escape, landed lightly on her balcony, and stood listening.

She was inside, in bed already, bundled under a pile of blankets but still shivering a little. Her heart was racing, her mood shifting from panic to euphoria, and her muscles were trembling in exhaustion. Mick imagined that she was replaying tonight’s events, living through them again, and almost wished that she had someone with her to comfort her tonight. Almost. He didn’t think he could actually have borne it if her boyfriend had been there.

She was asleep. Mick listened to her steady breathing as he watched the night sky fade and turn to day. When the sun rose, he went to her window and gently pressed the palm of his hand to the glass, closing his eyes, listening one last time to the beat of her heart. An instant later, he was gone.

Back at his apartment Mick paced through the rooms, restless, too full of life to settle anywhere. Finally he went to the file cabinet labeled 1982-1985, the file where he kept Beth’s folder hidden in plain sight. Josef could never resist a lock, and had doubtless seen all the albums in the desk drawer, but Mick didn’t think anyone had ever intruded on Beth’s file. He pulled it out and carried it to the living room, setting it on the coffee table to open it. Carefully he drew out the pictures and spread them over the table top.

For so long this had been all he had of her. Watching from a distance, fading into the shadows, capturing a fleeting image on film. He looked at the first picture, the one Beth’s mother had given him, before he knew how his life was going to be changed. He moved on then, remembering the pain of the sunlight on the beach as he’d watched the little girl in the red swimsuit. He remembered how far he’d stayed from the horses, to make sure his presence wouldn’t frighten them. Beth had adored horses as a child – he wondered if she still did. He picked up one of the most recent photographs: Beth walking barefoot in the fountain, the colored lights playing over her. That last moment, balanced on a wire between meeting her or disappearing once again. He could still hardly believe that he’d stood there and let her walk up to him. It was the most miraculous thing he’d ever done.

He heard the elevator arrive – it would be Josef, at this hour - and glanced quickly toward the door, reaching out to gather the photographs, to hide them. Josef rarely bothered to knock. Mick’s hand poised over the pictures, then drew away. Maybe he could never tell Beth what he was, but he could let the light in on some of his secrets.

He was in the kitchen when Josef came through the door. “So,” Josef said without preamble. “I hear there’s a certain college professor who claims he’s seen a vampire.”

Mick poured two glasses of blood and handed one to Josef. “He also claims to be one. You really think anyone’s going to listen?”

Josef took the glass, mollified, but then glanced at Mick’s torn shirt and frowned. “I also hear his assistant kidnapped a certain reporter, who was rescued by – someone.”

Mick shrugged.

“And please don’t tell me that said reporter saw anything she shouldn’t have seen. Like, for instance, someone getting stabbed and then healing instantly.”

“She was drugged. She didn’t see anything.” Nothing she believed, anyway, which is close enough.

Josef wandered out of the kitchen, idly swirling the blood in his glass. “You know, what I don’t understand is why, of all the humans in the world, you had to get yourself involved with a ..... reporter....."

Mick looked up. As he’d thought, Josef had just seen the pictures.

“What the -- " Josef stared, set down his glass, and walked slowly around the table. “That’s her. All of these are her. Jesus, Mick! She was that little girl, wasn’t she? The one Coraline took.”


“All this time? You’ve been watching her all this time?”


“Does she know about you?” Josef’s voice was dangerous.

“No. She never saw me, growing up.”

“She saw you when you rescued her from Coraline.”

“She was four, Josef. She won’t remember.”

“She might. Christ! Why did you do this?”

“Because I care about her!” Mick flung his glass into the sink, crossed the room to Josef, and faced him down. “You know what she meant to me, when she was a little girl. You know how she changed my life. How can you even ask me why? I had to keep her safe; I had to stay close, in case she needed me. And tonight, she did. That man would have killed her.”

“Yeah? Well, maybe that would have been best.”

Mick didn’t even realize he’d moved until he’d flung Josef against the wall. Josef instantly held out his hands, looking apologetic, and Mick managed not to hit him again. He’d knocked over Josef’s glass, and blood pooled across the wood floor, but the pictures were all still on the table, safe.

“All right already,” Josef said. “I take it back. It’s just – a reporter.

“Beth,” Mick said quietly. “Her name is Beth.”

“Right.” Josef winced, rubbing the back of his head. “Well, I suppose it’s high time you had sex with a human. Fifty years, God.”

“Josef, that’s not what this is about.”

Josef looked genuinely confused. Mick tried again.

“I care about her, all right? That’s all.”

“You can’t ever let her know your secret.”

“I know that. I won’t. She’ll never find out.”

“Mick, this is a really bad idea.” Josef’s voice was suddenly low and concerned, and he looked down, away from Mick. “Getting close to a human – it doesn’t work. They’re like mayflies. There one second, gone the next – unless you turn them.”

“I’m not turning anyone. Ever.”

“I know that, Mick. And that’s the problem.”

Mick was silent.

Josef sighed. “Right. Good luck, then. You’ll need it.” He glanced down at his broken glass, at the spilled blood, and walked carefully around the mess. At the door, he paused and said, “You heard about Spaulding?”

“Yeah.” Mick didn’t want to think about Lee Jay Spaulding. “Looks like he’ll probably get out.”

“Let’s hope not. And there’s one more thing you should know. Elaine’s back in town.”

Mick took a step back, in sudden shock. “What?”

“You heard.”

“But why is she here? Why now?”

Josef shrugged. “That’s all I know. But I imagine you’ll find out.” He slipped away, shutting the door behind him, and Mick stood very still for a moment. Then, methodically, he cleaned the spilled blood and glass from the floor. When the room was spotless again he headed upstairs to the roof, thinking of Elaine, thinking of Spaulding, old memories working through him. But by the time he stood on the rooftop, looking out over the city, his mind was full of Beth again, of the sheer wonder of holding her in his arms, of feeling her trust.

Even if it wasn’t real. Even if it never can be.

He could still look after Beth, openly now, and he could be a friend to her.

He’d save his worries for another day. Tonight, he would think only of Beth.

Last edited by Shadow on Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by lorig »

I like it so far. Nice job. I am curious about Elaine. :cheer:
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

lovely beginning.. taking us into Mick's inner world of the first episode. your writing flows so seamlessly I was at the last line before I knew it. you've left us with a question. I'll wait to see where you take us.
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by helloeeze »

But by the time he stood on the rooftop, looking out over the city, his mind was full of Beth again, of the sheer wonder of holding her in his arms, of feeling her trust.
That line really moved me. I could picture that scene in my mind right before this screen goes black and it says "Joel Silver".

Mick is in a beautiful and touching denial if he thinks he is going to be Beth's friend only as he thinks of her that night. Mick is so prone to obsession Anyway, your story has my mind going many different directions. And who is this Elaine?

Thanks for this wonderful Holiday treat!
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by Shadow »

lorig wrote:I like it so far. Nice job. I am curious about Elaine. :cheer:
thank you lorig ... and I promise to reveal more about Elaine.... ;)
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by allegrita »

Shadow, I love your style. It's so mysterious, so noir. It really captures the aspects that I loved in Moonlight's early episodes. Thank you for this story--I can't wait to see where you go with it! :hearts:
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by wpgrace »

Oh I am so excited to see this from you! Wonderful first chapter... totally filling in a few things, capturing that magical moment splendidly... and setting us up with a mystery... who is Elaine?????? Well done! :clapping:
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Grateful to Alex for Mick, Andy, and McG. :)
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by Shadow »

Luxe de Luxe wrote:lovely beginning.. taking us into Mick's inner world of the first episode. your writing flows so seamlessly I was at the last line before I knew it. you've left us with a question. I'll wait to see where you take us.
Thanks for trying this, Luxe! Glad you liked this beginning.
The question will get resolved .... eventually .....
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by Shadow »

helloeeze wrote:
But by the time he stood on the rooftop, looking out over the city, his mind was full of Beth again, of the sheer wonder of holding her in his arms, of feeling her trust.
That line really moved me. I could picture that scene in my mind right before this screen goes black and it says "Joel Silver".

Mick is in a beautiful and touching denial if he thinks he is going to be Beth's friend only as he thinks of her that night. Mick is so prone to obsession Anyway, your story has my mind going many different directions. And who is this Elaine?

Thanks for this wonderful Holiday treat!
Thanks so very much Helloeeze ... and I love your image of a fadeout at the end, as if this were a mini-episode!
Mick was in a lot of denial in the first few eps, I think ;) ... though things surely did change as time went on.
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by francis »

I really love this. The very first hug of Mick and Beth was so great, because there was so much hidden in Mick that she didn't know, a rich backstory that made it more than met the eyes. It's like that with the whole show.
“Yeah? Well, maybe that would have been best.”
That stung. But it's how Josef works, how he sees humans, or at least pretends to. He wants what's best for Mick, and for the secret.
I love how you explore what Mick feels right now. He wants to be Beth's friend, despite the risk. :heart:
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by AussieJo »

New story from Shadow :hug:
What a lovely Christmas present!
And it will keep on giving.....
Love to you, dear Shadow. :wave:
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by Shadow »

allegrita wrote:Shadow, I love your style. It's so mysterious, so noir. It really captures the aspects that I loved in Moonlight's early episodes. Thank you for this story--I can't wait to see where you go with it! :hearts:
Oh but that's wonderful to hear! It was surprisingly hard to get back into the feel of the first few episodes, since there was so much that changed later on. So I'm very happy you described this as noir .... :biggrin:
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by Shadow »

wpgrace wrote:Oh I am so excited to see this from you! Wonderful first chapter... totally filling in a few things, capturing that magical moment splendidly... and setting us up with a mystery... who is Elaine?????? Well done! :clapping:
Thank you so much, Grace! Glad you liked this first chapter ... especially as I had started to think I would never finish it ... :snicker:
There will be more soon!
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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by redwinter101 »

AussieJo wrote:New story from Shadow :hug:
What a lovely Christmas present!
And it will keep on giving.....
Love to you, dear Shadow. :wave:
Oh I SO agree. A new story!! :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper2: :hyper2: I love the concept - there were so many intriguing transitions from episode to episode, as well as a few that raised more questions than they answered, and I can't wait to see how you tackle them all.

This is a wonderful opening. Just wonderful.


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Re: Let in the Light --- (In Between part 1, PG)

Post by Shadow »

francis wrote:I really love this. The very first hug of Mick and Beth was so great, because there was so much hidden in Mick that she didn't know, a rich backstory that made it more than met the eyes. It's like that with the whole show.
“Yeah? Well, maybe that would have been best.”
That stung. But it's how Josef works, how he sees humans, or at least pretends to. He wants what's best for Mick, and for the secret.
I love how you explore what Mick feels right now. He wants to be Beth's friend, despite the risk. :heart:
... that first embrace is what got me hooked, and I think very much for that reason, too. :hearts: All those hidden secrets.
So right what you said about Josef - and I think his attitude toward humans was particularly harsh in the first episode.
Thanks so much francis, I'm glad you liked this!
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