FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift. (PG-13)

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FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift. (PG-13)

Post by lionsonleashes »

FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

DISCLAIMER: I don’t own ‘Moonlight’, or any of its wonderful characters. I’m just taking them out for a run! No copyright infringement is intended.

SUMMARY: A multi-chapter action-adventure featuring Mick, Beth, Josef, Guillermo, Logan, Talbot, Simone, and a few really big werewolves, among others. Rated PG-13 for mile language and violence.

SPOILERS: Follows on from all 16 episodes of ‘Moonlight’, as aired on CBS. Follows on from Allegrita’s FanFic, ‘Presto Agitato’, Chaps 1 & 2. (Mick and Beth ‘seal the deal’ and become lovers.) Follows on from Desdemona’s FanFic, ‘Silver’, Chaps 1 thru 7 only. (Talbot finds out about vampires in general, and Mick in particular, the hard way!) Borrows, with Eris’ kind permission, her original character of ‘Karl’ from her many fine FanFics.

OK? Ready? Hold on tight…..we are about to encounter some turbulence!


Josef turned his attention to Mick. “I need to talk with you in private, buddy. Come back into the bedroom for a few minutes.” He stood, gesturing for Mick to follow him.

Mick looked uncertain. He looked up at Josef, and then over to Beth.
Josef gestured impatiently. “Come on, today, buddy! Let’s go.”
He glanced at Beth, “And you, young lady, do not listen in! This is guy-talk.” He winked at her.

“Well…..what am I supposed to do out here all by myself?!”, Beth protested, not liking the idea of some secret boys-only meeting.

“Talk to our esteemed Lead Cleaner over there….”, Josef nodded towards the Cleaner in the bubble window. She glared back at him. “Beth….this is Claudia. Claudia…..Beth.” And with that, Josef gripped Mick’s upper arm and hauled him to his feet. The two men disappeared down the hallway to the bedroom.

Beth watched them go, miffed. Don’t listen…right…that was going to be hard…..especially since she desperately wanted to know what the ‘guy-talk’ was about. She was pretty sure it was going to be about her. Well, perhaps if she started up a conversation with the Cleaner, like Josef suggested, she could force her attention away from the ‘guy-talk’.

She stood and walked to the bubble window, smiling at the Cleaner. The Cleaner did not smile back. The two very different women regarded each other in silence for a moment through the thick Lexan bubble. The room was sound-proof, so the intercom had been left open for the Cleaner’s benefit.

Beth broke the silence. “So…..you’re a Cleaner? Claudia, is it?”

“I’m THE Cleaner, the Lead Cleaner…..and yes….my name is Claudia.”

“Hi Claudia. I’m Beth.”

Claudia nodded politely. “Hello.”

“I get the impression that everyone is pretty freaked out by what’s happened to me?”, Beth asked.

“To put it mildly, yes.”

Beth’s eyes wandered the little darkened antechamber behind the Cleaner. She noticed a bench against the back wall in there, and on the bench lay………..

“My sword!”, Beth blurted, leaning forward against the bubble window suddenly, beaming a happy smile.

The Cleaner took an involuntary step back away from the Lexan bubble, startled by Beth’s sudden move towards her.

She regained her composure quickly. “Yes. Josef wanted it cleaned and returned to you. We only did the sword, though. Josef’s staff cleaned and oiled the scabbard. The only damage is one puncture through the leather.”

“Thank you so much!” Beth gushed, grinning ear to ear.

“You’re welcome, but you realize you’ll have to wear gloves to touch it now, since it’s silver.”

Beth nodded. “That’s OK. It has a lot of sentimental value to me. Just having it is enough. It was my Grandfather’s.”

“Yes. So Josef has told me.”

There was a pause.



“You’re here in case something goes wrong……in case I get out?”


“But Josef said you’re unarmed. Planning on using my own sword on me?”, Beth grinned slightly, in a failed attempt to keep things light.

Once again, the Cleaner did not smile back. “Unless I were to get extremely lucky with it….. as you did……. that would most likely be the last thing I would do before dying. If you get out…..I plan on running.”

“Then why are you here?! Who will stop me?”

“Josef’s own Security Team is very well armed, and standing by right upstairs. This Newbie Suite is underground. The only way out is up those stairs.” She nodded to her right. “If you get past Karl and his men…..” The Cleaner hesitated, not sure if she should tell Beth this….. “my crew has the estate surrounded, and they are heavily armed. I guarantee you won’t get past them.”

Claudia was surprised to see Beth smile and sigh with genuine relief, sagging against the frame of the Lexan bubble.

“Thank you.” Beth said softly, “I’m counting on you, you know. I don’t want to become like……my Sire. I don’t want to hurt my friends, or anyone, for that matter. Please……” Beth lowered her voice to barely above a whisper, and leaned closer to the Lexan bubble, making eye-contact with Claudia, her expression pleading, “please…..don’t let me hurt Mick…… I’d rather die than hurt him.”

The Lead Cleaner regarded her in silence for a moment. Clearly, Josef had been right. She had been underestimating this remarkable young woman. Perhaps Josef’s crazy scheme would work after all.

“I’ll do my best.”, she replied, and offered Beth a faint smile.


Mick closed the bedroom door behind himself and leaned against the wall, glaring at Josef. “OK…..What’s this guy-talk you wanted to have?”

Josef folded his arms across his chest and looked at the floor for a moment. He seemed to be trying to find the right words…….that really surprised Mick. Josef was rarely at a loss for words.

“Provided we both survive this little escapade….”, Josef began, “I wanted to ask your permission for something…..before I ask Beth.”

Mick blinked at him, suspicious, “Go on.”

“Once Beth is through her initial transformation, and is mature, as a werewolf…….” Josef paused again, seeming distinctly uncomfortable.

“Damnit, Josef!” Mick whispered harshly, “Just spit it out!”

Josef’s eyes flicked to his friend briefly, then back to the floor, and finally back up to meet Mick’s puzzled gaze.

“I was wanting to ask Beth if she would consider a quid pro quos arrangement with me….. in the feeding department……I buy all the meat she can eat, from now on. I provide jet, or helicopter, transport to woodsy locations whenever she wants, and in exchange……”

Mick’s jaw dropped. “You want her to feed you?!”

“Yeah….well…..don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!” Josef started to pace, running his fingers through his hair nervously, “And would my request be THAT unreasonable? You think exotic meats are cheap!? Or private jets and helicopter rides? Not to mention this facility…..” He gestured at the walls around them, “and risking my life to Foster her! Is an occasional meal of werewolf blood THAT much to ask in return?”

Mick was bestowing his trade-mark intense stare on his friend.

Josef paused and let out an exasperated sigh before continuing, “I wasn’t exaggerating when I said werewolf blood is the vampire’s panacea. There’s no better blood on the planet. They are as much of a delicacy to us as we are to them. Besides….”, Josef added, looking embarrassed, “she can make it faster than I could take it. And I’m not talking about every day! I have a Harem, you know. Just every once in a while is all I’m asking for…..once every couple weeks maybe?” He shrugged and looked at the floor again.

Mick continued to glare at Josef for several seconds. Then, “You can ask her, I guess. It’s up to her. But you stay off her neck, or I’ll kick your ass!” He stabbed a finger in Josef’s direction. “Arms only!”

Josef grinned broadly, and clapped Mick on the shoulder. “Thanks buddy! I knew I could count on you!”

Mick sighed, then thought of something. “Say…..as long as we’re having a guy-talk……what about me and Beth….. later on?”

“Meaning?”, Josef raised one eyebrow.

Now it was Mick’s turn to look embarrassed. “I was wondering about…….you know…..love-making with a werewolf…. in their human form? I mean……is she likely to wolf-out on me? Or bite off something I might need later?”

Josef chuckled and grinned, “Well now…..you’ll have to remember I have no firsthand experience in that department! Phelan was a guy. I’m not into guys….and neither was Phelan! But, from what he told me, werewolves tend to do a lot of mouthing and licking. We’re the ones who bite, not them.”

Mick smiled. “Mouthing and licking, huh? I guess I could put up with that….”


Logan stood in the main kitchen’s meat locker, surrounded by large hanging carcasses, completely at a loss. Each one was cleaned. No skin, no guts, no heads, no lower legs. He knew what beef and poultry smelled like……his mother cooked that often enough for herself and his father back home. But how was he supposed to know which of these were deer? He didn’t know what deer smelled like. What if he picked a goat, or a sheep by mistake? They all looked alike….. just some carcasses were larger than others. He didn’t want to screw up and bring the wrong thing. He realized he needed help.

Stepping outside the meat locker again, he scanned the kitchen. Pretty dead right now……but he heard one heart beat coming from a back pantry. He called out, “Hello back there? Can you help me with something for a minute?”

A young human male, wearing a white cook’s outfit, stepped out of the panty and looked at him. “What ya need?”

Logan smiled, “I need two deer for Beth.”

The young cook blinked at him, clearly puzzled. “The pretty new were? Well, help yourself! The venison are right behind you in there.” He nodded towards the still open meat locker behind Logan.

“I…..uhm….I don’t know which ones are deer and which ones are something else.” Logan was embarrassed, and would have blushed if he could have.

The young cook rolled his eyes and came across the kitchen towards Logan, shaking his head and muttering, “I thought vampires could tell everything by smell.”

Logan shrugged, “I was raised in LA, not Alaska. How am I supposed to know what a deer smells like?”

The annoyed young cook strode past him into the meat locker and pointed to two cleaned carcasses hanging near the door. “These are both venison.”, he said.

“Thanks a lot man!” Logan said happily. He lifted the carcasses off their hooks, and the young cook assisted further by wrapping them in plastic sheeting so they would be less messy to carry through the house.


Back in the living room of the Newbie Suite, Beth had begun asking Claudia casual questions about life as a Cleaner. Claudia had been giving her non-specific, generalized answers.

Beth abruptly stopped talking as a tingling sensation washed down her spine and fanned out through her whole body. She shook her head and ran a hand slowly over her face, feeling slightly dizzy.

“Beth?”, Claudia asked, “Are you OK?”

Beth was looking down at the floor. “Yeah…..I’m fine…..I just felt funny for a second…..but it’s too early….….right?” She looked up at the Cleaner.

Claudia’s eyes went wide. Beth’s blue eyes had become an inhumanly deep shade of sapphire blue. For an instant of shock, the Cleaner felt detached, and thought to herself that the eye color was very unexpected. She’d never heard of a blue-eyed werewolf before……but then, Josef had said he once knew a werewolf with bright green eyes. Perhaps odd eye colors popped up every now and then?

Beth rolled her shoulders. An intense urge to stretch was rapidly overcoming her. “I gotta stretch.....”, she murmured.

“No!”, Claudia barked, “Don’t stretch, Beth! Hold on! Hold it back!” She leaned to her right and frantically shouted into the intercom, “Josef! Mick! Get the hell out of there right now!!! Beth! Hold on! Don’t stretch!”

She had to stretch…..no matter what the Cleaner said…..the urge was too strong…..she couldn’t stop. Rocking forward onto the balls of her feet, she rolled her shoulders again, and reached for the ceiling with her hands, stretching……

And she just kept on stretching. It felt wonderful, better than any first-morning stretch. Her muscles soared and rippled. Her entire being seemed to pulse with strength. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so good, so strong. She rolled her head around, hearing and feeling bones shifting and popping throughout her body. It didn’t hurt…..it felt great. It was the ultimate release.....complete freedom.

Claudia watched in speechless horror as Beth shifted right in front of her eyes, with Josef and Mick now trapped in the back bedroom! Beth had struck a perfectly normal looking human stretching posture at first, but, as the Cleaner watched from behind the safety of the Lexan bubble, Beth’s body rapidly expanded and changed shape. Pale golden fur exploded from her skin. Her face stretched, rapidly becoming a long lupine muzzle. Her teeth became enormous fangs, expanding with her muzzle. She grew taller, still standing on two feet. Her blue silk bathrobe ripped at all its seams. Her tailbone flipped free from her rump and lengthened into a fluffy half-tail. Her feet stretched……her human heels quickly becoming the hocks of her lupine hind legs. This all happened in only a few seconds time.

Mick and Josef ran into the living room and stopped dead in their tracks. “Don’t move.” Josef whispered.

Beth was alittle disoriented. She turned her head to look at Claudia, and found herself looking at a wall instead……where was the bubble window? Oh…..there it was…..down there….it was way below her eye-level now. She could see Claudia looking up at her from the other side of the Lexan bubble, her mouth hanging open in astonishment. The Cleaner looked frightened.

Beth felt awkward and off-balance. It felt like the ceiling was suddenly too low, like her head was brushing it, and she ducked slightly. She stumbled backwards a few steps, lost her balance, overcompensated, and fell forward, landing on her hands. She realized she was still on the balls of her feet, and tried to put her heels down. The result was an abrupt thump onto the floor with her rump.

Wow…..this was embarrassing! What was wrong with her? She felt drunk.

Mick starred in amazement. Before him was a huge pale golden she-wolf, an easy 700 pounds, still draped in the tattered remains of the bathrobe Beth had been wearing. She was the color of a yellow lab, darker gold along her top line, her ears, and short half-tail, then fading to almost white on her belly. Her fur was a little longer than a natural wolf’s fur would be, draping softly from her body, silky and flowing in appearance. She was sitting on her haunches in front of the bubble window, with the wide-eyed Cleaner looking on. The blue silk hair-tie Beth had been wearing was now looped crazily around one tall triangular ear.
Beth…..the new Beth…..turned and looked at them. Her creamy golden muzzle was delicate and refined, gracefully lupine. Her eyes were the most amazing shade of deep sapphire blue that Mick had ever seen. He smiled……she was beautiful.

Beth saw Mick and Josef standing there in the arch of the hallway…….just watching her. Still feeling confused, she brought one hand up to her face, wanting to rub it again…… She saw the huge hand-like forepaw appear where her hand was supposed to be…..creamy white talon-like claws tipped each finger. She froze….starring at her hand. It had happened, she realized…….. she had shifted. It was too soon……she wasn’t expecting it till later……

Beth lurched to her feet, gradually making peace with the whole four-legged thing. She stood still for a moment……adjusting…..getting her balance. Then she shook herself, out of instinct. It seemed like the thing to do. The ripped remains of her bathrobe, as well as the hair-tie, were flung off to the floor. Silky light golden fur swung side to side, like fields of wheat, gleaming in the soft lighting. She stepped cautiously forward, leaving behind the remains of her exploded bedroom slippers.

Josef knew this was potentially disastrous. They would have only minutes, if that, before her hunger kicked in. And he and Mick were the only game in town.

“She’s magnificent!”, Mick breathed beside him, grinning like a fool.

Josef glanced at his awestruck young friend. “Yeah….she’s a real beauty alright. Hopefully, that beauty won’t be the last thing we ever see.”

Mick, still grinning, glanced at Josef, “Beth won’t hurt us.”, he said with certainty.

“Hope you’re right…..”, Josef replied softly. He knew he had to focus on not allowing himself to feel fear…..not even a little bit. He had to give off alpha-male vibes, if they were to survive this unplanned encounter. Leave it to Beth to surprise them! Fear was obviously not an issue for Mick, so he didn’t need to worry about that, at least.

Beth turned and took a few more steps towards Mick and Josef, orienting on them. Claudia yelled through the speakers, “Here Beth! Look at me!”, trying desperately to distract the golden werewolf from the two vampires trapped in the same room with her. The Cleaner leaned way inside the Lexan bubble, pounding and slapping on its interior surface, as she called to Beth…… anything to draw her attention.

Beth winced at the ruckus, and swung around to face the Lexan bubble again….. cocking her head, huge sapphire eyes blinking at the Cleaner for a moment…… before returning her attention to the man she loved…..Mick…….he was here……everything would be alright…..

Then it hit her like a physical blow…….the hunger.
Last edited by lionsonleashes on Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by mitzie »

Oh no, you can't leave it there!! The evil cliffie!!! :twisted: Excellent chapter!!!! :mrgreen:

Must have more...*scream* *scream* *scream* :o *thud* *thud*

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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by lionsonleashes »

Thanks Mitzie! :D More will be coming as soon as I can! ;)
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by eris »

Well that's just mean. Get back here and fix your puppy... figuratively speaking, fo course. :D
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by Luxe de Luxe »

mwah hah hah hah!!!! OUr heroes.... alone with a new werewolf! .... wonderful.
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by lionsonleashes »

eris wrote:Well that's just mean. Get back here and fix your puppy... figuratively speaking, fo course. :D
Hi Eris! :D So happy you're continuing to read my FanFic & I'm REALLY SORRY about the extreme cliffy ending! :oops:
I didn't mean to be mean! :roll: I was just running out of room to post it.....and that seemed like a good place to break it. Guess not!
I'll 'fix my puppy' soon! I promise! :lol:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by lionsonleashes »

Luxe de Luxe wrote:mwah hah hah hah!!!! OUr heroes.... alone with a new werewolf! .... wonderful.
Hi Luxe! :D
Yes......Things are going to be alittle dicey for our heroes! Alone with an unpredictable new werewolf! :o But remember.....that new werewolf loves Mick, & is pretty fond of Josef too! ;) Never underestimate the power of a woman! Or, in this case.....a she-wolf! :lol:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by skyeeblue »

Please update soon I love this story....
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by lionsonleashes »

skyeeblue wrote:Please update soon I love this story....
Update coming tonight! :D
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by redwinter101 »

Well I'm delighted to have got all caught up in time for an update later!

Just one question - you say that Beth in lupine form is about 700 pounds but I'm having trouble visualising what that means in terms of size - height, leg length, that kind of thing. Can you give me a bit more info?



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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by lionsonleashes »

redwinter101 wrote:Well I'm delighted to have got all caught up in time for an update later!

Just one question - you say that Beth in lupine form is about 700 pounds but I'm having trouble visualising what that means in terms of size - height, leg length, that kind of thing. Can you give me a bit more info?


Beth, in her lupine form, is eye-level with Mick while standing on all fours. She's the size of a small horse, or an elk. Just visualize a wolf with a half-tail that stands tall enough to look a man in the eye. If she stands up on her hind legs she's way above them looking down.....visualize a horse on its hind legs, or a large bear.
Hope that helps! :D Thanks for reading and posting feedback!
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by redwinter101 »

That does help a lot, Lions, thanks :)


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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by coco »

Are Mick & Josef Beth's next meal? :shock:
Love this very, very much :mrgreen:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift.

Post by lionsonleashes »

coco wrote:Are Mick & Josef Beth's next meal? :shock:
Love this very, very much :mrgreen:
Glad you're loving the story! :D I have fun writing it! :lol:
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Re: FULL MOONLIGHT----Ch 15----The Shift. (PG-13)

Post by allegrita »

Ooh... I have faith that Mick and Josef will be OK, but hmmmmmmm....is it Logan to the rescue? I hope so, because I do love Logan. And yes, Beth loves Mick and Josef too, in a different way. And I think that she, like Mick in Fever, will find a way to overcome her urges by dint of moral strength and love.

Great update! I'm off to learn what there is to learn from Chapter 16...
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