October Stones, November Rain PG

A place for MoonShadow's G to PG-13 stories
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October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by MoonShadow »

Episode: This was my creation for the Halloween challenge 2008 It got a little to big.
Pairing: The whole gang
Rating: PG13 Occasional language
Spoilers: I wish it had a spoiler
Beta Thank You: Morbius
Summary: Forever is a very long time

CBS & Paramount owns Moonlight, No copyright infringement is intended.

October Stones, November Rain
by MoonShadow

Mick hung up the phone, spun his chair around to the desk, and typed a note into his schedule. Rising from the black leather seat he reached for his jacket. He shrugged the comfortable familiarity of the weight into place and logged off his computer. Glancing at his watch Mick flinched unconsciously and headed out the office door. Late again. They’ll have started the game without me and Josef’s probably cleaning up by now.

The elegant door swung open. The unmistakable sounds of male bonding flowed about him mimicking the wafts of cigar smoke. “Mick! We started without you bro.”

“Yeah, I can see that. I had a last minute call.”

“Good thing you did. Cause I’m cleanin up this hand.”

Mick smiled at the sight. Guillermo wouldn’t be going home with much if he knew Josef. “Glad I brought the ‘gars then.”

Josef looked up maintaining his usual flair. “Bribery and groveling? Mick really.”

Holding up the package Mick dropped his jacket over the back of the open place at the table. “they’re Cubans”. The assorted snorts and grins told him the gift had redeemed his tardiness.

“Pass one of those this way!”

Mick’s eyebrow lifted, yep, the ‘gars did the trick. A gentle whoosh of air escaped the package as he snaked the slender shape from its package. Mick rolled the tobacco between his thumb and fingers before trimming the end with the elegant stainless steel cutter. Drawing deep on the first puffs he relaxed into the aroma. The snick of cards being shuffled a perfect compliment to the moment.

“So, who was more important than us? Dealer takes two.” Josef added the cards to his pile.

“Some guy over past Redondo beach got a bunch of beachfront property and evidentially got a homeless person in the deal. Decided that it,” Mick made air quotes to punctuate his irritation, “messes up the scenery,” Grey eyes hardened through the cloud of smoke at the memory of the callers tone.

Guillerimo glanced up as he added his bid to the pot, “Awww, poor thing” His sarcasm dripped from the words.

“So, St. John’s going to play maid and clean house, how egalitarian of you Mick.” Josef moved his cards into new positions in his hand before snapping them shut and setting them before him on the table.

“I fold”

“I’ll see your bet and raise you two.”

“I’m out. Too rich for my blood.” Laughter ran about the room landing at Mick’s chair. He laughed and leaned forward, “Hey, works for me, it pays the bills.”

“Business must be slow if you’re willing to go chase homeless bums off the beach. Your deal.”


Frankly, Mick was relived when his client finally headed back to the house. Standing in the drive Mick was more than a little tempted to dump this case. This client was one of the typical neauvou rich jerks that had populated the beachfront over the last few years. Plenty of attitude and few if any brains, what was it Josef said about them… all mouth and no words Mick shook his head, no that wasn’t it… Thankfully the continuous crash of waves had drown out most of the endless litany. The grey boulders formed a natural cove arching to each side of the massive house. The setting sun painted exotic colors where the wet sand stirred under the waves.

Walking the ridgeline Mick shoved his hands into his pockets pulling his jacket closer against the tug of the evening wind. The memory of Beth’s picnic ran through his mind. Mick stopped and smiled at the memory, closing his eyes, and savoring the scent of her. Jozef was right, I went from shadows to spotlight and back again. His long sweeping gait covered the ground in short order. Nothing unnatural presented itself. There is nothing here. This is a waste of time.


Beth opened the door and her smile danced in delight, “Mick! Come on in. I was just about to put of pot of coffee on.” Glancing over at him mischievously she added, “At least you can enjoy the smell.”

“Better yet, how about I take you out for breakfast?”

Beth stopped in midstride and beamed, “Just remember, I warned you. You’re going to get so tired of watching me eat.”

Mick smiled at the private joke as he held open her jacket, “Never.”

Comfortably curled into a booth at their favorite café Beth asked between bites about Mick’s newest client. He smiled watching the strawberry stain her lips bright red and answered, “It’s feeling more like a glorified babysitting job. The cove is pretty isolated, you’d have to be a rock climber to get to it from the beach side. The owner has the landward side fenced off and secured. A trespasser would have to be pretty determined to get through..

Beth settled back into her chair and wrapped her hands about the ceramic mug Mick had slid over towards her. He caught the faintest shadow a sorrow as it flittered across her face hiding in the blue depth of her eyes.

“You started dating Josh in October didn’t you?”

Beth nodded and sipped the caramel colored liquid unable to find her voice. The level of perceptiveness that was Mick, never ceased to warm her heart.

“Come with me tomorrow night. It’ll give me someone to talk to and the scenery is great.” Mick’s eyes caressed her soul soothing the sting of memory.

“You sure it won’t be a problem?”

“The owner is off to some big Halloween shindig. It’ll just be you, me, and the ghosts. Oo-ooo-oooh” Mick wiggled his eyebrows and fingers in time with the noise. Beth’s laugh rewarded the effort.

Beth had insisted on driving her own car and meeting Mick at the property arguing that he was working and it would be better for appearance sake. Mick laughed at her caution and refused to let it ruin the morning. The gates swung open as she punched in to access code Mick had given her revealing a lush manicured lawn and gently winding drive. The Japanese maples had turned blood red and shimmered in the evening breeze.

Beth wheeled the Prius into the spot next to Mick and automatically smiled at the sight of him. That man could melt chocolate with just one look. Beth felt a girly giggle bubbling up and couldn’t help but watch as Mick stepped away from his car where he’d been leaning, a flush flowed over her. Okay girl get a grip She took a deep breath and blew it out as she reached for her coat.

Mick opened her door, “You made it, how was traffic?”

“Great place,” Beth said turning around taking the full beauty. “Oh, traffic, fine.” Mick’s grin told her he had heard the race of her heartbeat. Busted.

“Yeah, nothing like living large is there?”

Beth giggled easily as she slid into her jacket. “You see anyone?”

“Nope, not a thing. The owner left an hour ago. It’s just been me and the seagulls. I thought we’d take a walk and then have a bit to eat.”

Beth looked up from her buttons and grinned as they set out, “Perfect!”

The fire was almost out as Beth licked the last of the marshmallow goo from her fingers. “I haven’t toasted marshmallows since I was a kid at camp.”

Mick rolled the logs closer, stirred the fire, sending a shower for orange sparks skyward. “I didn’t go to camp. It was different when I was a kid. My folks didn’t have much money, nobody did, but every year my family would take one big camping trip, usually in the fall. I loved it. We’d pack up the Buick, Mom’d bring all kinds of treats and we’d sit around the fire every night telling ghost stories until I fell asleep.”

“You must miss them so much.”

“Yeah, I do. But, I wouldn’t trade this time for anything Beth.”

Beth looked up from the flames, at a loss for words. Just like chocolate.

“This beats any Halloween party” Mick laughed holding out a hand to help her up, “dinner with your own private monster.”

“Oo-ooo-oooh” Beth replied wiggling her fingers in time with her eyebrows.

“Come on. You’re getting cold. Let’s get you back to your car.” He laughed in response as he held her close, rocking in time with the waves.

The wind picked up speed as Beth drove away. Walking the property Mick smelled the turning of the tide. He paused as the wind brought another sound. Mick twisted and leaned into the breeze unsure of what he’d heard. That sound. There it is again. The wind must create a harmonic over the rocks when the tide turns. Shrugging deeper into his jacket, sighed. Alright, one more loop through the grounds and then I’m outta here.


Mick was faintly surprised by the phone message waiting for him the next night. He’d hit the button on the answering machine playing it over again to double check the date and time stamp. “…damn dog. Scared my groundskeeper says the place is haunted. I want…” Mick cancelled the rest of the repeating message and frowned.Why kill a dog and leave it on the rocks like that? I wonder what this guy is into...

Mick closed the truck of the Mercedes as the owner cleared the corner of the drive slamming down on the brakes. The driver’s window speeding downward; the sight of Mick’s climbing gear stopped him in mid-harangue. “You think they’re out there in my rocks?”

Lifting an eyebrow at the comment Mick continued to sort the piles into ropes and gear, “Well, there’s one way to find out.” He tossed a coil of rope over his shoulder.

Neauvou Rich shook his head and curled his lip as he threw the car into gear, rolled up the window and sped off.

Mick shook his head at the sight of the Dracula costume, “Rough life buddy. I don’t recommend it.” He added to the fading taillights.


Mick let the rope drop, clipped the carabinier of his harness on and began to feed the line, bouncing outward as he dropped. The cave opening was about a third of the way down the face. He rappelled over to it feeding line as he went. The smell hit him before he’d secured his rope. Decay, and a lot of it Through the opening Mick saw the bodies laid out almost reverently. What in the… Kneeling over the carcasses; Mick’s fingers the length of the macabre array hovering, his dark eyes troubled. Through the stench of decay he could smell it, sniffing again to be certain. Guillermo isn’t going to be happy about this Mick sighed as he worked, but I need answers.


“Mick! Ya gotta be kinding man! This is a morgue not the city pound. I get caught with that in here and I get busted.”

“I need to know what killed it.”

“How do I know? I’m not a vet.”

“Open it up and look.” Mick made a hasty exit adding, “You better hurry if you don’t want to get caught.”

“Mick!” Guillermo yelled as he turned back to the now empty room, “You owe me man! Big time!”


Now that he knew where to look Mick picked his spot with care. Access to the cave was doable from two routes. Mick picked the second, cutting off the escape route for whoever was behind this. Settling in Mick stilled himself, drawing the silence of the stones around him into his soul. Whoever had mutilated those animals would be dangerous and armed. In the darkness Mick’s vision sharpened, a vampire is a true creature of the night, he hunts best in the blackness. The rising wind brought with it the scent of the turning tide.Any time now.

Mick wasn’t sure if the moaning howl was animal or human. It really didn’t matter, the hunt had begun. Silver white gleamed in Mick’s searching eyes; a movement in the shadows became his target. Humans have never stood a chance against a vamp on the hunt. They are right to fear us. Mick stalked his prey closing the distance. Mick whirled with the incoming rush of wind, the shrieking wail hurtled about the cave ripping its way out again. Confused Mick spun, surprised, frozen and defensive; distorted visions washed over him, the wailing became soul ripping in its agony, loneliness, fear, and anger, great anger grabbed his mind. Taking a gamble Mick gathered himself and jumped. Grabbing the rocky ledge, he hauled himself over it, rolled to a crouch, sand shot against the rocks. The wavering shadow was all Mick saw in the distance. Whatever or whoever it was, was gone.


“I’m telling you Josef whatever it was knew when I moved. There’s no way it was human.”

“Come on Mick, vamp’s don’t hang out at the beach and howl at the moon. I think you’ve got your Halloween creatures mixed up.” Josef’s smirk arched annoyingly.

“Okay, you explain the dead animals.”

Josef’s stare locked onto Mick, “You left off the dead animal part.”

“Guillermo’s got one in his lab. He’s taking a look at it for me.”

Josef’s body had lost its easy playboy posturing. Mick watched as Josef left the glass untouched, straightened taught and dangerous. The white shading of his eyes told Mick just how dangerous this something was.

“I’ll meet you there tomorrow night.”

“I don’t thing I need help hunting Halloween monsters.”

“No, but you’re going to need help with this.” Josef gathered up his jacket and headed for the door. “You call me and tell me what Guillermo finds, tell him to burn what’s left. We don’t need the ASPCA investigating a mutilated animal case. Some bleeding heart from the”

“I didn’t say it was mutilated.” Mick finished as the door swung closed.


Mick stood letting the rant of the overweight vamp want-a-be blow past him. Occasionally glancing down at the source of annoyance seemed to only fuel the tirade. Either he throws enough money around or he’s got to be connected to someone. No one in their right mind would want Count Charming at any party. Mick felt the rumble of the Ferrari before he noticed the lack of yammering. “Excuse me” Mick told the stunned face, “that’s a client of mine.”

The sight of Josef’s pale face and whitening eyes caused nervous twitching and sweating. The rotund body jerked his watch up and uttered, “Oh my, look at the time.” Back pedaling, eyeballing the Ferrari, he crammed his girth behind the wheel of his car and slammed the door. The yellow Boxter roared to life and sped out the driveway.

“God I love this holiday.” Josef snarked as he tugged his jacket lapels deftly. “That postulant excuse for a Count Chochula gone for the night?” Josef leaned against the door of the elegant scarlet vehicle savoring the warm that emanated from the engine, crossing his arms.

Mick nodded his head walking over, “You didn’t tell me how you knew those animals had been drained dry.”

“So, where’s the mystery lady been hanging out?”

“You know who’s behind this.” The haunting moan rose over the rustle of the waves. Mick’s eyes snapped to the direction of the sound and back just as quickly only to find empty space where Josef had just stood. Mick spun in mid stride running for the cliff as he cleared the trees he saw Josef standing on the rock ledge ahead of him. Mick slowed as the wind carried the sound of Josef calling a name. The wind distorted all sound making it impossible to what Josef was saying. But the sight of Josef holding out one hand and gesturing with the other was enough to make Mick stop dead in his tracks.

The wracked shape clutched yet another body to its chest; it moaned and wavered took one step, then another creeping towards Josef. Then the wind stalled, shifted, and the face turned towards Mick. The scream rose. Inhumanly fast she ran towards the sea screaming and jumped.

“Damn it Mick, why didn’t you stay out of the way?”

“Maybe if you’d told me what you were going to do. What is going on here?”

Josef’s look of irritation was answer enough.

“Okay, who is she?” Mick asked turning back to look down the beach. “Josef?” Mick looked back to an empty space. The sound of the Ferrari’s rumbling throat echoing over the drive. “Josef!” Mick shook his head as he watched to car disappear from sight.

Mick stood waiting, the sound of the coming tide washed through the trees. The fading light lit the clouds from within, they beamed a glorious salmon gold. He wandered across the graceful landscaping. "Why did you come back?"

“Go home Mick.” Josef said stepping from the shadows.

“I can’t leave this hanging,” the words faded as he saw the stake cradled in Josef’s hand. Mick sighed, “So this is how you’re doing to do this?”

“She’s been alone too long Mick. Time. It ate her up, spit her out. She couldn’t stand it, the time.”

“You knew her? Know her...”

“I knew her a long time ago.”

“Then why this, why now?”

“I owe her.” Josef’s eyes silvered with his emotions. “I should have done this years ago Mick. It would have been kinder but she never hurt anyone out here. Oh, she scared a few kids now and then but this,” Josef waved the fisted stake, “it was all empty land. Rough and safe for her.” A soft sigh slipped from him, he adjusted his shoulders under the weight of his decision. Resolved Josef walked towards the stones. Mick moved to follow his friend. “No Mick. Not this time. I’ll do it.” Josef’s words blew back to him.


Mick felt old as he drove through the night traffic. The reflection looking back at him was as void of answers as he felt.

Standing on the balcony listening to the Santa Ana winds whisper their secrets Mick waited. Freshies had gathered inside, visited as they danced to the music and nibbled on chocolate treats. Mick heard the hubbub pause and change tenor, that would be Josef he thought turning towards the door.


Alone Josef stood watching the skyline pink with dawn. He drew a deep breathe smelling the approaching storm. The soft droplets of warm rain patterned the slate around him, caressing his pale cheeks. “November rain” he whispered to the silence.
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by librarian_7 »

This is a very interesting story, and one that leaves us with so many questions yet to be answered. Who was she? How did Josef know her?

Thanks for sharing it, MS. Your work is always thought-provoking.

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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by coco »

Oh how wonderful :biggrin:
I really enjoyed this MoonShadow :thumbs:
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by kareng »

Oh Moonshadow, that was a great story. It definately left us hanging. I would like to know who she is and how she is involved with Joseph. But I really enjoyed your story. Also, thank you for the PM letting me know that you posted a new story.
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by MoonShadow »

coco, kareng, & Lucky,

Thank you very much for posting. It means so much as a writer to have feed back. I tried to say consistent with old fashioned 'ghost stories' with this one. Lost of unanswered questions, strange twists and short endings.

I used to love camp fire time, great stories and boo at the end... :ninja:
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by wpgrace »

So did he kill her?

She was a feral vamp?

How did Josef know her?

A haunting story indeed!
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by MoonShadow »


I always loved a good ghost story as a kid, after I wrote this I laughed and felt like I should have written BOO! at the end. I hope I accomplished my goal for this genre'

thanks again everyone!

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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by francis »

This is really good. Nice twists, good exposition, and the ghost was eery because you didn't give us much in terms of description and explanation. Just the basics. Poor Josef , though.
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by MoonShadow »

I still ponder over the effect of living for so long. Losing so many loves, the impact of change,

Given the immortality of a vampire, sanity would become relative.
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by tucutecats »

Ohhhhhhhh I love your work, so though provoking. More please,we are so greedy.
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by MoonShadow »

I understand the addiction :teeth: I love to read fanfic! Now if Josef, Beth, and most importantly Mick, would keep telling me stories I would keep writing them down.
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

Very haunting story, with so much left unanswered. *shivers* Glad it came to the front so I could find it! :mooncat:
Last edited by MickLifeCrisis on Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by allegrita »

Thought-provoking, poignant, eerie, and mysterious. A great ghost story with an immortal twist. I agree - poor Josef!
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by starbucksjunkie »

Such an original story. And deftly done, with some marvelous touches.

Well done.

"There is a degree to which . . . all literature, highbrow or low, from the Aeneid onward, is fan fiction . . . retelling and reimagining the stories that were told before us and that we have come of age loving--amateurs--we proceed, seeking out the blank places in the map that our favorite writers . . . have left for us . . ." -- Michael Chabon, Maps and Legends
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Re: October Stones, November Rain PG

Post by MoonShadow »

micklifecrisis, allegrita, & sbj,
Thank you! I am tickled to see readers coming through and commenting on the older works,
Now I need to come up with a new Halloween tale...

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