Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

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Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by cassysj »

I do not own any recognizable characters no copyright infringement is intended.


Mick St. John felt like a kid again sleeping in his old bedroom. It still looked like a boy’s room with a baseball glove, a few stray toys that his teenage self hadn’t tossed aside and a small second place trophy from Miss Farnston’s Music School. He had to stop taking lessons in 1932 when Dad lost his job.

The war, Lilah everything had all taken a toll on him. His parents’ house was a safe haven but he was going to have to figure out what to do with the rest of his life.

His mother knocked on the door at 8A.

“Michael, it’s time to get up so we can go to Mass.”

Mick was about to refuse but before he could say a word his mother said.

“God brought my son home safe and sound from the war. We should honor the birth of his son.”

Mick sighed. “I’ll be right there Ma.”

He joined his folks for Christmas morning services and when they went home, his mother prepared a huge feast. Pancakes, sausage, eggs. Food rationing was still in effect but for Christmas they would eat like the war never happened.

After breakfast they went to open their gifts. His father said to him.

“Mickey you mentioned that one of the things you really missed was your music. So your mother and I got you this. He reached behind the tree and pulled out what was obviously a guitar case.

Mick pulled the paper off and was stunned to see it was a leather case and when he opened it instead of his old guitar it was a brand new one.

“Dad you can’t afford this…”

“I haven’t given my son a proper Christmas gift for four years. The guy at the store promised me it’s that latest thing.

His mother kissed him. “We’re just glad you’re home and in one piece. So many boys never made it back. Play Silent Night for me Michael”

Mick looked at his parents and for the first time in a long time he felt he was home.


Mick was at Josef’s annual Christmas Eve bash. The freshies were wrapped in bows and nothing else.

He was enjoying one freshie named Candy when he heard Josef say.

“I didn’t invite The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.”

Coraline ignored him. “Mick, a husband and wife should be together on Christmas.”

Mick glared at her. “What do you know about Christmas? Coraline’s idea of Christian Charity is to kill the person before she drains them.”

“Mick you’re just upset about my little accident. I know The Cleaners are expensive but…

“Your little accident was fourteen years old.”

“She was a runaway. Coraline yelled. Besides they are so tasty when they’re babies. Isn’t that right Josef?’

Josef turned his back on her and gave his attention to his freshie. “I’m on a different diet Coraline, you may have heard of it. Willing blood.

Coraline pushed passed Josef and dropped her coat. Every man in the room stopped to check out her naked form that shimmered in the Christmas lights.

Mick’s jealousy kicked in. His eyes turned silver and tossed her coat at her. “Get dressed. We’re going home.”

Coraline smiled she won again.


Beth looked at the clock. “It’s midnight!!! Time to open the presents.”

“Didn’t you wait until Christmas morning? Mick asked.

Beth shook her head. “Santa could only afford to bring one toy. Mom used to wake me up as soon as it was delivered.”

“Beth, I hate to tell you this but Santa Clause isn’t real.”

“Yes he is. Reverend Felcher used to deliver toys to some of the poorer families every Christmas Eve. After midnight service he would deliver toys to about five or six families in a Santa suit. They usually arrived about 2A and Mom was so excited she woke me up. One year when I was eight I got the Barbie Dream House. I heard Mom tell the Reverend that it was too much but he said he had a benefactor. That’s when I knew for sure that Santa was real. He just wasn’t a guy in a red suit.

Mick nodded That first year after Beth’s kidnapping he almost killed Reverend Felcher for sneaking up to Turner house on that rain soaked night. Once he found out he was a minister and his reasons, Mick had financed the personal Toys for Tots program until the old man died five years ago.

“All right you can open your gifts. It’s technically Christmas anyway.”

Beth tore into her gifts with the enthusiasm of a five year old. Mick froze when she handed him what was obviously a guitar case.

“I hope you like it” Beth said “The guy at the store assured me it was state of the art.”

Mick opened his present and he felt as warm and happy as he did that Christmas long ago with his family. It was a long time but he was finally home.

Edited to add the two other challenge points. I had thought of them but forgot to type. :blushing:
Last edited by cassysj on Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by jen »

Oh, Cassy!

That is fabulous! Mick deserves a nice Christmas and some warm. pleasant Christmas memories.

Thank you for writing this gem!
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Re: Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by Lucy »

Well, Mick has made enough 45 degree turns in his life to come full circle...or back to square one.... beautiful illustration of that fact!
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Re: Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by francis »

Beth is home for Mick and you illustrated this perfectly.
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Re: Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by Marigold »

Oh, Carol, I loved this! :heart: :rose:

1945 - Many of my favorite Moonlight stories deal with human Mick, before he became a vampire. It was wonderful to see him interact with his parents. :hankie: :happysigh:

1978 - That Coraline! She has Mick wrapped around her finger, and she knows exactly which cards to play. :eyeroll: It was good to see Josef threw one of his infamous parties. :snicker:

2011 - I'm so glad that Mick and Beth are spending Christmas together. :hearts: And finding out that he sponsored the Toys program makes me love him even more. :melts: I'm not surprised that Beth played with Barbies. :winky: Maybe she still does... :snicker:

And the best part of the whole story... the last line. Beth and Mick are family. She brings out the best in him, and lights up his life. He is her guardian angel, and will always be there for her.

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Re: Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by allegrita »

Oh honey, you've got me crying. Really crying. :hankie: :hankie: :hankie:

I loved visiting Mick's memories... even the bad ones. :Mickangel: It really made me feel that I knew him better. And honestly, I felt sorry for Coraline in that middle section. At that point all she had left was the shock factor. That's all that worked. She was desperate, and she'd already mostly lost Mick. How awful must that feel--to have had Mick and lost him? :mdrama:

I loved the way you bookended this story with the guitar gifts... it's the way Moonlight episodes were bookended. I'm so glad Beth bought him the guitar. It was the perfect gift. :rose:

It took Mick a long time, but he is finally, finally home. :heart:
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Re: Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by cassysj »

jen - Thank you. I don't take Mick out to play too much.

Lucy - I wanted him to find his way back home

francis - Beth is his world

Marigold - The 1945 is the part I saw most clearly. It had to be hard for the men that came home after such a long time. Josef would have his own decadent Christmas eve. :laugh: I gave Beth a Barbie dreamhouse here. That is one of the few things I never had and still don't. I had the Barbie Townhouse :laugh:

Alle - I did feel bad for Coraline. She was pulling her last card. I had the guitars to show how his family understood him. Coraline could have bought him the most expensive instruments but I think he would have had a different feeling about them.
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Re: Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by MoonShadow »

Nicely Done!!!
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Re: Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by JanLuvsAlex »

Iam sure glad Beth could give Mick some Happy Christmas memories!! :xmaslights:
Past and Present!!! :smooch:
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Re: Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by cassysj »

Shameless bump but it makes me feel a little sentimental :hankie:
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Re: Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by allegrita »

This is my story for today. I love traveling down Memory Lane with Mick. He had some great Christmases and some really bad ones, but now he's back with family... and his family is Beth. :hearts:
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Re: Mick's Memories PG-13 Champage Holiday Challenge

Post by MickLifeCrisis »

I don't remember ever reading this one. What a wonderful way to have Mick come full circle! Thank you!

:thanks: :wreath: :mistletoe:
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